3 Steps Ahead

Alien Adventures

Bom lied awake, and had been for about an hour or so despite her comfy queen bed. Her arms were bound around a soft pillow, pressing the cool portion of it against the scorch of her cheeks. As she recounted the earlier events that happened not too long ago, her mind became oblivious to the total darkness and lack of presence in her room and sent her in a flurry of embarrassment.


She and Seunghyun had been 'caught' per se, considering they hadn't done anything to warrant a capture as flamboyant as that. The accusations that were thrown at them were unbelievable, and would have been hilarious had they not been toward her.


'I can't believe they thought...that we...H-HUL...!', she inwardly screamed as her knees met her chest and her body writhed back and forth between her sheets. Her hold around the pillow loosened, however, as she thought, 'At least they believed my explanation...but I wish I had been able to say goodbye to Seunghyun properly...', she sighed.




“We can explain!', they both shouted.


Chaerin arched a brow, her lips sealed tight in a straight line. She seemed doubtful and incredulous, but at the same time her curiosity tugged at her in a way that forced her to reason with them. However, she was not left without another trick up her sleeve. Yes, Chaerin prided herself on being three steps ahead at this moment.


“Fine, explain”, she yielded. Visible signs of relief were evident, but as they opened their mouth to begin Chaerin's arm left its position at her side and she brought it forward. It seemed to announce its presence with a deafening snap that caught everybody's attention.


“BOYS!”, she shrieked. Suddenly Jiyong and Daesung appeared at Seunghyun's side, looping their arms around his, which had been tucked cautiously in his pockets. They each flashed their hyung an apologetic look as they tugged him forward.


“Wh-what is this?!”, he questioned. He attempted to loosen their grip, but to no avail.


“I thought that you guys may try to lie on the spot, however, I'm sorry to inform you that I am three steps ahead!”, she declared, hollering malevolently. Everyone except Bom and Seunghyun exchanged amused expressions and thanked their lucky stars that Chaerin was not president or queen of any country.


“You see”, she continued, “We are going to separate you to see if your stories match! If not, then we know you are lying!” She turned to the guys, “Get on it, boys!”


The guys, just relieved to get back to their dorms and not have to be Chaerin's lackey boys any longer, willfully agreed and dragged Seunghyun out. As Seungri saw the gleam in Chaerin's eyes he swiftly passed by Bom and quietly whispered,


“Good luck with that”


She reciprocated with an annoyed expression and raised her eyebrows defiantly, as if to say, 'You think?'


As she turned to watch the door click shut she felt the girls' eyes carefully roll over her, as if perhaps the truth was painted on her body. Bom sighed, the initial heat of the moment dying down. She walked over and plopped herself on the couch. She could still feel her bandmates' stare and looked up at them with a tired expression. Bom silently signaled for them to join her by patting the cushion adjacent to herself.


With a little hesitation, except for Dara of course, they joined her.


With a groan she said, “Nooooow, where do I begin?”


Bom reasoned with herself when the ruckus earlier was going on. She realized that if she just told them the truth, nothing could go wrong. Thus, she began her explanation, leaving out nothing. This was part of her charm of course, she was almost always straight forward. They quietly listened to her, shifting positions from time to time. By the end of it, Bom was stretched out on the couch with Dara scrunched on the far right with Bom's head on her lap. Minji was rolled over on the floor, a cushion nuzzled under her chin. Chaerin was sitting in a chair opposite them, her cheek leaning into her palm with a tired expression glazing over her eyes.


With a sigh, Chaerin sat up and looked earnestly at Bom, “Is that everything?”.


Bom nodded.


“Okay”, Chaerin continued, “I believe you.”


Bom smiled before Dara quietly poked her cheek and asked her the question that was on everybody's mind, “And do you have any feelings for Seunghyun-sshi?”


She thought about it for a little bit and reddened just a tad. She really wanted to tell someone, and how could she lie to her girls? She was really bad at lying.


“M-maybe...He was really nice and caring and stuff,”she confessed, struggling with her words, “...I guess tonight kind of meant something to me. It's just been a while since I've been so comfortable with a guy...”


Dara shrieked and tickled her, “LOVE!”


Bom laughed and shoved Dara off her, “As if!”


“Just take it slow, unnie”, Minji added. Chaerin nodded and continued, “Very slow. Remember, career first! But we will support your budding amour~”


“Of course you will, you love me”, Bom flaunted.


“And you love Seunghyu---MMF”, Dara blurted as Bom covered her face with a pillow.


“Alright, alright girls. Let's go to bed”, Chaerin advised.




Bom sat up, blinking, as her mind wandered back to Seunghyun.


'I hope he got out okay...'


---BigBangDorm [1:30am]


“Tiiiiiirrrreeeeeed”, Seungri groaned, burying his face into his folded arms.


“Why are we still awake?”, Daesung yawned.


“Because HE is not telling us anything.”, Jiyong growled, pointing at Seunghyun, as he himself banged his head softly on the table.


“So why does hyung get to sleep when he's the problem!?”


“What!?”, Jiyong shot up and looked at Seunghyun. Indeed, in the chair he was tied to he was fast asleep, his head limply leaning on his own shoulder.


“YAH. Hyung!!!”, Jiyong yelled. Seunghyun drowsily woke up and groaned, “Are we still at this?”


“Yes. Yes we are, because Chaerin is going to ask me what happened, and it's my head or yours hyung!”, Jiyong whined.


Sighing, Seunghyun thought. He'd held back for an hour telling them anything. He was honestly just being considerate towards Bom. He didn't think that she'd appreciate him talking about her with the guys. Besides, he was just a very private man.


“Okay, look”, Seunghyun began, “We just ran into eachother and decided to walk back together. Then she got sleepy on the way back so I carried her home. Alright?”


“That's everything?”


“Everything”, He lied.


Jiyong slumped forward as he leaned on his arms which gripped the table. Hanging his head low he thought carefully about whether to believe his hyung. However, the overhanging temptation of slumber (sweet, sweet slumber) heavily influenced his vote until finally he quietly loosened the ropes around Seunghyun.


“A'ight. That's a wrap folks!!”, Seungri cheered.


They groaned in relief and each left to their separate rooms, glad to be done with it.


As Seunghyun got into bed he heard the timid creak of his opening door and a slight wash of light coming through. Jiyong leaned on his doorway with an arched, questioning eyebrow.


“So everything's fine with you and Bom? Right?”


“Yeah, 100%.”


Jiyong smirked, “Good. Because we are going to have her on our album. Get to bed, were recording in two days.”


The excited twitch which Seunghyun fervently attempted to withhold told Jiyong everything he needed to know.


Seunghyun's messily put together response, “Oh, is that so? How nice.”, was laughable, almost pulling at the seems. Jiyong chuckled and saluted to his hyung.


“'Aight, night boy”, he finished, before quickly pulling the door shut and retreating to his own room.


Seunghyun softly adjusted himself and rested his head on the sole pillow that graced his bed. He curiously peered over to the clock that sat on his bedside table. It bleeped, in glowing green digital numbers:




He rolled over and began scripting scenes of how their recording would go. However, he wasn't able to daydream for long as sleep finally overcame him.




Mmm...So warm...


Fluffy...Smells like heaven...


“Unnie...”, a voice softly whispered.


Bom's eyelids carefully fluttered open. Hovering above her face was a fresh piece of melon bread, its warmth and smell radiating forward. She felt the harsh gulp in and she quickly grabbed the bread and began gnawing on it.


“Ah, unnie!”, Minji greeted, “You're awake!”


Bom blinked at her tiredly, her cheeks full of bread. She was still incredibly sleepy, but the bread was slowly waking her up. Suddenly Bom noticed the ray of sunshine bleeding through her satiny green curtains. This seemed to alert her, and she swiveled around to face her clock. She read the time:


8:25 AM.


“Minji-ah!”, she hollered, “Why did you wake me up so early? On a Friday too!”


Minji quirked an eyebrow, “Don't you remember?”


“Remember what?”


“You have an appointment with Trainer Hwang today! In fact, you'll probably be late now...”


Bom stared at her, stunned. “WHAT?!”


She quickly jumped out of bed, “I have to get ready, I have to get ready!”, she yelled, running to the bathroom. Minji shook her head and chuckled as she left Bom's room.


Bom quickly showered and ran back to her room. She slammed her closet doors open and quickly pulled out a gray short sleeve hoodie that fell to her mid thigh and blue dolphin shorts that barely peeked under her hoodie, along with plain white sneakers. She rubbed her outfit quickly to straighten the wrinkles out and pulled her hair into a messy bun.


Bidding the girls goodbye she grabbed a cool bottle of water and left, “Wish me luck!”




When Bom arrived at the gym she decided she was about 20 minutes late and inwardly groaned, 'He's going to make me pay for this, isn't he?', she realized. She stood in front of the entrance and could hear that someone inside was having a hard time, as deep grunts resonated out. Sighing once again, she reluctantly turned the silver knob and cautiously peered her head in.


“Hello? I-I'm here...”




“E-eh? Seunghyun?”


An update! Yes, sorry, I went on vacation. But I brought back a longer chapter and a new banner! Do you like it? I hope so. I would just like to thank all the subscribers, commenters and viewers. I'm really thankful for the support. Look forward to next update, what could transpire between Bom and Seunghyun at the Gym!?

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Laurestine #1
Chapter 7: Hey there. I know this has not been updated for years but i just wanna say this fic is really good! I love the interaction between topbom. This chapter made me breathless omg. I get so giddy whenever they interact. And the way how the other members became so suspicious with the two was so funny! I couldnt help but gasp and at the same time amused! This is really good authornim, I hope you have the time to continue this.
swttwnkl #2
Chapter 3: I just found this please update if you're still writing!
cheer-123 #3
Please update again.
cheer-123 #5
Please update again. You haven't done so in a while. Your story is interesting.
I SHIP THEM SO HARD~~~ >.<<br />
BTW loving the plot~~ go go go~~~
Love love love it! Your story is too acdictive and is getting more interesting. Arghhh...can't wait for the next chapter >v< Plz,, update soon!!!
HaniCinnamon #8
your fic is soooo good <3!!<br />
keep updating, pleaseeee ^0^!
gjie2cute #9
WOW~ yes an unexpected twist I like this :) oh yeah next chapter would be interesting..
Kay37541 #10
Omg Seungri????<br />
What an unexpected turn:D I like it!!!<br />
<br />
Update soon please!