Emotional Exercise

Alien Adventures

Bom stood, frozen at the doorway, half of her body in the gym and the other half standing in the hallway. Trainer Hwang was quickly approaching, but all she was aware of was Seunghyun in sit-up formation. His forehead was lightly sprinkled with sweat and his usually carefully styled short side swept black hair was slightly ruffled. He was wearing a full body blue tracksuit that was pered at the top ever just so. His eyes were wide with surprise yet his eyebrows rose with interest and possibility. Bom herself could feel open and close in several failed attempts of forming words and sentences. Suddenly she was shaken out of her stupor when Trainer Hwang snapped her to attention.


“Yah! Bom-ah!”


Her eyes lingered on Seunghyun before she turned her attention towards him. While finally fully entering the gym she nervously looked down and drew imaginary circles with her right foot on the floor. “T-trainer, hello...!”


“Don't give me that. You're late”, he reproached her. Before she could defend herself he shook his head and pointed to the blue floor mats, “Save it. Just start stretching then get to the treadmill.”


She eagerly nodded and dropped her bag off to the side. While approaching the mats that were precariously close to Seunghyun she could feel his gaze consume her. She was careful to avoid his stare and kept her head down. While she began stretching Bom tried her best to focus. Behind her she could hear Seunghyun get up, followed by the opening and closing of the door. She let out a relieved sigh. She was really embarrassed and didn't want him to see Trainer Hwang yell at her more. However, she felt kind of disappointed. Deep inside she thought, and maybe hoped just a bit, that something more interesting would happen.


After she finished her stretching she made her way to the treadmill. Bom took out her ipod and began playing the song 'Round 2' by the Cataracs. She strapped it to her shorts and began exercising on the treadmill. A minute or so in she heard someone take the treadmill next to her. She felt kind of annoyed, considering there were a bunch more available, so why did they have to take the one next to her?! However she focused and minded her own business, closing her eyes to further her concentration.


“Round 2 by the Cataracs? I like that song.”


Her eyes snapped open and her head swiveled to her right. Seunghyun was leisurely jogging on the treadmill next to her. His eyes looked forward but his playful grin twitched in her direction. She stared for awhile before silently nodding and continuing to run. Bom has been a little baffled recently since she told the girls last night that what had occurred between her and Seunghyun had kind of meant something to her. However, despite whatever inner longing she may have she really didn't want to get scolded by her trainer.


“The silent treatment?”


Bom couldn't help but quirk a little grin and nod playfully.


Seunghyun grinned back. He was relieved. He was really excited to see her and thought she was ignoring him. He continued his silly actions. He jumped off the treadmill and glided in front of Bom's treadmill. Despite Bom standing with an extra boost from her exercise machine, he managed to tower over her. He leaned forward and folded his arms on the top of her treadmill and stared at her.


Bom scrunched her eyebrows together and glared at him, but he continued to stare at her. Bom didn't think the situation could get worse as she closed her eyes and sighed. Of course, Bom hasn't exactly been on a winning streak lately.


*Beep* *Beep* *Boop*


Suddenly she felt the treadmill belt under her feet quicken drastically and she quickly scrambled to catch up to it. Bom looked up with fire in her eyes and pulled out her head phones.




“Oh, noona! You've acknowledged my existence!”


“You..almost...killed...me...!”, she panted, losing her breath as she struggled to keep running.


“Huh? Me?”, he replied, feigning innocence, “I just wanted to help~”


“YES, YOU!!”, Bom yelled.




'Oh God, no...', she thought. Trainer Hwang appeared, just as she predicted with an even more irritated expression.


“Bom...”, he continued, giving her an intense stare, “....Good work!”


“Wh-what?!”, she panted.


“Yeah, I'm really impressed, usually you stick to Level 4 on the treadmill, but today you're on Level 7!”, he chuckled.




“What about Seunghyun?”


“Ah, you see Trainer”, Seunghyun said, “I was actually assisting Bom with her workout and was hoping she would help me with my sit-ups.”, he grinned.


Bom stared wide eyed, too out of breath to yell.


“Oh, that's a good idea”, Trainer Hwang reached over and 'bleeped' Bom's machine off. She quickly jumped off the machine and doubled over in exhaustion. She'd never run that much for so long.


Trainer Hwang wasted no time, however, as he commanded ,”Well, get to it Bom. Just hold down Seunghyun's legs while he works out. Consider it your break too”


Bom silently nodded, defeated as she still caught her breath, while Hwang left them to their business. Seunghyun felt kind of bad for making her run so much, he guessed he didn't think it through too much when he decided he wanted to play around with her again. He offered her a sheepish smile that nervously asked her for forgiveness. When she finally lifted her head and stood up straight to look him in the eye he felt a cold chill run down his spine as her large brown eyes shone with mischief. Bom tilted her head and smiled sweetly, convincingly so that for a second he though the nervousness he felt at that moment may just be his imagination. However, as her hand grabbed his arm in vice grip he knew he was in some deep, deep trouble courtesy of the Bominator.


“Let's help you work out, okay~?”, she began, talking with so much sugar her aegyo was overflowing.


Seunghyun responded with a nervous fidget as he agreed, “Alright...”


She lead him to the cold blue floormats and waited for him to get into position. He gingerly sat down in position and placed his arms behind his head. Bom followed suit by wrapping her arms around his legs, something that would've given him immense joy had he not been busy fearing for his well being. Trainer Hwang peeked his head over and shouted over to them, “Do at least 100 Seunghyun-ah!”


“I'll make sure he does!”, Bom responded then turned to Seunghyun and blinked, “Well, I'll count for you okay?”


He nodded in agreement, and while he felt a bit weary he still began. The sit-ups started out well enough, Bom was simply counting as normal.


Now, perhaps you know this or not, but Seunghyun isn't any better than Bom at sports and physical fitness. He began to sweat and struggle a little as he reached the 50 way mark, and as he hit the early 90's he felt himself die inside with every sit up.






“Oops”, she announced.


“Wh-what?”, he asked.


“It seems I've lost count...teehee...”, she giggled innocently, “What were you up to again? Oh right, 55, right? Okay, keep going!”


“No way! I was on 90 at least!”


Trainer Hwang once again shouted over to them, “How's it going over there?”


“He's only on 55!”


“Eh!? Get moving Seunghyun!!”


Bom smiled again and blinked innocently at him, “Yes, Seunghyun, please get moving~”


He stared at her, incredulous. 'Ah, so this is her game', he thought, 'Then I'll make this enjoyable for her, keke'.


Seunghyun restarted his sit-ups at 55 again, and Bom began counting again, knowing he was in pain. She felt a little bad but he deserved it! He made her suffer way more! However, she began to notice slight differences in the way he was doing the sit ups this time. Last time, he could barely make it halfway up a sit up. This time, he went all the way up, and every time he got closer and closer to her face. When they hit the 90's again Bom's voice kept getting smaller and squeamish as he got nearer.




The bangs of his soft black hair meshed slightly with hers and she could feel it tickle her forehead.




His cologne mixed with his natural scent and when he came up she noted the smell of fresh pine cones and manliness, and she stopped herself from burying her face in the crook of his neck.


“90—umm...97...”, she whispered.


This time his deep dark eyes caught her and when he brought himself up to meet her face she could see her reflection in his widened irises and she worried for a moment that he could see how nervous she was yet wishing he would just quit it and close the gap between them already as he took a moment to stare into her eyes.




The tip of his sharp nose brushed hers and she felt a slight moistness on the tip of her nose from his sweat. Bom wished that wouldn't stop there but as her rational side predicted the moment only lasted a second as he continued his sit-ups.




Seunghyun, with one more burst of strength, pushed himself forward and finished that final sit-up. However, even after finishing it he continued moving forward. Once again his nose brushed against the tip of hers, except this time it continued and she could feel it press gingerly against her steaming cheek.

She was frozen by confusion and want, and all she could do was nervously whisper, “1...1...”


He could feel himself grin and he removed his arms from behind his head and used it to arch himself forward. Bom could feel him come closer and his lips so close she could breath in his own breath. Closer still he came and Bom closed her eyes and puckered her lips slightly in anticipation. However, she felt his cheek against hers and could feel warmth in them collide with her own heat. Suddenly she felt his breath against her ear which rang as his deep voice resonated,




He suddenly stood up and patted her playfully on the shoulders as he grinned, “Thanks for helping with the workout!”. She turned to him, embarrassed and frustrated, “What was that?!”


He looked at her innocently, “Whatever could you mean?”


Bom was stuck. If she tried to push forward she would have to admit she felt something for him and Bom really wanted to keep that between her and the girls. “N-nothing...”


She could feel the grin of victory radiating off him, “Thought so. Now here”, he pulled out a couple of singles from his pocket, “Can you get me a bottle of water from the vending machine in the hall? Get yourself one too, your face is really really red...I wonder why?”, he teased. Bom groaned with more embarrassment, suddenly all too aware of her burning face she thought her cheeks would fall off.


However, despite herself, she noticed Seunghyun's cheeks almost as bad as hers and realized that two could play at this.


He noticed how, as she got up and walked over to him, her hips swayed more than necessary as she flashed him a charming smile. The way her thighs and collarbone and forehead glistened with sweat. She came over and pulled out a small towel from her bag.


“Hold on, you're sweating profusely...”, she observed. Bom took his chin and leaned his face toward her as she carefully patted the sweat away. She watched as he lost himself and leaned into her hand and she grinned. She then cupped his cheek and ped his track jacket. She began feeling his chest and gasped in feigned surprised, “Oh, you're sweating here too!”. She began patting the towel on his hard chest and his neck. Bom could see he was totally enamored and cheered inwardly. 'Yes!', she thought, 'My womanly skills!'. She then tossed the towel aside and wrapped her arms around his neck. Seunghyun could feel her press her body against his and he cursed. He was pretty sure what she was doing, but dammit he was a man!


As she pulled him closer she stood on her toes and pressed her forehead against his. He felt her breath on his lips as she whispered, “Tabi...”. Bom had to stop herself from laughing as she felt him shiver.




“I...really I...”


Seunghyun waited in anticipation, maybe she was sincerely confessing to him?




Suddenly however he felt a rush of cold hair that was the absence of her warmth. “I really should get our water, hehe!”, she grinned, victorious.


He stood there shocked, and when he regained his composure he smirked and arched a brow, 'This girl...'. However, Seunghyun didn't want to play games anymore. He was well aware of his severely pumping chest and he couldn't deny this feeling. He wanted to get serious with Bom. As he watched her turn to leave to get to the vending machine in the hall he grabbed her arm firmly. She turn with a puzzled expression.


“What?”, she asked.


“Well...uhmm...”, he began, “Do you wanna get lunch after? I'll pay.”


Bom stood, surprised. She began scrunching her lips as she normally does when she's considering something. Finally she smiled. 'Well, maybe he really is being sincere, and who am I to deny free food??', she thought.




“Okay?”, he replied, making sure.


“Yeah, yeah, now stop nagging me and let me get some water, woman!”, she teased, grinning.


Seunghyun rolled his eyes and let go of her arm and watched as she left into the hallway.


'I have a date with her', he repeated in his head happily.


'….Wait, did she just call me a woman?'


[Yay for updates, yes? It got super flirty at the gym, and it seems they're getting really close, right? Let's hope nothing ruins that...*cough*]

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Laurestine #1
Chapter 7: Hey there. I know this has not been updated for years but i just wanna say this fic is really good! I love the interaction between topbom. This chapter made me breathless omg. I get so giddy whenever they interact. And the way how the other members became so suspicious with the two was so funny! I couldnt help but gasp and at the same time amused! This is really good authornim, I hope you have the time to continue this.
swttwnkl #2
Chapter 3: I just found this please update if you're still writing!
cheer-123 #3
Please update again.
cheer-123 #5
Please update again. You haven't done so in a while. Your story is interesting.
I SHIP THEM SO HARD~~~ >.<<br />
BTW loving the plot~~ go go go~~~
Love love love it! Your story is too acdictive and is getting more interesting. Arghhh...can't wait for the next chapter >v< Plz,, update soon!!!
HaniCinnamon #8
your fic is soooo good <3!!<br />
keep updating, pleaseeee ^0^!
gjie2cute #9
WOW~ yes an unexpected twist I like this :) oh yeah next chapter would be interesting..
Kay37541 #10
Omg Seungri????<br />
What an unexpected turn:D I like it!!!<br />
<br />
Update soon please!