What a Pleasant Way to Start the Day

"We're Just Friends" [HIATUS]


No One's POV



Minyoung slowly rose up and slapped the alarm clock. She rubbed her eyes and tried focusing on the time. "ONLY 6AM!? Who on earth decided to schedule my dance practice for 7:30 in the morning!? Aishhh."  she thought to herself. Minyoung took her time stretching and yawning, trying to get comfortable before the day started. Finally, she scratched her head and got up to make breakfast.

She walked around the kitchen thinking about what to make. After a while, she settled on cooking eggs and bacon. After she sat down, Minyoung the TV, hoping she could find something interesting. Unfortunately, the only shows that were showing at this time were morning cartoons and the news. She sighed and put down the remote. Minyoung looked at the clock and saw she had only 1 hour left until practice started.

After seeing the time, she quickly scarfed down her breakfast and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. After she was done, she spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out what to wear. "I know it's just practice, but I have to make a good first impression." She thought. "Gahhh, that looks tacky.... This makes me look emo... I look like I'm from the 90's... Eh, cute, but VERY uncomfortable... AHA! PERFECT.Minyoung settled on a crop top shirt with a tank top underneath and a (very comfortable) pair of sweatpants. After looking at herself in the mirror, she looked at the clock again.


Minyoung grabbed her keys and her backpack and stuffed on her Nikes. She locked the door to her apartment and took off with a map in hand. After looking at the map, she started to regret not paying attention to her mother's words about finding the place the day before. After a few minutes of trying to figure out where to go, she spotted someone playing with his iPad on a park bench not too far away. Since no one else was around, she decided to ask him for directions.

He was wearing a gray vest with a black v-neck underneath, washed out skinny jeans and a pair of black boots. On top of that, he was wearing a bunch of accessories, including a fedora hat and sunglasses. Praying he wasn't a ert or anything, she walked up to him.


???'s POV.

OH YEAH, new highscore! Ahaaaa, this game is just too easy. I started to smile and shake my head, amazed at how good I was. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and leaned back. It felt nice to finally be outside of the dorm away from my members. I almost forgot how nice the weather was when it was spring time. I was in desperate need of some alone time, and this was the perfect pla-

"Ummm, excuse me. I'm new around here and I was wondering if you knew how to get to the SM building. I'm kinda lost, heh heh.."

Great. Way to ruin the moment. I grumpily looked towards the source of the voice, only to find a girl with a map in her hand. My expression immediately softened when I saw what she was wearing. Judging by her style, she's probably from somewhere in New York. It seems a little too guy-ish, but it suits her. She probably doesn't even know who I am. I looked around and noticed we were the only two in the park. I slowly took off my shades and smiled at her.


Minyoung's POV.


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ilabya39 #1
Pohyenshin #2
woaaa this is niceeee!! Update soooon!! XD
vikKiBeoMin #3
this is so nice. hahaha!<br />
<br />
wrong timing for Key to text her.tsk tsk.<br />
<br />
update soon!
Nice..update soon ^^
rainHaters #5
Ouuuh~ I like ;)
rainHaters #6
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love him and his diva attitude~<br />
I can't read maps for either... Hahaha<br />
Good job :)<br />
rainHaters #7
See? i told you you'd do well :)<br />
It's really well written, I don't see any mistakes but I'm not that good in english either hahaha.<br />
And OMG. CLIFFHANGER FROM THE START??? Hahahahaha.<br />
You're good :)
Interesting so far. I suggest you make the words a bigger font, so it won't be too hard on the eyes ^^ Update soon!