Going Away (Onew) Pt.1

Onew Stories


--6 years ago, your parents let you stay abroad in Korea for 6 years. After only 3 years of staying here, you met Onew; Beginning your love at 1st sight.  You’re time at Korea were great, so great that you forgot that you were only staying for 6 years. Soon enough, 3 years passed just like that.--


You knew the day was coming closer and closer. It was circled on your calendar, hanging right next to the mirror in your bedroom. You tied your hair for today’s date with Onew, looking at the circle. “I have to tell him today…” thinking to yourself. You had tried to bring up the topic once, but looking at his dubu smile, you changed your mind and kept it to yourself.

You: “Ready” Looking at yourself from head to toe. You grab your things and lock the door to your dorm and start walking to the meeting place at the park.


He was fixing his hear in the bathroom mirror when Key was walking by the open bathroom door

Key: Walking past, and backing up “Another date with _____?” Watching Onew as he restarts making his hair, not liking the style he had

Onew: “Yep. We’re going to that little fair by the park beach” combing

Key: “You do know _______ is going to be leaving soon, right?” Reminding Onew about the date

Onew: Putting down the comb now, his voice soft “I know.”

Key: Leaning against the door frame with his arms crosses across his chest “What do you plan to do?”

Onew: Thinking, “I… don’t want to give her any problems” Looking at Key now. He pats Key on the shoulder before leaving the bathroom, grabbing his jacket, and heading out the door.


At the Beach Park-

You: “Hey, Sorry I’m late” catching your breath. He turns to face you and gives you a kiss on the cheek

Onew: “You’re not late, you’re just in time.” You smile at him and hug onto his left arm “So? Where should we go first?” starting to walk through the path. There were tents set up everywhere! Each one doing something different; there were tents with games, picture taking, little shops! And there were tons of tents that sold all kinds of food.

You: “Let’s go over there” Pointing to the big crowd of people. In the park, there was a little space for people to pop fireworks! Onew bought 2 sparkles for you and him to play with. Lighting his up, he pushed his towards your so that yours was lighting. You and him awed at the pretty light coming from the stick; drawing shapes in the air, covering your mouth from the smoke, and running away from him, who was trying to scare you.

Onew: Throwing the sticks in the water tub “Are you hungry?” giving you his left arm to hold again. Nodding your head, he smiles back and starts heading to a nearby food stand. He buys a bag of popcorn for the both of you. You feed him bites while you both walk through the crowded pathway

You: Thinking this is a good time to tell him, “You know… Onew…” You start off slowly, “It’s been 6 years already since I first came here an-” Getting cut off

Onew: “Let’s go over there!!” Pulling you to a painter’s tent “Phew, that was close! She was almost going to talk to me about her leaving” Thinking to himself while he sits you down next to him in front of the painter. He hated talking about you leaving soon, so every time your tried to bring it up he would casually change the topic. Luckily, you didn’t notice he was doing it on purpose. “SMILE!” Wrapping 1 hand around your shoulder

You smile as the painter begins painting you.  After 10 minutes of smiling, the painter finally finishes and tells Onew to take a look. You massage your cheeks, aching from smiling for so long. You stood up to join Onew as he paid the painter. He tilted the picture in your direction so that you can see it clearly.

Onew: “Here,” handing you the picture “You keep it” Smiling. You smile at him and back at the picture

You: “Onew…” You take his hand and pull him to a more quiet place, where it was less crowded. Noticing he can’t avoid the topic any longer, he listens. “I’m leaving in a few days…” playing with your fingers

Onew: Looking at you in the silence, “It’s already time isn’t it” Finally speaking

You: Looking up at him now “Time flies by fast huh?” Smiling a little. He takes your hands and plays with them. Watching his fingers, linking with yours “I’m going to miss you…” whispering under your breath

Onew: “I’m going to miss you too ” Pulling you to him, catching you in a hug. Your hands wrapping him, burying your face in his shoulder.


At the Airport-

You: “Well this is it,” Facing him, holding your suitcase at your side. You take a good look at his smiling face, never going to forget it “I love you” Voice cracking. You smile at him while your eyes start to get watery. You laugh a little when you feel a tear running down “Haha…” about to wipe the tear away

Onew: Catching your hand, and wiping the tear away instead with his thumb “I love you too ________. I promise SHINee will come to where you are soon! Just you wait!” Tapping the tip of your nose

You: “Haha… I’m going to miss your silliness Onew” He gives you a big smile as a final goodbye. You guys hug each other, saying nothing. You finally pull away and grab a hold of your suitcase, rolling it with you as you head to the tunnel. You turn around and wave goodbye before entering the tunnel.

He waves goodbye and keeps waving until your no longer in sight, safely in the plane. Onew takes a deep breath, digging both hands into his pockets. He turns around, walking out of the airport with his head down, a sad frown on him

(Pt.2 will be in the Next Chapter)

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xforeverwithyou #1
Chapter 9: This one broke my heart.
Chapter 1: aggghh the first one is so sweet!!!!!
awwww sooo cute!!!<br />
its soo sweet!!!<br />
update soon please
no no no no no!!!<br />
!why onew!!!<br />
why must you go already!!!<br />
why!!!!! she suffer without you for one day!!!<br />
why!! Q.Q<br />
update soon please
Awww all of these stories are magical. I can't wait for your next one :)
chapter 3&4: aww time always go by so fast when you have someone you love near!! and then things hurt soo much when its all complicated and all.<br />
chapter5: awwww this time onew take car of her!! XD lol.<br />
chapter 6: i want a birthday date like that!! its soo sweet of Onew<br />
chapter 7&8: man how could he forget!!! she did all that for him :( awww soo cute!! he stayed out in the snow waiting to apologize!!!<br />
<br />
update soon please
chapter 1: awwww soo cute she stayed and took care of him!!<br />
chapter 2: he took her to see a meteor shower!! soo cute!!!<br />
<br />
will read more in a bit! :)
cant wait <br />
update soon please