Going Away (Onew) Pt.2

Onew Stories


It’s already been 3 years since you left him behind… The first few months were harsh, everything reminded you of him, and you always ended up crying yourself to sleep. It was tough to leave him, it was like leaving your whole life behind you. It left you wounded, wanting to go back but you knew you couldn’t. It took all your strength to get up each morning and get on with your life…

You didn’t have contact with him at first until the 4th month. You finally got an email from him, it turns out he was busy from SHINee work

Onew: -______! Sorry I haven’t been talking to you often! I miss you so much! SHINee has been doing so great and we’ve been getting more and more popular overseas! How have you been? Are you okay? I miss you and love you! Reply back! Love, Onew-

You felt so happy after so long! Your first letter from him! You quickly pressed the reply button,

You: -ONEW! I miss you too! A lot! Everything is okay over here, I’m doing fine really. That’s so great for SHINee! I will always support you guys! Right now I miss you so much, I wish you were here )x A lot of things here remind me of you and it makes me want to come back! I love you too, and always will! Love, _____-

Onew: -That’s so great to hear! I know, every day I miss you, but the members are helping me. I wish I was there with you too, but please be strong for me when I’m not there! I miss you warm hugs, your beautiful smile, and the sound of you laughing; I miss all of it. Oh and Taemin, Jonghyun, Key, & Minho all say Hi! They miss you too and wish you good luck! Love, Onew-

You: -Haha, tell them I said Hi back! I miss them too but mostly you. I could really use one of you kisses right now :/ & Don’t worry, I’ll stay strong! Your emails really help me get through the day and whenever I feel down, it always cheers me up(: Love,  ______-

You guys exchanged emails so much for the next couple of months. It was 1 of the things you looked forward to everyday! The emails from him kept you strong; you were able to enjoy being away from him now. You stopped crying at night and slept perfectly. Other things that helped was watching Videos and Shows with him on; But sometimes it pained you to see him, just making you miss him more and more

After a few months the emails stopped….

You sent him countless of emails, checking your computer every time you got on; Nothing. You were keeping up with updates with SHINee, seeing him smiling perfectly everywhere. You couldn’t find any reason to why he wouldn’t reply back to any of your emails

You: “He could be really busy, right?” talking to yourself as you look at your computer screen “Oh course not! Onew always checks his email! Even if he’s busy!” thinking to yourself. The 0 in your inbox just drove you crazy, leaving you to think about the worst case scenario.

After sending message after message and getting no reply, you stopped emailing him completely. You went back to your lifeless self like when you were during the first few months. You finally decided that he probably forgot all about you and that was the reason why he didn’t reply. Your heart, broken in 2, held together and let you live on normally. Slowly, for a whole month, you got better. Still touchy on about him, you were able to go out with some friends from time to time, and just be okay.

2 Months past just like that. You stopped keeping track of SHINee, not wanting any reminders about him, but even you knew that with your heart hurt, you still loved him with all you’re might.


It was Saturday morning and you had just finished taking a shower and changing when you got a text from a friend of yours. It was something urgent and she needed you to come to the park in 15 minutes. You texted back and headed out the door

When you got to the park, it was empty. There were little dew drops on the grass from the light rain from last night. You could hear the birds chirping as they flew by over your head. You looked around for your friend, walking deeper and deeper to the park until you reached the park gazebo.

There you saw him, standing, handsome as ever, holding a flower in front of him. You stood in place, putting your hand to your mouth. You just couldn’t believe what you were seeing!

There Onew stood, right in front of you, here!

Onew: Walking down the steps to you “I missed you” he smiled, holding the flower out for you

You: Taking the flower “O-Onew… What are you doing here? W-Why are you here?” You were able to get that out. You were so overjoyed that your happy tears where about to come

Onew: “Why do you think I’m here? To see you silly” Tapping the tip of your nose with his finger, loving your reaction to his appearance. With nothing else to say, he pulls you into a tight hug, kissing your cheek, your neck.

Your tears fall, getting his shoulder a little wet. You were holding him in your arms after for so long that it all felt like a dream.

You: “I missed you so much” you whispered through your sobs

He pulls away from the hug to look at your eyes which were blocked from your tears.

Onew: “Haha ____, you’re not supposed to cry? You’re supposed to be happy!” wiping the tears you missed himself

You: Laughing with him “I’m crying because I’m so happy. I thought you forgot about me…” remembering those emails

Onew: “Sorry about that; I didn’t have time to reply because I was working so hard for SHINee so that I can get some time off and come visit you” His dubu smile showing “I would never forget you… you’re too important to me to be forgotten” tucking your hair behind your ear “I love you _____” leaning in to kiss you after so long.

The kiss was everything you imagined it would be, but better. You missed it so much, the feel, touch, the way his lips moved with yours, everything. You couldn’t get enough of him.

You: “I love you too” finally saying.

3 simple words that you haven’t said in so long, that came out so perfect, it felt so natural, like you said it a million times before and never stopped…

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xforeverwithyou #1
Chapter 9: This one broke my heart.
Chapter 1: aggghh the first one is so sweet!!!!!
awwww sooo cute!!!<br />
its soo sweet!!!<br />
update soon please
no no no no no!!!<br />
!why onew!!!<br />
why must you go already!!!<br />
why!!!!! she suffer without you for one day!!!<br />
why!! Q.Q<br />
update soon please
Awww all of these stories are magical. I can't wait for your next one :)
chapter 3&4: aww time always go by so fast when you have someone you love near!! and then things hurt soo much when its all complicated and all.<br />
chapter5: awwww this time onew take car of her!! XD lol.<br />
chapter 6: i want a birthday date like that!! its soo sweet of Onew<br />
chapter 7&8: man how could he forget!!! she did all that for him :( awww soo cute!! he stayed out in the snow waiting to apologize!!!<br />
<br />
update soon please
chapter 1: awwww soo cute she stayed and took care of him!!<br />
chapter 2: he took her to see a meteor shower!! soo cute!!!<br />
<br />
will read more in a bit! :)
cant wait <br />
update soon please