We can explain!

Alien Adventures





“Noona!”, Seunghyun called to her, nudging her awake.


“Eh?” Bom's eyes fluttered open in surprised. She yawned loudly and rubbed her eyes, “Whaaaaaaat?”, she groaned.


“We're here”, he chuckled.


They'd actually arrived at YG headquarters awhile ago. He had tried to wake her up at the entrance too, but she seemed so comfortable that he saw no harm in bringing her up to her dorm room too. Now they were standing in the dimly lit corridor in front of 2ne1's dorm. Seunghyun heard her groan and chuckled, loosening his grip on her legs so she could climb off. He felt her release one arm from around his neck and missed the warmth. However, instead of feeling her getting off, he simply heard her shuffling through her pocket.


“Bend down, bend over...”, she murmured.


“Bend over!?”, he belted. 'What is this crazy girl asking me!?'


“Can't...reeeaaaach...”, she yawned.


He realized that while one of her arms were wrapped around his neck, the other one was stretching outwards holding her keys, reaching for the keyhole.


Seunghyun realized she was trying to open the door while still piggybacking on him and was further amused, 'Really, what an 8 dimensional girl' . He teased, “Noona, too lazy to get off and unlock the door first?”


Bom blushed. Okay, that would be the easier solution. She just felt incredibly reluctant to let go of him. She wondered why for a moment, but shook it off and credited it to her fatigue.


“ Right, right, sorry”, she mumbled. Feeling very embarrassed, she quickly scrambled off him but rather clumsily, tipping over and hitting her shoulder against the door.


“Ahh....!”, she squealed, rubbing her shoulder, yet suddenly tipping over backwards.


“Oh! Noona, Noona!”. He quickly grabbed her and steadied her, “Are you alright?”, he asked quietly.


Park Bom took a deep breath and put on a brave face. “I'm fine, yeah”, she muttered as she shrugged herself out of his hold.


“Ah, I should have just opened the door for you while you were on my back and brought you to your room like a gentlemen...”,he mumbled to himself.


“No, it's alright”, Bom answered, “I hope I wasn't too heavy~”


“You were, I'll send you the bill to fix my back later”, he teased again.


Bom slapped him on the shoulder, “Aigoo”, and they laughed as she inserted her key into the keyhole. They continue teasing each other until the familiar sound, 'Clink!', of a door unlocking brought them back to reality. She realized the night with him was already over. Despite how long winded it felt previously, suddenly she felt like it wasn't enough. When would she even see him again? Why did she even care? More importantly, why did she feel kind of sad?


As Seunghyun heard the door unlock he knew their adventure was over. He was a little bummed, he realized. He had fun. A kind of fun he hadn't had in a long while. Usually he was always in control, he carefully chose every one of his actions. But this time, he couldn't control his laughs or smiles or heartbeats. He watched as she gripped the doorknob.


“Hey!”, he called.


Bom jumped and turned around surprised, “Y-yes?”


He smirked playfully, “No goodbye?”


She grinned, “Night, alien. Time to go back to your planet”


Seunghyun returned the grin and waved 'Goodbye' to her as he turned around and began to saunter off.


“Wait-”, he heard behind him.


He swiveled around, not particularly sure if he heard correctly. 'Did she just call me?”. His eyes rested once again upon the equally bewildered form of Bom, who seemed surprised at herself and her outburst.


'Crap crap crap crap. I just blurted it out! What's wrong with me?! Aish, he's staring at me..', she thought. She quickly arranged her thoughts and stuttered, “M-maybe you're thirsty? Do you want to come in to have a quick glass of water?”, she asked.


He flashed a grin, “Sure.”




When they walked into the room it was pitch black, the light from the hallway barely did anything to help either. They couldn't see a thing.


“Aigoo, they must all be sleeping already...”, Bom wondered out loud. She felt along the wall, searching for a light switch.


“Man, what a crazy night”, Seunghyun commented. “I didn't expect to go so far with you”, he added, remembering the long distance they had to walk to and fro.


“Yeah, it was exhausting! But I'm really impressed, I didn't think you had so much energy to keep going. You even let me ride you until the end”, Bom contemplated


She felt her fingers touch a familiar object attached to the wall.


“Ah, I found the light switch!”, Bom announced as she flicked it on.




They heard the door slam behind them, and they jumped in surprise and swiveled around 360 degrees.


“Ch-Chaerin?!”, Bom stuttered.


Chaerin's face was so red and steaming, smoke practically coming out of her ears. Bom and Seunghyun's faces paled as Chaerin stepped toward them.


“Mind telling US what. Is. Going. On!?”, she growled, grinding her teeth together.


“U-us?”, Seunghyun asked. Chaerin pointed behind them. They hesitantly turned around and there they were. '', they thought.


On the couch sat Jiyong, Dara, and Minji. Around the couch stood Taeyang, Daesung, And Seungri. Their faces were a mixture of surprise and confusion, even a little red with embarrassment. All except Dara's, of course, whose expression was one of victory, as she was completely convinced her suspicions had been correct all along.


“I. KNEW. IT!!”, Dara giggled. Her outburst prompted the rest of the group to explode with their questions.




“NOONA—Why didn't you tell us you were having a fling?!?”


“GOING SO FAR?! ENERGY!? RIDING ON TOP!?”, came the flurry of accusations.


Bom and Seunghyun's mouths hung open, not sure where to start. Suddenly Seunghyun was tapped on the shoulder, snapping them both to attention. Seungri elbowed him and Bom and wiggled his brows suggestively,


“So...hyung, nevermind all the rest but you can tell me right? You did it, right!?”


He quickly received a giant knock on the head, courtesy of his hyung.


“Aish!”, the maknae shouted, rubbing his head, “I just want to know how Bom-noona wa—OW! Noonaaaa!”, he whined as he used his other hand to rub his shin.


“WE CAN EXPLAIN”, Both of them shouted.


–Flashback: 15minutesearlier/2ne1Dorm


“Are you sure we should just wait here?”, Minji asked.


“I'm positive! If my guess it correct, they'll definitely come back here!”, Chaerin shouted.


“But how can you be so sure?”, Minji continued.


Taeyang decided to assure them, “With a girl like Bom-noona, he'll definitely walk her back here.”


“See?”, Chaerin nodded.


Suddenly they heard walking and talking outside. “Get ready everybody!”, Jiyong hissed. They flicked the lights off. When they had put two and two together they decided to catch Bom and Seunghyun in the act. They all sat quietly on the couch, listening. They could only, however, hear bits and pieces of their conversation. The rest sounded like mumbling.


“Bend over?!”, they heard Seunghyun shout. They each instantly froze, not sure if they were hearing correctly. They waited a minute or so, but the talking was once again reduced to mumbling. They began to collect themselves when they heard a loud bang on the door.


“Aah...!”, the group heard Bom's weak cry.


“Oh! Noona, Noona!”, followed Seunghyun's deep resounding voice.


The group felt their faces heat up.


“Y-you don't think th-they're....!?”, Daesung stuttered.


“Alright!”, Seungri cheered.


“Both of you, shut up!”, Chaerin hissed.


The two quieted themselves. It had gone silent once again, save for the mumbling outside the door. This continued for a good while until Chaerin thought she was going to go nuts, 'What if he's taking advantage of Noona right now!?'. Seungri, on the other side of the spectrum, was upset that he couldn't listen in.


Chaerin got up and went for the door when she felt a grip on her hand. “Chaerin, stop!”, Jiyong whispered. But she pulled herself from his grip and made her way to the door, “No!”, she whispered.

“What if-!”


Abruptly the door swung open, and her face flashed signs of horror before she quickly jumped behind the opened door. It was really dark, so she hoped they wouldn't notice them for now. Two figures walked in, and now their conversation was crisp and clear.


“Aigoo, they must all be sleeping already...”


“Man, what a crazy night”, Seunghyun commented. “I didn't expect to go so far with you”, he added.


“Yeah, it was exhausting! But I'm really impressed, I didn't think you had so much energy to keep going. You even let me ride you until the end”


What indecency was she hearing? How far HAD they gone?! She had no idea her beloved noona was such a fiend, especially with Seunghyun!! She needed answers, and she wanted them now.


“Ah, I found the light switch!”, Bom announced as she flicked it on.


She couldn't take it anymore. She slammed the door shut and faced them. As they saw her she could see the shock etched on their faces. Chaerin herself could feel her eye twitch and knew she must have looked like a maniac, but she didn't care.


“Mind telling US what. Is. Going. On!?”


[Hello again everybody! I first want to thank everyone for all the views and comments! They really spur me on, you know. I'm sorry for the delay, but the notebook where I had written most of the chapters was lost and I was disheartened to continue. But I decided to because I felt it wasn't fair to you guys. So here we go, all from memory! I hope you liked it. Hehe, Bom and Top are in a bit of a jam, aren't they?]

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Laurestine #1
Chapter 7: Hey there. I know this has not been updated for years but i just wanna say this fic is really good! I love the interaction between topbom. This chapter made me breathless omg. I get so giddy whenever they interact. And the way how the other members became so suspicious with the two was so funny! I couldnt help but gasp and at the same time amused! This is really good authornim, I hope you have the time to continue this.
swttwnkl #2
Chapter 3: I just found this please update if you're still writing!
cheer-123 #3
Please update again.
cheer-123 #5
Please update again. You haven't done so in a while. Your story is interesting.
I SHIP THEM SO HARD~~~ >.<<br />
BTW loving the plot~~ go go go~~~
Love love love it! Your story is too acdictive and is getting more interesting. Arghhh...can't wait for the next chapter >v< Plz,, update soon!!!
HaniCinnamon #8
your fic is soooo good <3!!<br />
keep updating, pleaseeee ^0^!
gjie2cute #9
WOW~ yes an unexpected twist I like this :) oh yeah next chapter would be interesting..
Kay37541 #10
Omg Seungri????<br />
What an unexpected turn:D I like it!!!<br />
<br />
Update soon please!