Nightly Rituals

Alien Adventures

It was a lazy night for the YG Family. Many of them were enjoying relaxing, as they were well aware of the chaos that would ensue once their promotions started once again. In the 2ne1 dorms, each girl was getting ready for bed, cherishing their privilege to have a nice long beauty sleep. That is, except for one member.


“Chaerin, I'm going out for a bit okay?”, Bom announced


“Eh? Where? Why? It's late already, unni”, Chaerin questioned. She got up from her position on the couch to glance at the clock. Indeed, it was 10 o'clock at night.


“Euhh, why?”, she blushed, “It's nothing! I wont be long, I'll be back soon.”


“Wait, Unni--!”, but before Chaerin could argue, Bom closed the door and quickly left. Dara appeared eating candy, looking towards the doorway with a raised eyebrow.


“What's with her?”


CL paused and thought carefully, “I don't know...but...was she blushing? Do you think...”, She turned to Dara and they exchanged looks of suspicion and curiosity.








Bom dug her hands into the pocket of her camouflage hoodie, racing down the street in her shorts and sneakers. She knew it was risky and irresponsible to dilly dally on the street late at night, especially someone of her nature. But, 'Hul! I'm an adult!', was her argument. She took the necessary precautions from being recognized anyway. She had her hood on tight and sunglasses. No one would bother her.


Being fully confident she would not be recognized. She was anxious to arrive towards her destination. It was a monthly thing when she wasn't busy, to go there and see them. She counted in her head, '10 more minutes until I get there! Fighting!'. She pumped her fists in the air to express her excitement, which also prompted her to walk faster.




Seunghyun slumped down the street, hands in his pockets and hoodie over his head. He was bored. The downtime was turning him into some sort of nut, and he felt somewhat empty inside. He didn't want to tell the other Big Bang members because he was the oldest of them, he wanted to set a good example. Besides, Seunghyun had his manly pride. How could he explain his sudden glum?


“Some sort of early mid life crisis? Aish”, he pouted.


As he walked he spotted a familiar convenience store he used to frequent. 'I could really use a smoke right now...'


Smoking was an admittedly bad habit which he found trouble quitting. It began as a one time only thing at a wild party, but it slowly escalated to a point that it became an emotional crutch for him. It , he was aware, but it wasn't easy to quit. He'd tried several times, but he always relapsed.


Taking a sigh, he quickly took a survey of the area. After deciding it was safe, that he wouldn't be recognized (especially since it was late at night), he sauntered over to the store with a heavy heart.




“I've wanted to see you for such a long time!”, Park bom admitted. Her cheeks flushed the red tint of excitement and eyes that sparkled with glee.


“Ha ha, it's good to see you too, Bom. You are getting prettier every time I see you”, said the older woman at the counter.


“You have no idea how much I love your baked goods, ahjumma!”, Bom squealed.


The older woman chuckled, “Of course I do, that's why I keep my bakery open especially late for you.”


Bom was visiting a small, family owned bakery. It was small and not an impressive building as it was nestled on the far end of the street which did not have many people passing by. However, the cakes were extremely delicious. 'A secret gold mine', thought Bom.


“So what would you like today?”


“Oh, they all look good! Um...I want that one, that one, and that one!”




Bom strolled out of the shop, seemingly walking on air. Her precious goodies were in their simple brown boxes, in a plastic bag that were slung around each of her wrists. She began fantasizing about her sweet treats, when suddenly-


“Park Bom!”


“It's Park Bom!?”


'Oh no', thought Bom, 'I forgot to put my hood and sunglasses back on!'.


“H-hi-, hello”, Bom greeted. She decided to sign a few autographs and greet them, as she didn't want to shoo away any of her fans. She hoped that it would satisfy them.


As it got later and later, she finally finished and bid everyone home. “Annyeong!”, she bid them as she waved them goodbye. She picked up her bags and prepared to go home when she noticed a man still standing there, staring at her. “U-uhm, get home safe.”, she bid him.


She turned to leave when suddenly she felt her shoulder being gripped, and felt the nails of a stranger dig into her skin.

[And that's the first chapter everybody! Thanks for viewing. It's a little boring now but it'll get better, I promise. I left with a cliffhanger too. Peace! I will update very soon!]

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Laurestine #1
Chapter 7: Hey there. I know this has not been updated for years but i just wanna say this fic is really good! I love the interaction between topbom. This chapter made me breathless omg. I get so giddy whenever they interact. And the way how the other members became so suspicious with the two was so funny! I couldnt help but gasp and at the same time amused! This is really good authornim, I hope you have the time to continue this.
swttwnkl #2
Chapter 3: I just found this please update if you're still writing!
cheer-123 #3
Please update again.
cheer-123 #5
Please update again. You haven't done so in a while. Your story is interesting.
I SHIP THEM SO HARD~~~ >.<<br />
BTW loving the plot~~ go go go~~~
Love love love it! Your story is too acdictive and is getting more interesting. Arghhh...can't wait for the next chapter >v< Plz,, update soon!!!
HaniCinnamon #8
your fic is soooo good <3!!<br />
keep updating, pleaseeee ^0^!
gjie2cute #9
WOW~ yes an unexpected twist I like this :) oh yeah next chapter would be interesting..
Kay37541 #10
Omg Seungri????<br />
What an unexpected turn:D I like it!!!<br />
<br />
Update soon please!