business talk

The Lost Daughter

In C Empire, Pres Min Jae is having a meeting with the Board of Directors

BOD: Sir We the BOD just want to know wo will be the one to take over your place

Pres Min Jae: i have someone in my mind 

BOD: It's not that we don't trust you but we just don't want someone taking over the company with no experience

Pres Min jae: she's not just someone actually she's my daughter

BOD: we don't know you have a daughter

Pres Min Jae: my long lost daughter, i will introduce her to you and to the company after we settle out things considering our problem right now

BOD: okay sir


meanwhile back to sulli and minho

minho: i think we should get going

sulli: okay my mom and dad must be waiting for me


they got home and sulli saw her father in the living room

sulli: appa what are you doing there alone

minjae: i'm just waiting for you

minho: good evening sire

min jae: good evening to you too minho

sulli: waiting? for what

minjae: i wanted to talk to you in person 

sulli: arrasso me & minho will just change first 

minjae: i'll wait for you in the garden


minho and sulli went upstairs

sulli: i wonder what would appa tell me 

minho: i hope it's not about our relationship

sulli: i don't think it's about that, anyway i'll meet you in my room okay after we talk

minho: arrasso

sulli kissed minho's cheeks and went to her father

sulli: so appa what do you want to tell me

min jae: i just want to have a little talk with my daughter 

sulli: about what?

min jae: you know sulli me missed half of your life, are you happy that we found you

sulli: of course i am, all my life i want to know who my parents are, why didn't they find me, are they looking for me, are they ok, things like that

min jae: that's good to hear, so how are you doing with your studies?

sulli: it's actually i'm doing great, i'm actually one of the top student's in my class

mi jae: that's a great news sulli, i want you to know something

sulli: what is it appa?

min jae: i want to introduce you C Empire i want my company and the whole world to know my daughter

sulli: but why all of a sudden

min jae: the BOD wants to know who will take over my place when i resigned i told them my daughter will. I didn't told them the whole story because i want to tell it when i introduce you

sulli: i'm not yet ready appa, i'm still young

min jae: ill give you time, maybe after graduation would be find

sulli: arrasso

min jae: sulli i just want to secure your future we have no competitors in our business and i want you to take over my place. I will ask minho to look after you 

sulli: arrasso appa

min jae: then in settled then. By the way jinri i just want to know does minho take good care of you?

sulli: of course appa he is very nice and gentleman

min jae: did he already propose?

sulli: appa what's with the question?

min jae: i just want to know because i want someone like him to look after you incase something happen to me

sulli: don't say that appa, actually he said that he wants to marry

minjae: what? when? (minjae suddenly stand up)

sulli: appa stop being paranoid

minjae: that fast? we just got you back

sulli: i told him to wait after we graduate

minjae: he needs to talk to us first before you two get married. He better do it good cause i want my daughter to be happy 

sulli: arrasso appa

sulli hugged her dad

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VictoriousNick #1
Chapter 50: Please Update!!!

zangsia1 #2
Chapter 50: Wonderful update authornim, i hope that even if her parents will be giving her to minho after one week, that their relationship will grow stronger.
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 49: love the dress if only you had a picture it would be perfect ... but still thanks authornim
afelhojas #4
Chapter 48: what a great couple they are both in love pls let them married soon too xcited .....
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 48: Minho wants to get married asap
nana4ever #6
Chapter 48: It's so sweet to see Minho so excited about the wedding... Can't wait

Thank you my dear.

Enjoy your weekend. ;)
zangsia1 #7
Chapter 47: sweet super sweet... thanks authornim
afelhojas #8
Chapter 47: sweet couple pls update again tnx authornim
nana4ever #9
Chapter 46: Wow... This is such a big responsibility for our couple. The only thing that concerns me .... As newlyweds they should be able to enjoy this time for a few years. So hopefully all will go well and they don't have to take the full responsibility until later

Happy to see the update ... It's getting very interesting ;)
nana4ever #10
Chapter 45: It was nice to see the update my dear. I've missed this story.

Thank you and enjoy your day
