Starbucks anyone?

"We're Just Friends" [HIATUS]

Minyoung's POV

"You know, you should put on your sun glasses before someone notices you." I slapped my hand over my mouth when I noticed what I said. Obviously, I wasn’t thinking when I said that. We both stopped and stared at each other. He looked at me with a confused expression as he was trying to form words with his mouth.

"How'd you know who I was?"




Key's POV

"Well…. To be honest…. Ummm, I became a fan of SHINee when I started listening to K-Pop… " She looked at the ground and did her best to avoid my eyes.

“Oh, is SHINee your favorite group?” I secretly hoped she’d say yes.

"Actually, no.” Boo. “My favorite group is 2PM."

I pouted at her answer and earned a giggle from her. Perfect time to start advertising. I put on my irresistible smile and looked at her.

"Well then, what do I have to do to make SHINee your fav-"

"OH MY GOD, I'M GOING TO BE LATE. I HAVE TO GO." She yelled as she broke into a run.

I looked around and noticed that we were in front of the SM building. When did we get here??


Minyoung's POV

I am SO lucky I saw the SM sign when I looked away… Stupid dance practice. First you took away my sleeping time, and now you want to take away a once in a lifetime chance? Today’s class better be worth it.

"WAIT. WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" I heard Key yell behind my back. Man he's loud.

"MINYOUNG. HWANG MINYOUNG!!!" I yelled without looking back. I ran through the double doors and quickly asked the first person in sight where dance practice room 7A was. I earned some questionable looks from him as he told me where to go. I quickly bowed and started running towards the room. On the way, I kept praying that I wouldn’t get into too much trouble. What a wonderful way to start my first day of practice.


Key's POV

Awww, well that's a pretty name. Hwang Minyoung. It had a nice ring to it. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Oh no! I forgot to ask for her phone number! Hopefully she doesn’t post anything in her minihompy or else I’m screwed. I checked my phone only to see 21 messages from the dino head. Funny, I wonder how I didn’t notice my phone vibrating so much. I put my phone back in my pocket, slipped on my shades and started heading towards the dorm without bothering to text back. I hope they cooked breakfast today. I was tired of cooking all the time and I really needed a break. As I arrived at the dorm, I was welcomed by the smell of kimchi stew.


As I was setting down my keys and taking off my hat, Jonghyun turned to me and started interrogating me.

"Yah! Where were you? I woke up and found your bed empty! I tried texting you but you never replied to me! Do you have any idea how worried we were!? I was about to call the police!"

Crap. I started to take off my shoes as I thought of an excuse. I couldn’t let them know that I met a girl.

“Ummm. Well I was passing by a store when I saw a pair of boots in the window that I just had to have!”

I put on my diva face hoping to make the story more persuasive. I held my breath as I waited for his reaction.

“Ohhhhh, you should’ve just said so! I know how you don’t like to be bothered when you’re shopping.”

Phew. I let out my breath and fixed my bangs. I went to the couch at sat by him.

“So, where are the shoes?”


“Oh. Ummm, they didn’t have my size.”

I quickly got up from the couch, leaving Jonghyun slightly confused. I walked towards the table and saw Minho and Taemin setting the dishes. I greeted them good morning and patted their heads as I approached the kitchen to check on the food.

After a while, Onew brought the stew towards the table as Taemin and Minho sat down. I went to the refrigerator and took out 5 bottles of milk.

"We pretty much have an off day today except for this evening. We have to go to the company building and discuss our comeback. Manager hyung had to go somewhere and said he'll see us at the meeting,” said the leader.

"He's probably at home with his wife celebrating his anniversary…" Jonghyun said as he sat down the table.

Oh God, what a ert.

"YA! You don’t say things like that at the table!" I yelled and smacked the back of his head. He rubbed his head and shut his mouth.

"If we're not doing anything today, I think I'm going to go to play soccer or something. I haven't done that in a while," Minho frowned. I swear, sometimes I think he would’ve been happier as an athlete instead of an idol.

"I think I'll just go watch a movie and eat or something. I'd probably get tired after 15 minutes of playing," Onew said. I bet there’s fried chicken involved in his lunch plans.

"Let me go with you! I have nothing else to do…" Jonghyun pouted. Onew nodded and Jonghyun resumed eating his breakfast happily.

"I'm going to the studio to practice some solo dances. I have to perfect them for our recordings next week," Taemin stated, then proceeded to sip on his banana milk.

"Fine, I'll just go shopping then. And guys don't forget to wear something to cover your face!" I yelled.

"Yeah, okay." "Sure thing." "Yes sir." "Uh-huh" they all said, paying more attention to their breakfast than on me.

"YAH! I'M SERIOUS. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT'LL HAPPEN IF SOMEONE RECOGNIZES YOU!!" I suddenly remembered the girl from this morning. I stuffed my mouth with kimchi stew hoping no one would notice me blushing. Yeah, that’s right. I was blushing. Men can blush.

"WHO'S DOING THE DISHES THIS TIME?" Jonghyun shouted. This boy needs to tone it down, it's still morning!

We all got up and played Rock, Paper, Scissors. As usual, our little maknae lost. He groaned as he turned the faucet to warm the water.

“Wait, who’s your partner?”

I whipped my head around and glared at Jonghyun.

“Uhhhh, I pick Key hyung!”

You are sooooo going to get it later, dino head. I sighed and picked up a towel while Taemin put on the gloves. The rest of the guys left the kitchen to get ready.

“So, where were you this morning?”

“I was at the park.”

“Wait, I thought you went shopping?”

I stopped wiping the plate I was holding.

“Oh yeah, I went shopping after I went to the park, haha…” I went back to wiping the plate, hoping he didn’t notice my slip up.

“Hyung, something happened huh?” Okay, so he did notice. But how did he know? I don’t think I made it that obvious…

“What makes you say that?”

“Because if you really wanted those boots, you would’ve found a store that had your size. And don’t think I didn’t see you blushing at the table earlier.” He looked at me and flashed his innocent smile. Gahh, it’s really impossible to hate the maknae when he acts like this. But kudos to him for noticing.

“Trust me Taeminnie, it’s nothing big.”

I looked at him just in time to see him pout. Was he disappointed?


The rest of the dishwashing was done in an awkward silence. Every time I’d try to joke around, he’d just flash a small smile and look away. He knew how to get things out of me, and fortunately for him, it worked almost every time. When we finished, I gave in.

“Fine fine fine, I’ll tell you. Just stop pouting!!”

Immediately he grinned and we both sat on the counter. I began kicking my legs as I started to talk.

“So, I bumped into a foreigner when I was at the park.”

“That’s it? That’s why you were late? You just had to give directions? I don’t understand why you couldn’t just say so…”

She was lost, so I walked her.”

“OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH.” Taemin made that “O” shape with his mouth and urged me to go on.

“I ended up walking her instead of just giving directions since she was hopelessly lost. We talked a little to get to know each other and well, that’s pretty much it.”

“Did you get her number?”

“…………………….” I looked down and started playing with my feet.

 “HYUNG! How could you forget to get her number!?”

“It slipped out of my mind okay! And she was in a hurry!” I crossed my legs and my arms and looked the other way.

“I guess it wasn’t meant to be huh? Oh well, we’re still young. There’s a lot more girls to meet.” Taemin started smiling. I can’t believe he’s only two years younger than me. It was so obvious he hasn’t had his first love yet, let alone his first girlfriend.

I just nodded in agreement and started thinking. What if I don’t find someone else? I mean, most of the girls in this country are just crazy, deluded fans. What are the chances of me meeting someone who doesn’t scream in my face asking me to hug them or faint just by seeing me in person? Someone like Minyoung…

“Hey, what’re you guys doing? You guys should be getting ready.”

Onew walked towards us with Jonghyun right behind him.

“Oh yeah! I’ll go shower now, I’ll talk to you later hyung!” Taemin patted my leg and hopped off the counter. He playfully hit Onew on the stomach as he ran towards the restroom.

“Yah! Aish, that boy. Anyways, Jonghyun and I are heading out now. We’re going to the noraebang after the meeting if you want to come. We already told Minho. Don’t forget to tell Taemin.”

“Sure, I’ll go. I have nothing better to do anyways. I’ll tell him after he’s done taking a shower.”

“Okay. Well, see you later! Let’s go Jonghyun.”

“See you later Key!”

I waved goodbye as they left the dorm. I the TV and stretched on the couch. Just then, the doorbell rang. Ugh, seriously? I JUST got comfortable. I was just about to get up when Minho came out in exercise clothes with a soccer ball in hand.

“My friends are here. I’ll be going now, bye hyung!”

Just like that, Minho left the dorm. I decided to go to the bathroom to check on Taemin. It was empty, so I assumed he was already dressing up. I went to his room and knocked.

“Come in!”

I opened the door to find Taemin on the bed with his laptop.

“Yah! I’ve been waiting for you to leave! What are you doing?” I laid on my stomach next to him and looked at the screen. He was watching dance videos, as usual.

“I’m trying to figure out what dance I should teach today.”

“Teach?” He didn’t mention this earlier.

“Oh, right. I called after I got ready and asked if it was okay if I came in. They said it was okay as long as I taught a class first.”

“Well, what time will you be done? Don’t forget we have a meeting. And Onew wants to go to the noraebang afterwards.”

“I’ll probably be a little late to the meeting since I have to shower. Don’t worry, I’ll tell manager hyung. I’m going with you guys to the noraebang for sure though.”

“Okay, don’t work too hard! And you should just teach the dance you did on Maknae Rebellion. It’s challenging enough.”

“Hmmm, you’re right. Okay, I’ll teach that!” Taemin closed the laptop and put on his backpack. He went to the fridge, grabbed some water bottles and started heading out the door.

“Bye umma! I’ll see you later!” He shouted as he left the dorm.

“Take care!” I got off his bed and went to get my wallet, keys, and cell phone. It was a little too early to go shopping, so I decided to go to Starbucks and hang out there for a little bit. I grabbed my iPad and put on another pair of shades and my fedora. I looked in the mirror and did a look over. I fixed my bangs and headed out the door.


Minyoung's POV

WHEWWW. How do these people manage to keep going? I'm already exhausted and it's only been one hour! I reluctantly got up and reminded myself why I was here.

"5, 6, 7, 8!"

This went on for about 4 hours. By the time we were finished, I was sweating like a pig and ready to drop dead on the floor.

“Alright, we’re going to have a 30 minute break. After that we’re going to practice for about 2 more hours then you’ll be released for lunch. There’s going to be a guest choreographer coming in today so make sure you’re here on time.

The instructor directed his eyes towards me. Yeesh, way to call out somebody. I drank my water bottle and pretended to not notice that this was directed towards me. I wiped myself with a small towel and got my backpack. I honestly had no idea where to go. I looked around and saw everybody leaving in pairs and groups. I cursed myself for not making any friends earlier. I sighed and went down to the lobby and asked the receptionist if she knew any places around here. Luckily, there was a Starbucks just down the street. I thanked her and left with a smile. At least there was something here that wasn’t completely foreign to me. On the way there, I noticed a cell phone store. I went in and took a look at all the phones. I decided to buy a white iPhone 4. After all the paper work, I took my phone and left. I walked into Starbucks and headed towards the counter. I ordered a Grande Vanilla Bean since I wasn’t in the mood for coffee. Satisfied, I took my drink and went to a table towards the back of the store.


Key’s POV

I walked into Starbucks and looked at the menu. Since I was in the mood for something sweet, I settled on ordering a Grande Caramel Frappucino. I grabbed my drink and headed towards the back. I was trying my best to not be recognized. As I was looking for a table, I spotted Minyoung playing a game on her phone. I smiled as I headed over to her table. I guess it was meant to be after all.


Minyoung’s POV

I was just about to beat my high score when a random person decided to sit at my table. I stared at my screen as my character died and looked up with an annoyed expression on my face. And then I realized who it was. What a coincidence.

“Happy to see me?” He set down his iPad and blackberry.

“And what makes you say that?” I set down my phone. I could’ve sworn I saw him eyeing my phone.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the smile that appeared on your face when you saw me.” He gave me a suggesting grin.

“Pshh, keep dreaming. So what brings you here? I thought you’d be busy shooting a show or something.” I took a sip of my drink and looked at him. Since when was I so casual with him?

“Nope, no schedule today. Thank God. I really need my rest. What about you? Shouldn’t you be at practice?” Since when was he so casual with me? He met my eyes as he started to drink. My heart skipped a beat. Wait. What? Crap….

“Our instructor gave us a break. Which is over in…. 10 minutes.” I set my phone down and gave a satisfied grin.

“Well, shouldn’t you be heading back then?” He raised his eyebrows at me.

“I should be, huh?” Honestly, I didn’t want to go just then. I wanted to stay here and get to know him more. Meeting him here wasn’t pure coincidence. It was a sign. I sighed as I got up.

“What’s with the depressing sigh?” He chuckled at me.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just not looking forward to going back to practice.” That sounded pretty believable right?

“Oh wait, don’t forgot your phone!” He stuck out his arm with my phone in hand. As I was about to grab it, he pulled it away and smiled at me. Then, he started to type something on my phone. I gave him a questionable look as I felt butterflies form in my stomach. He’s not doing what I think he’s doing… is he? His phone beeped and he gave my phone back to me.

“What’d you do to my phone?” I started going through my phone, checking if he texted anyone something embarrassing.

“You’ll see. Have fun at practice!” He flashed a smile and waved at me. My heart skipped a beat again. Great. Just great. I waved back and left to go to practice. The whole time I was walking back, I couldn’t seem to find anything wrong with my phone. When I got to the practice room, I sat down on the bench and decided to check my contacts. Just as I was scrolling down, someone came in the room.

“Annyeonghaseyo! Is everyone ready to learn a new dance?” He smiled and looked around the room.

My jaw dropped and I nearly dropped my phone when I saw who it was. This day just couldn’t get any more unrealistic.




Hello! I know I haven't exactly talked to you guys before, so... HI! I know I haven't updated in over 2 weeks (I think) so I decided to make this chapter super long to make up for the lost time. It's about 9 pages on Word with 2,928 words. WOW that was a long one. I pretty much have the whole plot set for the this story, but it could always change. I know you guys get annoyed by this, but PLEASE comment and tell me what you think! I can't get any better without knowing what's wrong. And if you like the story so far, share with your friends! Keep in mind that this is my first fanfic, so I need all the help I can get. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. ^^ By the way, I might not be able to update a lot since school is starting in a few days. I was too busy with band camp to update these past 2 weeks, but the first few weeks of school shouldn't be too bad. Please look forward to the next chapter :D


P.S. A noraebang is a karaoke room.

Hyung is something a younger male would call an older male.

And annyeonghaseyo means hello! (although I'm sure most of you already know this)

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ilabya39 #1
Pohyenshin #2
woaaa this is niceeee!! Update soooon!! XD
vikKiBeoMin #3
this is so nice. hahaha!<br />
<br />
wrong timing for Key to text her.tsk tsk.<br />
<br />
update soon!
Nice..update soon ^^
rainHaters #5
Ouuuh~ I like ;)
rainHaters #6
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love him and his diva attitude~<br />
I can't read maps for either... Hahaha<br />
Good job :)<br />
rainHaters #7
See? i told you you'd do well :)<br />
It's really well written, I don't see any mistakes but I'm not that good in english either hahaha.<br />
And OMG. CLIFFHANGER FROM THE START??? Hahahahaha.<br />
You're good :)
Interesting so far. I suggest you make the words a bigger font, so it won't be too hard on the eyes ^^ Update soon!