Lunch Time

Find the Real Me

Minah's POV
I entered the lunchroom and scanned the room for Hyorin unnie and her friends, found them. I walked over to their table and sat down.

Third Person's POV

"Why is she sitting at Hyorin's table?!"
"OMG she's Hyorin's sister?! You're lying right?!"
"I heard her family adopted her from the DUMPSTER! Hahaha!"

Minah's POV
I heard every single word said around the lunchroom, I tried to ignore, but it still hurts. I didn't want to ruin Hyorin unnie's image so I started to get up.

Hyorin's POV
I heard everthing everyone said about my innocent little sister. I glared at everyone trying to find the people who insulted my sister. She started to stand up, and I quickly grabbed her hand.

"Stay, don't leave unnie."
"It's ok unnie I don't want to ruin your image. I'll eat on the roof don't worry I like it up there." She replied to me with a slight smile, and started walking away.
"Neh, be strong for unnie kay?" She nodded and disapeared. *sigh I wished that girl had some more courage to defend herself. All well for the mean time I'll protect her.

I walked into the lunchroom just in time to see Minah leave. I looked at her hand, she still hasn't eaten her lunch. I was about to run after her, but I was surrounded by screaming girls. Soon I saw the reason why they were screaming, 6 handsome boys headed towards me. They kinda look like a gang. Am I in trouble? They asked my to sit with them, so I did. Turns out they're not so bad, just really popular. They call themselves the Bangtan Boys/ BTS for short. They're name are:

Rap Monster/ Rap Mon for short: He's the leader, and is actually quite quiet
Jin: He's the oldest hyung and the image of the group. He acts kinda like an oma (weird)
Suga: He's really nice and can make a girl faint with just one glance
J-Hope: He's really funny and energentic
Jimin: He's full of aegyeo, a bit short, and kind of child-like
Jungkook: He's the makane of the group (younger than me), adorable, and really playful. Oh and the most popular with girls amongst the group.

They told me they were part of the advanced major classes, so they don't have any of the same classes as me. All of them took vocals, rapping, and dancing for their advanced majors classes. Seems like interesting subjects.

"Hey it seems you're pretty popular with this being your first day. Haha word travels fast in this school."Rap Mon told me. I quickly shook my head.

"Haha me popular?! You're the popular ones!"I exclaimed. They all started to laugh.

"Hey I like this guy." J-Hope said.

"Me too! Hey you wanna hang out afterschool?" Jungkook asked me.

"Why not." I said with a smile. New friends on the first day of school this day is going really well for me. Then my mind went back to Minah. I wonder where she went.

Minah's POV

I walked up the stairs and towards the roof. I liked it up there, it was quiet, peaceful, and best of all there was no one there to disturb me, well most of the time. I opened the door to find a girl just sitting there. I was going to head somewhere else, but I looked at my watch. I guess I don't have any other choice. I walked over and sat a few meters away from her. I took out my lunch and started eating. I kept staring at her, and then I saw her name tag, Park Hyomin. I've heard somethings about her, she's in my grade,she's from class C-4, has no friends, and some call her the ice-queen because of her ice cold glares. I've actually never seen her since I'm from class A-1. I didn't realize I was still staring at her until she turned and looked at me.

Hyomin's POV
Who's there? At the corner of my eye I saw a girl walk out onto the roof. She's eating her lunch and staring at me...creepy. I looked over just enough to see her name tag, Choi Minah. I remember hearing about her as I pass through the halls. She's a girl that never talks, has no friends, and apparently her sister is Choi Hyorin. I wonder if she comes here to eat her lunch often. Today was the first day I came up here, I like it here. Since I was finished with my lunch I went over to her.

"Hey why are you staring at me?

"............." No response from her.

"Not gonna reply? Fine with me then." Urggghhh why does I everything I say come out the wrong way?! I was trying my best to be nice. Maybe now she just thinks of me as another bully. I really wanted to be her friend. I didn't want a friend that was a gossiping queenka with nothing better to do than spread rumors. I tried to walk it off cooly so I just left the roof and came back inside.

Minah's POV
She walked over to me and asked why I was staring at her. I didn't exactly know how to respond to her so I just stayed silent... *Sigh Why am I so horrible with words I talk to my parents and Hyorin unnie just fine. After not hearing my reply she just left... I really wish I was able to talk to her. I remember looking into her eyes earlier, they weren't cold, they were just the eyes of a lonely person. I should know I see the same eyes when I look into the mirror. Maybe we're not that different.


The bell calls for me. I got up and headed to the girl's locker room. Time for sports, I really dread this part of the day. I'm great at dancing and running, just not sports ( let's just say that I'm not the most coordinated person ever).


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vivianbui15 #1
Chapter 16: I read it please update
vivianbui15 #2
Chapter 15: Please update haha lol I know you're busy
vivianbui15 #3
sazuka #4
Chapter 15: Kyaaaaaaa kris!!!
kpop_luv #5
Chapter 10: Yay thank you for updating~ Fighting
Ninjachick #6
Chapter 9: Fighting Unnie!! Keep updating please
kpop_luv #7
Chapter 7: Please update soon I loves the story :)
Chapter 3: Please update soon (: