Love is a Rock

Onew Stories



Onew: -______, We’re done at the studio. Can you come and pick me up?- Texting you. It was already 5:00, the sun was almost setting.

You: -Onew, You’re a big boy now. You can take yourself home- Laughing at his cute silliness

Onew: -Pleease ): -

You: Sighing –Okay, I’m on my way- You put your cell phone in your pocket, grabbing a jacket before heading to the SM building. You only lived a few blocks, so you decided to walk there. As you got closer you could see Onew sitting on the steps, waiting for you. He seemed like a little kid to you, and you were his mom that was picking him up from school. “Onew!” You shout as you walk closer to him

His head snaps up to you, and he quickly stands up, putting his hands in his pockets while he walks to you

Onew: “Hey _____” kissing your lips softly

You: “Why did you want me to get you? Couldn’t you just go home with the members?”

Onew: “Yeah… but I wanted to have dinner with you” his face perking up with a smile.

You: “Okay, where do you want go?”

Onew: “No…  I want to eat your cooking!” taking your hands in his

You: Confused “But I don’t really have much groceries?”

Onew: “Then let’s go buy some together, come on” he starts to lead you to the nearby grocery store. Once you guys walk there, he grabs a cart and walks to you again “Let’s go”

You: “Okay, But what are we buying exactly?” Grabbing onto 1 of his arms and walking by him as he pushes the cart

Onew: “I don’t know, you’re the cook” chuckling a little

You: “Well what do you want to eat??” pouting a little. It was his idea to eat your cooking and he’s not really helping you

Onew: “Hmmm….” He stops pushing and starts thinking

You: Laughing at his thinking pose “Let me guess… Chicken…” The word makes his face brighten up, as he does his dubu smile to you

Onew: “You know me so well ______” You laugh and push face to the other side so you can’t see his smile

You: “You’re too obvious Onew” laughing. He laughs with you and continues walking.

The 2 of you walk around the store, grabbing all the ingredients you need.

You: “Onew?? What is all of this?” seeing that most of the things in the cart were snacks for him “I thought we were only shopping for dinner!” He innocently smiles, trying to play it cool. You shake your head and laugh, putting back all the snacks in their shelves

After half an hour, you guys got all the stuff you needed and was at the checkout.

Onew: “You know _____, I could grocery shopping with you for as long as I live” he says to you as you pay for the groceries

You: “Really?” finding it interesting. He nods his head as he takes the bags and carries them for you.

You and Onew begin to walk home, going through the park. Simply talking about the usual things you guys talk about, he stops and bends down near the grass.

You: “Onew, what are you doing?” trying to see what he was doing

Onew: Standing up again and joining you by your side again “Nothing, just thought I saw something”

He continues the conversation you guys were having until you reach home. You open the door for him while he places all the bags on the kitchen table.

You grab your apron, placing it over you

You: “Can you tie it please?” coming to him and letting your back face him. He smirks and ties the back of your apron for you. Once he was done you get started on cooking, getting everything out of the bags and starting to cook.

He watches you, smiling as you concentrate hard on making this meal good

Onew: “______, you would really make a good wife someday” he smiles as you look up at him and blush a little. You don’t say anything and continue cooking. After waiting patiently, you finish cooking and set the table.

You watch him as he takes a bite. He doesn’t say anything and just continues eating, giving you a thumbs up sign. You smile and eat too.


After Dinner-

Onew: “That was fantastic ______, Thank you !” While you gather the dishes and place them in the sink

You: “You’re welcome” smiling at your accomplishment

His phone starts to ring as he tries to fish it out of his pocket

Onew: “Oh, it’s Key, I better take this” You smile at him as he answers his phone and walks into the other room where he can’t hear you. Not being able to hear him from where you are he talks to Key, “Yes, Yes, no not yet. I’m going to do it now! Just be patient! I got to go, bye!” hanging up on Key before he says anything else. He casually walks back into the kitchen with his hands in his pockets

You: “What did Key want?” seeing him walk in, while you wash the dishes. The sink was filled with soap bubbles as you wash

Onew: “Oh, nothing. Just checking up on me…. Hey ______, did you know Love is a Rock?”

You: Not turning to look at him but just continuing to wash “No? How is it a rock?”

Onew: Pulling out a regular rock from right pocket, “Well, It is bold, it is deep. It is complicated and it’s simple. It can be strong & It can be weak.” He hugs you from the back, whispering into your ear as he grabs your hand from the dishes and places the rock in your palm. You hold up the rock in your hands staring at it as his fists clenches while he hugs you against his chest. “It is everything & It is nothing. It can be destructive & It can be peaceful.” His hands take yours, and place them in the bubbles with his. You laugh a little, as he tickles your fingers “It is ugly and it is beautiful” he whispers, his hot breath on your neck.

You smile and giggle as his hands fumble with yours under the bubbles. Just then, your smile goes away as you feel his hands slip something onto your finger. You become speechless, motionless

He takes your hands out of the bubbles and runs it over the running water revealing the ring on your finger. Your eyes go wide at the sight,

Onew: “So… this is my rock for you….” He simply says, his hands wrap around your chest as he hugs you tighter, feeling your warmth against his skin. You look at the ring, bringing it closer to you. Your eyes become glassy, your mouth a little open from the sight…

You remove yourself from his hands so that you can face him. You don’t say anything, just simply looking up at him, about to cry

Onew: “Will you marry me _______?” Touching your forehead with his

You: Tears starting to fall as you try and get out your words “Y-Yes” choking on your words. You jump into his arms, wrapping your hands around his neck as he wraps his around your waist, twirling you around. He puts you back on the ground, cupping your face and kissing you passionately. 

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xforeverwithyou #1
Chapter 9: This one broke my heart.
Chapter 1: aggghh the first one is so sweet!!!!!
awwww sooo cute!!!<br />
its soo sweet!!!<br />
update soon please
no no no no no!!!<br />
!why onew!!!<br />
why must you go already!!!<br />
why!!!!! she suffer without you for one day!!!<br />
why!! Q.Q<br />
update soon please
Awww all of these stories are magical. I can't wait for your next one :)
chapter 3&4: aww time always go by so fast when you have someone you love near!! and then things hurt soo much when its all complicated and all.<br />
chapter5: awwww this time onew take car of her!! XD lol.<br />
chapter 6: i want a birthday date like that!! its soo sweet of Onew<br />
chapter 7&8: man how could he forget!!! she did all that for him :( awww soo cute!! he stayed out in the snow waiting to apologize!!!<br />
<br />
update soon please
chapter 1: awwww soo cute she stayed and took care of him!!<br />
chapter 2: he took her to see a meteor shower!! soo cute!!!<br />
<br />
will read more in a bit! :)
cant wait <br />
update soon please