Time Flies

The Lost Daughter

Even though Pres.Min Jae and his wife Ji Eun moved to Korea they still couldn't accept that their daughter is dead. Ji Eun is always in sulli's room in there Mansion in Korea. Always crying and she even decorated Sulli's room every year because as time flies sulli's grow. There company is still one of the biggest and most powerful company in korea.


After 11 yrs 

Jinri is now 17 she is studying in Harvard University together with Minho. But they couldn't finish there college year there because they will go back to Korea in time for her 18 birthday she will be announce in public and to the whole korea. 

While in Harvard Jinri is very popular because she is beautiful and smart some of the studen't admire her humor and her nice attitude. While Minho is also popular because of his handsome looks, smart , and for being sporty. Boys are courting Jinri like they always ask her out, open the door for her, and sometimes they even try to hit on her but they couldn't because........


Ken: Hey Jinri!!! wanna go out with me? i'll treat you to a famous restaurant

Jinri: I'm sorry ken but i have to study and prepare for tomorrow's exam

Ken block her way then suddenly

Ken: come on Jinri just for tonight?! 

he tried to kiss her but suddenly someone stop him

Minho: Jinri can't go with you tonight becuase we have something to do.

Ken: and who are you ?

Minho: I'm Minho. Choi Minho

Jinri try to stop them both before minho could say anything

Jinri: stop both of. Minho lets go. Ken i'm sorry but i'm not interested in you.


they left ken in the hallway but Minho is so angry that he couldn't control his emotion. they walked outside and stop behind a big tree where nobody can see them. Minho was hurting Jinri's hand suddenly they stop.


Jinri: Minho whats wrong with you can't always pick a fight with boys.

Minho: Can't you just be thankful and get over it.

Jinri: of course not

Minho: Can't you see thathe tried to hit one you?

Jinri: i know but you should control your temper. You can't always fight them

Minho: what if he kiss you and your fall for it? Im just protecting you

Jinri: why would i fall for it and i wouldn't let him but what if he is my boyfriend would you still be like that?

Minho: Yes he can't kiss you like that

Jinri: and why not? he is my boyfriend we can do whatever we want to!

when jinri was about to leave minho, he holds her hand and hugged jinri into his arms an dhis face is close to her.

Minho: i'm sorry i shouldn't yell at you

Jinri: i know stop being so paranoid i'm okay and i won't let them kiss me okay

Minho: i will always protect you and you shouldn't let him hurt you like that

Jinri: okay now stop being so dramatic i have a class


Jinri left minho and when she got to her class she can't focus on her studies because she is still shock about what minho. He hugged her like he's being jealous suddenly Jiyoung talk to her


Jiyoung:yah! jinri snapped out of it

Jinri: huh? what ow ! jiyoung whats up?

Jiyoung: whats up with me? what about you? you've been silence the whole class you didn't even recite when our professor was asking are you okay?

Jinri: yeah i'm okay 

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VictoriousNick #1
Chapter 50: Please Update!!!

zangsia1 #2
Chapter 50: Wonderful update authornim, i hope that even if her parents will be giving her to minho after one week, that their relationship will grow stronger.
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 49: love the dress if only you had a picture it would be perfect ... but still thanks authornim
afelhojas #4
Chapter 48: what a great couple they are both in love pls let them married soon too xcited .....
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 48: Minho wants to get married asap
nana4ever #6
Chapter 48: It's so sweet to see Minho so excited about the wedding... Can't wait

Thank you my dear.

Enjoy your weekend. ;)
zangsia1 #7
Chapter 47: sweet super sweet... thanks authornim
afelhojas #8
Chapter 47: sweet couple pls update again tnx authornim
nana4ever #9
Chapter 46: Wow... This is such a big responsibility for our couple. The only thing that concerns me .... As newlyweds they should be able to enjoy this time for a few years. So hopefully all will go well and they don't have to take the full responsibility until later

Happy to see the update ... It's getting very interesting ;)
nana4ever #10
Chapter 45: It was nice to see the update my dear. I've missed this story.

Thank you and enjoy your day
