Huge Mistake! (Onew) Pt.2

Onew Stories



You sat in silence, holding your knee’s while you stare at your phone. Every 5 minutes it vibrated, and every 3 minutes it beeped. He was trying to call you, text you, but you just didn’t want to deal with it. You sighed to yourself, getting off the bed to take a shower.


Onew: “Aish” Throwing his phone on the couch

Jonghyun: “She’s not picking up again?” grabbing the remote and taking a seat

Onew: “No… She won’t answer my calls, or even reply to my texts” burying his head in his hands again “______ must be really mad at me”

Jonghyun: “How much times did you call?” Changing the channel to find something to watch

Onew: “Like 50 times. I started calling her at 9am and it’s already 5!”

Jonghyun: “Ooh, You’re really in trouble hyung”

Onew gets up from his seat and starts pacing around the room “I just don’t know what to do now…” After a few minutes of pacing, he suddenly grabs his phone from the couch and runs to his room.

Jonghyun: Watching Onew run out of his room with a jacket “Where are you going!” He shouts

Onew: “To _____’s House!” Slamming the door

Key: Coming out of the bathroom after hearing the door slamming “Where’s Onew going?” looking at Jonghyun who was more interested in the TV

Jonghyun: “_____’s house”



Your sitting at home, just watching TV. You’re phone finally stopped vibrating which made you a little curious why he stopped? You read all his texts, each asking you to pick up your phone and saying his sorry. You were about to head to sleep when your phone started ringing. Seeing it wasn’t Onew, but Minho?

You: “Minho?” answering with confusion

Minho: “_____! Is Onew with you??!”

You: “No? Why??”

Minho:  “Because he left the house around 5:30 and he said he was going to your house. But he hasn’t come home yet and it’s snowing”

You: Passing your window “No, I hav-“ You look outside, and see somebody outside, pacing. Looking closely, you see that it was Onew  “Actually, he’s right here…” wondering what he’s up to

Minho: “Really! Oh Thank god! We were about to start worrying. Well Thanks  _____, Goodnight!” He hangs up the phone.

You look outside, watching him pace back and forth, rubbing his hands together for warmth.

You: “He wouldn’t stand out there all night…. Would he?” You took it as nothing and continue heading to bed. Although, in the back of your head you were kind of worrying.

After 2 hours, trying to get to sleep, you finally sit up. You sigh and get out of bed, walking to the window to see if he was still there. Surprised, he was still there, pacing. The temperature outside was freezing, and you just couldn’t believe what he was doing.

You: “What is he thinking!?” Grabbing your jacket and heading outside. You put on your jacket and close the door behind you.

Onew sees you get out of your house and stops pacing to face you

You: “Onew! What are you doing! It’s midnight and it’s FREEZING” rubbing your shoulders from the cold snow

Onew: Shaking from the cold wind “I-I w-want t-to apologize… I-I’m s-s-sorry for y-yesterday”

You: “Onew, who cares about that right now! You have to get out of this snow! Come on!” Grabbing his hand and trying to pull him into the house

Onew: Pulling his arm away from yours “N-No! I m-made a h-huge mistake. And I w-want to say I’m sorry” He looks at you with a serious look. He wasn’t going to move from that spot until he finishes what he has to say. Understanding him, you stop and listen to him. “______, I should have taken what you said more seriously. And I p-promise… I will never f-forget one of our d-dates again. W-Will you p-please forgive m-m-me?” He takes your hands in his. You feel his cold hands, shaking

You: “Of course I do” You smile and give him a tight hug. He wraps his hands around your waist, pulling you closer, and burying his head in your neck

Onew: “_____, don’t ever let go” Squeezing you tighter

You: “Aww, did you really miss me that much after just 1 day?” Happy by his sudden want of you

Onew: “A l-little… and because I’m freezing cold and you’re so warm” You laugh at him, and pull away. You lead him into your house, turning up the heat. While he takes off his jacket, you go and start making some hot chocolate for him.

You: “Are you okay?” making sure he was feeling well after staying out in the cold for so long

Onew: “Yeah, just a little cold…” putting his jacket down on a chair

You: “I think I can help with that” You slyly smile while wrapping your hands around his neck. He wraps his arms around you raising an eyebrow. You tip-toe to reach his lips, and kiss him softly, warming him up.

Onew: “I think I’m still a little cold…” leaning closer when you pulled away. You laugh when he pulls you closer now, finishing what you started.

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xforeverwithyou #1
Chapter 9: This one broke my heart.
Chapter 1: aggghh the first one is so sweet!!!!!
awwww sooo cute!!!<br />
its soo sweet!!!<br />
update soon please
no no no no no!!!<br />
!why onew!!!<br />
why must you go already!!!<br />
why!!!!! she suffer without you for one day!!!<br />
why!! Q.Q<br />
update soon please
Awww all of these stories are magical. I can't wait for your next one :)
chapter 3&4: aww time always go by so fast when you have someone you love near!! and then things hurt soo much when its all complicated and all.<br />
chapter5: awwww this time onew take car of her!! XD lol.<br />
chapter 6: i want a birthday date like that!! its soo sweet of Onew<br />
chapter 7&8: man how could he forget!!! she did all that for him :( awww soo cute!! he stayed out in the snow waiting to apologize!!!<br />
<br />
update soon please
chapter 1: awwww soo cute she stayed and took care of him!!<br />
chapter 2: he took her to see a meteor shower!! soo cute!!!<br />
<br />
will read more in a bit! :)
cant wait <br />
update soon please