Huge Mistake! (Onew) Pt.1

Onew Stories


You were busy planning something; You had been practicing singing for the past 2 weeks to surprise him. So you didn’t have much time to spend with him, trying to keep everything a secret. You were walking by the park when you saw a poster. It was about a public performance in the park on Saturday evening. Thinking it was a great idea to finally show Onew what you were doing, you called the planner and signed up.

Once you finished calling the planner, you excitedly called Onew

Onew: “Annyong”

You: “Onew! I have great news!”

Onew: “______! What’s the great news?”

You: “Um, I have something happening at the park on Saturday? Do you think you can come?” You ask shyly

Onew: “Of course! I’ll be there”

You: “Really?! That’s great! I’ll meet you there at 8!”

Onew: “Okay, bye _____! Love you”

You: “Love you too, bye” You hang up the phone and excitedly jump up


Saturday Night-


You were waiting at the park, nervous. You were going to sing 1 of his favorite’s songs in front of at least 200 people. You stayed backstage, looking in the audience for him; But he was nowhere in sight

You: “Where is he??” As the people in charge of the performances were getting the other performers ready

Before you knew it, it was your turn to sing. Once you got on stage, you looked at every face in the crowd, and didn’t see him. Disappointed, you sang the song well and everyone cheered. As you walked off the stage, the people backstage all told you ‘Nice job’ or ‘That was amazing’ and patted you on the back. After the whole thing was over, you grabbed your things, and stayed at the park waiting, while everyone else dispersed. The night was getting colder, and it was already 11pm; You walked home with tears running.

You: “I can’t believe he didn’t make it…”


SHINee was out at a party that night, for a comeback party for FT island. Onew was having much fun and so was everyone else that they all lost track of time and ended up getting home around 10. But once they reached home, SHINee pretty much crashed in their bed and fell right to sleep


Sunday afternoon-

You were meeting SHINee at the recording studio, but you really hesitated on whether you should go. You just couldn’t believe he would forget to meet you at the park yesterday?! Your tears from last night turned into anger. You weren’t going to forgive him after this

Onew: “_______!” He shouts as he sees you coming in through the door. He comes to give you hug but you move aside, avoiding him. He looks at you, and puts his arms down awkwardly

You: “Can I talk to you?” You ask firmly

Onew: Scratching the back of his head “Um… Yeah?” You walk out of the room. He looks back at s before following you into the hallway “So what do you want to talk about?”

You: “What happened yesterday?”

Onew: “What are you talking about?” Clueless

You: “The park? Remember? I told you to meet me at the park last night?” Reminding him of the phone call you 2 had

Onew: “Oh yeah… I was at a party and forgot… Sorry _____” He tries to kiss your cheek as an apology but you hold your hand up in front of him

You: “Onew, this isn’t the first time you ‘forgot’” Sighing

Onew: “So what are you saying?” confused where this conversation was going

You: “I’m saying that you need to start taking responsibility! I can’t always forgive you for forgetting our plans!”

Onew: “Why are you making this a big deal?! It’s not like it was something important!” he argues

You: Staring at him, his words hit you like a knife stabbing you. “I’m done” You whisper the words and turn around, heading for the elevator

Onew: “_____, wait!” He shouts to you, holding a hand out; But you ignore his words, wiping the tears now, as you get in the elevator. He drops his hands and sighs. Frustrated, he kicks the air multiple times before heading inside

Jonghyun: “What happened?” Seeing Onew coming in slowly, with a sad yet mad look on him

Key: “Where’s _____?” As Onew closes the door

Onew: “She went home. I forgot to meet her at the park yesterday and she made a big deal out of it. I just don’t get why she would get all mad!” Plopping himself in the chair yesterday

Minho: Looked up from reading the newspaper “Did you say ‘the park yesterday’?” checking he didn’t mishear Onew’s words

Onew: “Yeah why?” Looking at Minho

Everyone’s attention faced Minho as he started to read out of the paper

Minho: “It says that there was a public performance last night and there’s a picture of  _____ singing. It says she was one of the best singers they had” giving the newspaper to Onew for him to see himself. After reading the newspaper over and over, he mindlessly gave the newspaper to Key so that Jonghyun, Taemin, and himself could see

Onew: “I think I just made a HUGE mistake…” holding his head in his hands

(Pt.2 in Next Chapter)

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xforeverwithyou #1
Chapter 9: This one broke my heart.
Chapter 1: aggghh the first one is so sweet!!!!!
awwww sooo cute!!!<br />
its soo sweet!!!<br />
update soon please
no no no no no!!!<br />
!why onew!!!<br />
why must you go already!!!<br />
why!!!!! she suffer without you for one day!!!<br />
why!! Q.Q<br />
update soon please
Awww all of these stories are magical. I can't wait for your next one :)
chapter 3&4: aww time always go by so fast when you have someone you love near!! and then things hurt soo much when its all complicated and all.<br />
chapter5: awwww this time onew take car of her!! XD lol.<br />
chapter 6: i want a birthday date like that!! its soo sweet of Onew<br />
chapter 7&8: man how could he forget!!! she did all that for him :( awww soo cute!! he stayed out in the snow waiting to apologize!!!<br />
<br />
update soon please
chapter 1: awwww soo cute she stayed and took care of him!!<br />
chapter 2: he took her to see a meteor shower!! soo cute!!!<br />
<br />
will read more in a bit! :)
cant wait <br />
update soon please