Chapter 3

Why did we even do this

Chapter 3

Hyeri’s POV

I lay my head on the table and puffed my cheeks out disconsolately, I used to be cuddling with Daehyun at this time, and then he’d rush back to his own classroom at the last minute, right before the bell rang. A sad little smile played on my lips as I reminisced on another funny little memory.


I giggled as Daehyun hugged me by my waist, murmuring sweet nothings in my ear. We were shring the chair. A couple of his classmates looked at us with amusement. “Why don’t you two just get a room?” One asked cheekily. I turned a bright red and immediately pushed away from Daehyun. He pouted, and his classmates all laughed cheerfully, at me or at him I had no idea. The rest of the recess was then spent cuddling with Daehyun after he had thrown a tantrum and his classmates had plopped me back onto his lap just to appease him. Not that I had complained .It had been my turn to rush back to class that day, and had gotten caught. “Ahem, glad you could join us Miss Hyeri.” The cold voice stopped me from my sneaking in from the back door. Sighing to myself it was Mr Kim, he was ALWAYS early and ALWAYS expected his students to be early as well. “It looks like you’ll be spending your afternoon in detention then.” He had one eyebrow raised. I had sulked after that until lunch, when I had told Daehyun why we couldn’t walk together today. He had walked in late to his next lesson and gotten himself detention as well, all to walk home with me.

“Ahem, Miss Hyeri, glad you could join us from your dreamland.” My head shot up and groaned mentally, it was Mr Kim again. I bowed in apology and sat back down my friends looking at me sympathetically. I zoned out once again. “And now we will have three new students with us today, would they please come in and introduce themselves.” I vaguely heard the door scrape open, happy squeals from the girls as they saw the new eye candy they would be getting. “Hi everyone my name is Yoo Youngjae, just call me youngjae, please take good care of me.” More squeals. “Hello, I’m the maknae of us three, and my name is Choi Junhong, but I much prefer ZELO, because it sounds wayyyyyy cooler don’t you think? Hmm? Don’t you? And also its just – “ “That’s enough Junhong-ssi.” Mr Kim interrupted. Zelo pouted and made faces when he turned towards the next student. More giggles from the girls. “And you are?”  “Moon Jongup, sir, Please take good care of me.” JONGUP?!?! I snapped my head up to see Jongup oppa bowing and giving an eye smile to the class. Nawhh that’s such a cute eye smile I thought dreamily. Wait a moment, “EHHHHHH?!?! What are you doing here?” I shouted pointing confusedly at him. “Hi! I never did get your name! Cutie grocery girl!” He turned his smile to me. My breath got caught in my body as I resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks. “Well it seems as Mr Jongup and Miss Hyeri are already acquainted with each other, it is only natural for her to act as their guide. Miss Hyeri, think of this as your punishment for not listening in class. And that will be the end of this matter. Please find any empty seats, kids.” I was still way too shell-shocked to fully register what was happening until Jongup took the seat next to me as my new deskmate, and the other two behind us, taking the desk behind us. “You go to this school? Did you know I went here as well? Are you a stalker?” The questions flew out in a harsh whisper “ He only grinned and patted me on the head making me fume. “Hmph.” Seeing as he wasn’t going to give me an answer, I turned away from him and sulked.

Jongup’s POV

I chuckled as I saw her pouting and doodling on her book. I sneaked a peak, woak, she’s actually really good, was all I thought as I admired her drawings, and her. The lesson passed by just like that. Her doodling, me admiring her drawings and her. The two idiots at the back grinning and chuckling, throwing paper balls at me with little love hearts on them, horrendous drawings of what I assumed to be a guy and a girl kissing, and other lovey dovey drawings. I nearly puked and ignored them after a while. I wonder what the future school year will be like with her around? I wondered as I leaned on one hand smiling gently as I saw her beautiful side profile with the sunlight glowing around her from the window next to her.








Soooo how did you like that? Sorry if I went missing for a while previously, but I had been really stressed about some stuff and also school. I'll really try to update more often as this mini writer's block has also left me, but heres chapter THREE! Hope you guys like it and remember to comment and subscribe pleaseeee! That's really my motivation to know that people are appreciating my story and also suggesting ways of improvements!. 

P.s. I'd just like to ask how you guys feel about the flashbacks, it's something I want to try to give you more insight on Hyeri and Daehyun's past, but if you don't like it then add that in the comments and I'll change that! ^^



Weird Author-nim ^^

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saranghaeBapOppa #1
matoki_bap_zelo_21 #2
Chapter 6: Awwwww what about jonguppie oppa update soon cant wait^^
Chapter 5: Ermm..I would like it to be either one, but I just don't want one of them to be heartbroken even though they will in the end... If I had to choose one, I would choose Daehyun even though my bias is Jongup and I don't want him to be heartbroken! ><"
Chapter 4: Ooh~ New subscriber! Well..not yet, after I comment then I'll be a new subbie.. Great story so far!
I. L O V E. I T. S O. F A R.
Hwaiting~!! <3
JungDeYa #5
Chapter 4: Is this going to be a Jongup love story, or a Daehyun love story? Awesome plot ^^
Chapter 3: haha soo cute, interesting! update soon ><
Chapter 2: Interesting story line , plz update again heh
Chapter 1: Update soon, author-nim! ^^