Birthday Surprise (Onew)

Onew Stories


You were having the sweetest dream you ever had in a few months, and was just hoping you would never woke up. As you broke out a big smile in your dream, your face also smiled in reality

Onew: “_____?” He whispers by your ear

You: “Mmmm” hearing him, but not waking up because you wanted to sleep more

Onew: “_____, time to wake up” poking you now. You don’t respond to him and keep your eyes closed. He kneels by your bed, thinking what he could do to wake you up nicely. Next thing you know you could feel his lips giving you butterfly kisses repeatedly. “Yah, I know your awake already,” laughing

You peak 1 eye open and see him resting his chin right where next to your hand, smiling at you

You: “How’d you find out?” laughing with him now as you sit up in bed

Onew: “I can feel you smiling when I was kissing you” getting up now, planting another kiss on you as you stretch in bed. You see him head out the bedroom door and come back with a tray “Happy birthday _____!” placing the tray on top of you.

You: “Aw, You remembered!” clapping your hands together, excited he remembered

Onew: “Oh course I remembered! Now eat up” handing you the fork. You take the fork from him and take a bite of your favorite breakfast “Is it good?” anxiously waiting for your thoughts as he sits beside you on the bed. Wanting to play with him a little, you shake your head while chewing the food “You don’t like it?” sounding a little disappointed

You: Swallowing your food “I don’t like it, I love it” Smiling up at him “Thank you” leaning towards him to give him a kiss

Onew: “You’re welcome” feeling accomplished in himself now. You pick up your fork and feed him too, enjoying him near you

After breakfast; he told you to get ready for something while he washes the dishes


At the Beach-

You: “The beach?” looking around. The waves were calm, and there wasn’t a lot of people around so you guys had a lot of privacy

Onew: “Yep, come on” taking ahold of your hand and pulling you closer to the water. The closer you got, the more you could see that there was a little rowboat that was tied to the shore

You: “Did you prepare this?” pointing at the boat

Onew: “I thought it would be pretty fun” smiling

He helps you into the boat and pushes it into the water, climbing in when it was okay. He starts rowing you guys a little farther out to sea, never taking his eyes away from you.

You: “Haha, this is so fun” enjoying the rocking motion of the boat from the waves. You look over the edge of the boat and look at the water. You guys weren’t out that deep, but it wasn’t that shallow either

Onew: “I knew you would love this” happy that you were having fun. Just for a little fun for himself, he stopped rowing and reached his hand into the water, making sure you weren’t watching him. Next thing you know it, you got a little wet on your face

You: Your mouth in a ‘O’ shape from the sudden coldness of the water “Onew!” You reach your hands into the water too and get a hand full of water. Right when you were about to splash him, he splashed you again, causing you to drop your water on you.

Onew: “Hahahahaha! _______, you’re all wet!” laughing really hard now. It ended up being a splash war, trying to get each other more wet than the other. You guys ended up laughing at each other in the end

He rowed you back to shore, helping your wet self out of the little boat

Onew: “______, look at yourself! You’re dripping wet!” pointing at your wet clothes

You: “Speak for yourself, you’re soaked too” it looks like both of you were evenly matched

He ran to the car to get both of you towels to dry off. It was already 6:00pm and you guys were sitting on a blanket he laid out for the 2 of you

You: “Isn’t pretty?” resting your head on his shoulder, looking out at the water where you could see the sunset

Onew: Resting his head on top of yours “You’re still the prettiest one I see” he calmly says

You take your head off his shoulder, causing him to look at you to see why you moved

You: “Thank you for this wonder full birthday” you whisper, giving him a small smile

Onew: looking at your small smile, he pulls you towards him, letting you wrap your hands around his waist “Anything for you ______” he kisses the top of your head while you rest it on his chest. Ending the perfect day snuggled close to him and watching a beautiful sunset

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xforeverwithyou #1
Chapter 9: This one broke my heart.
Chapter 1: aggghh the first one is so sweet!!!!!
awwww sooo cute!!!<br />
its soo sweet!!!<br />
update soon please
no no no no no!!!<br />
!why onew!!!<br />
why must you go already!!!<br />
why!!!!! she suffer without you for one day!!!<br />
why!! Q.Q<br />
update soon please
Awww all of these stories are magical. I can't wait for your next one :)
chapter 3&4: aww time always go by so fast when you have someone you love near!! and then things hurt soo much when its all complicated and all.<br />
chapter5: awwww this time onew take car of her!! XD lol.<br />
chapter 6: i want a birthday date like that!! its soo sweet of Onew<br />
chapter 7&8: man how could he forget!!! she did all that for him :( awww soo cute!! he stayed out in the snow waiting to apologize!!!<br />
<br />
update soon please
chapter 1: awwww soo cute she stayed and took care of him!!<br />
chapter 2: he took her to see a meteor shower!! soo cute!!!<br />
<br />
will read more in a bit! :)
cant wait <br />
update soon please