When Daehyun and Jinae took their wedding photos

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For Baby_Gee | Starring B.A.P's Jung Daehyun | Fluff

authorsnote; Finally a B.A.P request! I've been waiting a whlie for one. A quick shoutout to my pig of a sister who requested this one :) much love, yeah? :D jks enjoyyy♥

Yay for the longest oneshot so far ^^;;

*The majority of the scenes were inspired/taken from the Yongseo (Yonghwa and Seohyun) couple from We Got Married ^-^

On another note, please take a look at the summary section on the request form located in the forewords - I changed the summary section slightly just to make things easier for myself. I didn't realise people would be posting paragraphs as their summary (not that that is a problem, don't get me wrong!) Please make sure to add one sentence starting off with 'When (idol's name) ____' for your summary at the bare minimum. Longer description can then be added if desired. 

Okay, enough flaffing from me. Enjoy!♥


Daehyun and Youngjae were sitting at the window seats of a café nearby to the wedding shop Daehyun and Jinae were taking their wedding photos at. Jinae was getting her make-up done, so Daehyun and Youngjae went to get something to eat before starting the shoot.

Youngjae looked to the time, "Daehyun, shouldn't you get going now? Don't you dare make my sister wait for your bum." He tapped his watch.

Daehyun looked to his watch, "There is still 10 minutes." He flicked through the menu and stopped at the last page - the desserts. "I have enough time to eat some cheesecake." He his lips as his eyes scanned across the different flavoured cheesecakes. "What flavour should I get, Youngjae? Maybe the original, plain cheesecake? Oh wait, the raspberry cheesecake looks pretty good according to this picture." 

Daehyun finally settled on the chocolate cheesecake.

"Once you finish this, you better be running over to take your photos." Youngjae eyed his best friend and also brother in law.

Daehyun waved his hand, "Yeah, yeah. I know. Jinae will understand if I'm a little late." He shoved another big scoop of cheesecake into his mouth and swallowed it with satisfaction.

Youngjae looked to him, "Let me just go over a few things in case I forget to tell you later. Number one, if my baby sister's hair looks nice today, which it will, probably in curls or something, it is NOT food. It is not chocolate swirls or anything else that your wild imagination can come up with, so do NOT try to eat her hair. I don't care if it's for a comical concept or whatnot; they are NOT going in the wedding photos. Number two, please LOOK where you're going when walking behind her. Jinae always complained how you walked on the back of her shoes."

"Jinae complained about me?" Daehyun blinked. That was the first time he had heard of such a thing. Youngjae nodded. Daehyun frowned, "Why didn't she tell me?"

Youngjae shrugged, "How do I know? Maybe she doesn't trust you."

Daehyun banged his fist on the table, "I'm her husband! Who else can she trust?!" Youngjae smugly smirked and pointed a sly finger towards himself, "I think you're forgetting that I'm her brother." Daehyun eyed him. Youngjae threw his arms up, "Just kidding! Sheesh, you should be a little nicer to your brother in law." He muttered the last part. 

Daehyun ignored the last comment and continued to eat.

"Anyway," Youngjae begun again, "It's even more important today because she'll be wearing a wedding dress that will be half a mile across the floor behind her. Number three, please RELAX. You always look so stiff in every single picture I've seen you take with Jinae, except the recent ones where we've taught you how to loosen up, so please do not look like someone has sent you to a death sentence or something. She's your wife, for goodness. You could've fooled me if you said you didn't love her."

"I love Jinae will all my heart! What nonsense are you spurting, Yoo Youngjae?!" Daehyun roared, some of his cheesecake splattering out of his mouth and very nearly hit Youngjae's face.

"Yah! Don't be attacking me with cheesecake that has been in your mouth! Ew, Daehyun!" Youngjae frowned and got up, tossing him a napkin. "And clean yourself up, for goodness. Just look at the state of yourself. Does the mere presence of cheesecake make you unable to eat like a civilised human being?" Youngjae shuddered. 

Daehyun sheepishly grinned and wiped his mouth. He drowned down a few gulps of water before getting up and leaving the café. 

Youngjae looked over, "Yah! You didn't pay!" 

Daehyun looked back, "Im running late! I owe you, Youngjae! Thanks!" He cackled and ran off.

"That Jung Daehyun- aish!" Youngjae turned to see a waiter standing at the table, eyebrow raised. Youngjae flushed red and took out his wallet, "That fattie owes me big time. He forgot that I'm going to be watching his photo shoot, too. Hmph." He slapped some bills into the waiter's hand and ran off, not bothering to stay to collect his change.


Jinae finally finished her make-up, hair and outfit after nearly two hours. She stepped out a looked to find her husband nowhere in sight. She frowned; I thought he said he was going to quickly eat something at the nearby café with Youngjae oppa. Where is he? She took out her phone and started texting her husband.

As soon as Daehyun walked through the front doors, his phone beeped. He stopped and took out his phone.

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Hwaiting, Author-nim~~! :D
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