Not Bad

Alien Adventures

-YG headquarters


Minji walked into the hall of 2ne1's dorm, making her way towards the kitchen. She had went to sleep at about 10:30pm, but her thirst woke her up. As she poured herself a glass of milke she couldn't help but hear faint voices coming from the living room.


'Hm? Is someone still awake?', the curious maknae wondered. To quell her curiosities she steadily made her way to the living room and found her suspicions correct, as the television was still on and the back of Chaerin's head was visible. She quietly walked up to her unni and saw she was a sleep.


“Chaerin...”, she called, shaking her shoulder,.


“Euuhhh...?”, came the tired response from her friend.


“You shouldn't sleep here, unni.”, Minji commented.


Chaerin rubbed her eyes and looked around, dazed. What was she doing here? She wouldn't have stayed up so late watching television unless there was a re-


“Omo!, she cried. With a jolt she sat up and look around .


“What's the matter?”, asked Minji


“Did...did you see Bom come back?!”, she asked, afraid of her answer.


“I didn't see her or anything...I assumed she was sleeping already!”


They exchanged looks of concern and rushed to Bom's room. True to their worries, she had yet to return from whatever escapades she may be embarking on.


Suddenly Dara walked into the room, holding her precious Tamtam.


“Oh hey, are you guys having a sleepover without me?”, she grumbled. Taking a second look, she realized, “Oh? Where's Bom?”


“That's what were worried about, unni! She hasn't come back”, said Chaerin.




The 2ne1 girls were deeply concerned. Bom had never been out so late, so long, by herself. They were especially worried because she said that she would be back soon. But what were they to do? She didn't say where she was even going!


“Aigoo, what do we do?!”


“We have to tell the president!”, suggested the worried Minji.


“No! Not yet! Someone might get know he can be rash sometimes”, reasoned Chaerin. The other girls nodded in understanding.


After thinking about it for a while they agreed to try to look for her first before contacting the higherups.


“With just the three of us though?”


“It's not efficient, it's true...”


Dara pounded her fist into her open palm, “Let's ask Big Bang!”




The Big Bang boys were casually chilling out in their part of the YG building.


Seungri was shuffling through the refrigerator, giving a cute pout which showed his disappointment.


“Aish! There's nothing in the fridge that's fit to be consumed by me!”, he grumbled.


“Daesung laughed, “Oi, didn't we just eat dinner?”


“But that was houuuurrrrrssss ago!”, Seungri whined.


Suddenly he felt a harsh tap on the side of his head. He quickly toppled over in an over dramatic manner, rubbing his head.


“Ah! Hyung! Why!?”, Seungri whined.


“Tsh! Our maknae cannot be a glutton, that is a privilege reserved for hyungs and oppas”, Jiyong teased.


Taeyang appeared, freshly showered. As he rubbed his hair with a towel he walked into the kitchen to get some water. Upon arrival, however, he nearly tripped over poor Seungri.


“Eh, what's wrong? Who broke our maknae? They're not cheap you know”, he stated. He bent down and examined Seungri's condition, “Ah, actually, maybe this one is. Faulty wiring here, here, and here.”


He laughed while Jiyong and Daesung cracked up and high fived.


Seungri got up and frowned, “Hyung, whyyyy?”


Just when they were about to begin teasing him again, they heard a hard knocking at the door. They each quirked an eyebrow, 'Who could that be?'




“What!? She's missing?!”, shouted Jiyon.


“Yes, for 2 hours!”, answered Chaerin.


“You five have to help us, oke? Listen, we'll each get flashlights an-”


“Wait...”, interrupted Dara, “Hold the phone! 1,2,3,4...There's only four of you!”


The boys looked around and Jiyong explained, “Oh yeah...that's right. Top-hyung went out a while ago, didn't he?”


“He did?”, quirked Minji, “How long has he been out?”


“Mmm, 'bout two hours I guess...”, Seungri mentioned nonchalantly, scratching his head.


The cold chill of suspicion swept through the room, as each began piecing the puzzle within their own minds. They slowly exchanged glances with one another with widened eyes, wondering if they were thinking the same thing.


“You don't think...”, began Jiyong


“AHA! Midnight Tryst! I knew it!”, Dara shamelessly declared.




“Aigoo...I'm so tired”, Bom whined.


“Noona, we've only been walking for 5 minutes”, Seunghyun reasoned


Bom blushed, shaking her head furiously, “Ani, no!”, she disagreed, “I've been walking and running for hours, you know! You should be kind to your noona!”


“Okay”, Seunghyun beamed. He bent down on his knees in front of her, giving her access to his back.


“Wh-what're you doing?”, Bom stared, stunned.


“I thought you wanted a piggy back? Weren't you tired?”

“Y-yes, but I didn't say-”


“You'd rather walk then?”, Seunghyun teased.


Bom inwardly debated with herself, Her pride or her feet? 'It's just a piggy back , a piggy back ride..”, she convinced herself as she began to climb onto his back. Seunghyun smiled as he felt the added weight on his back. Her arms gently wrapped around his neck, so gently in fact he could feel the caution and hesitation. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he quickly looped his arms around them. Her shorts were so short he could feel the milky smooth skin of her thighs pressing against his arms, and he had to restrain himself from them. 'Aish, I didn't fully think this through...', he thought, as he felt all the blood in his body rush to his cheeks, 'I must look like a tomato...'.


Bom was startled as well by the sudden skinship, although she was aware it was coming. Her legs had been especially cold before, but the warmth from his body spread warmth through her, including her cheeks. Seunghyun could feel the tension in her body, but after a minute or so of walking like that she finally relaxed and got settled.


As Bom got more comfortable she nestled her face against the crook of his neck, 'Hoo..he smells really good', she admitted as she closed her eyes. He listened as the rhythm of her breathing slowed to a calm pace, her chest rising against his back and her hot breath tickling his neck and cheek.


"Neh, Seunghyun"




"You're not bad, oke?", she mumbled, before dozing off to a quiet sleep.


This time, he gladly welcomed the blush that graced his cheekbones, and he slowed his pace in hopes of making a 10 minute walk last so much longer.


[Chapter 4 finished! It's a bit short, I actually could've made it much longer but I decided to save that until next update! Look forward to it. Here's a hint to a future chapter: Push-ups! ]

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Laurestine #1
Chapter 7: Hey there. I know this has not been updated for years but i just wanna say this fic is really good! I love the interaction between topbom. This chapter made me breathless omg. I get so giddy whenever they interact. And the way how the other members became so suspicious with the two was so funny! I couldnt help but gasp and at the same time amused! This is really good authornim, I hope you have the time to continue this.
swttwnkl #2
Chapter 3: I just found this please update if you're still writing!
cheer-123 #3
Please update again.
cheer-123 #5
Please update again. You haven't done so in a while. Your story is interesting.
I SHIP THEM SO HARD~~~ >.<<br />
BTW loving the plot~~ go go go~~~
Love love love it! Your story is too acdictive and is getting more interesting. Arghhh...can't wait for the next chapter >v< Plz,, update soon!!!
HaniCinnamon #8
your fic is soooo good <3!!<br />
keep updating, pleaseeee ^0^!
gjie2cute #9
WOW~ yes an unexpected twist I like this :) oh yeah next chapter would be interesting..
Kay37541 #10
Omg Seungri????<br />
What an unexpected turn:D I like it!!!<br />
<br />
Update soon please!