Best walk to 'work'. Ever.

"We're Just Friends" [HIATUS]


???'s POV

I slowly took off my shades and smiled at her.


Minyoung's POV





Minyoung's POV

Well, at least this guy definitely isn't a ert. Oh no, he's a diva. He’s no other than SHINee's ‘Almighty’ Key. But I can't let him know that I recognized him. He probably thought I wouldn't recognize him in the first place. I kept my face straight and smiled back. I couldn't help it, that smile of his was just too contagious. He checked his watch, looked around, and then faced me.

"Sure, I’ve got time! I have nothing to do right now, so I'll just walk you there if that's okay. It's about 15 minutes from here."

Good. I wasn’t going to be late today. I could start my training in peace! I nodded and he got up and started to lead the way. I still believe I ran into HIM of all people. Where was everyone anyways? Oh yeah. They were probably in dream land, where I desperately wanted to be. I looked at my map and tried to figure out where we were going so I'd know how to get back. Eventually, I gave up and just kept walking. Every now and then I’d steal a glance at him. He looked so flawless… Okay, don’t think I’m an obsessed fan girl or anything. Sure, he’s my bias in SHINee, but I’m not the type of fan who writes blood letters or goes berserk when I find out my bias is dating someone. And come on, what would you do if you were walking with your bias? I know for a fact that you wouldn’t be looking at a tree with a squirrel in the distance when you have a better view right next to you. You see my point now?

"So, where are you from?" Key asked, breaking my train of thought.

"I was born and raised in Queens, NY."

I glanced at him and noticed him smile like an idiot and shake his head. Huh. Wonder what his deal is.


Key's POV

Of course, I WAS RIGHT. AGAIN. Man, I'm just too awesome. Ahhhh. Oh no, she's looking at me. Think of something to say….

“Sooooo, what year were you born in?” Good, nothing stupid came out.

“1995. What about you?”

“1991. Just four years apart.” Four years younger. That’s my limit.

“Yeah. And not to sound creepy or anything, but I seriously love the shape of your eyes.”

“You think so? My eyes are actually the body part I’m most confident about.” I was being honest about that part. Sure, I have the traditional Korean mono-lid like everyone else, but mine just looked… different. Especially when I wore eyeliner. Yeah, I rocked eyeliner in a way no other guy can.


Minyoung’s POV

Feeling no need to respond, I just nodded my head and attempted to track ourselves on the map again. I had no experience when it came to maps. I couldn’t even tell which squiggly line was a river and which one was a road. Looking at the map, I blamed myself for not buying a GPS.

“Hahaha, do you need help?”

“Pshh, no…” Was it really that obvious?

“Oh come on! Your face says it all. You even scratched your head and your lips keep changing into weird positions!” Suddenly he stopped walking and just looked at me. He seriously looked like he was enjoying this. Well, no point in pretending. I needed a way home anyways.

“Okay, fine! I need your help! Where are we? I need to know how to get back later.”

“I thought you said you didn’t need my help?” I looked over at him as he smirked. Oh no, this wasn’t good.

“Well, I lied.”

“I know you did.”

“So, will you help me?” Seriously, he was so perky just a minute ago.

“Well~ I guess I could.”

“*Sigh* Thank you!” Woo! I was safe from punishment! I started doing a little cheering dance.

“But on one condition.” Oops. I froze and looked at him. Spoke too soon.

“And what would that be?” I saw him smile and pull out his phone. He wants my number? I didn’t even get a chance to buy a cell phone yet…

“Let me take a picture of you. I just love your outfit!”

“Oh, okay…” I set the map down and posed. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed that he didn’t ask for my number. But then again, why would he?


Key’s POV

Okay, maybe I didn’t actually want to take a picture. But I couldn’t bring myself to ask for her number. But I really did like her outfit. And I couldn’t help but be a little mean earlier. I was just teasing her.

“Give me the map and a pen. I’ll just draw the route for you.”

She gave me a sharpie handed the map. I sat down on the ground and drew the route like I promised and even drew a circle around the SM building and another around her apartment. Luckily, it was still early in the morning and there wasn’t much people here to run me over. When I was done, I folded the map, stood up and gave the map to her.

“We should hurry, we’re almost there and you don’t want to be late.” I just realized that I would probably never see her again until she debuts. Wait, scratch that. IF she debuts. I hate admitting this, but I still wanted to talk to her after this. To me she was different, and I desperately needed someone like her in my life.

Minyoung's POV

I nodded my head again as we started walking. I was starting to regret not buying a phone. I wanted to keep in touch with him even if we wouldn’t see each other often because of his schedules. I knew very well that the life of an idol required a lot of sacrifices, one of them being your social life. Sometimes, you weren’t allowed to have a phone because it ‘distracts’ you. And when you were allowed to have a phone, you were either too busy or too tired to use it. I knew what I was getting into, but I started to realize how hard it was going to be. Luckily, there are other idols out there that know exactly what you’re going through, which makes everything easier. Maybe that’s why idols are always so close. They understand when the other person is too tired or too busy. The relationship between idols (specifically in group) is what attracted me in the first place. It was something I wanted to experience. And whether I liked it or not, I was going to experience what it was really like to be an idol.

The silence between us started to grow awkward. Desperate to get some dialogue in, I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"You know, you should put on your sun glasses before someone notices you." I slapped my hand over my mouth when I noticed what I said. Obviously, I wasn’t thinking when I said that. We both stopped and stared at each other. He looked at me with a confused expression as he was trying to form words with his mouth.

"How’d you… How did you know who I was?"

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ilabya39 #1
Pohyenshin #2
woaaa this is niceeee!! Update soooon!! XD
vikKiBeoMin #3
this is so nice. hahaha!<br />
<br />
wrong timing for Key to text her.tsk tsk.<br />
<br />
update soon!
Nice..update soon ^^
rainHaters #5
Ouuuh~ I like ;)
rainHaters #6
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love him and his diva attitude~<br />
I can't read maps for either... Hahaha<br />
Good job :)<br />
rainHaters #7
See? i told you you'd do well :)<br />
It's really well written, I don't see any mistakes but I'm not that good in english either hahaha.<br />
And OMG. CLIFFHANGER FROM THE START??? Hahahahaha.<br />
You're good :)
Interesting so far. I suggest you make the words a bigger font, so it won't be too hard on the eyes ^^ Update soon!