Let's Audition!

Find the Real Me

Minah's POV
What do I do?! How will I make it to V in time?! I wish I could have spoken up. Ok this isn't time for this. I gotta get cleaning, if I clean fast enough I'll get this done in 15 minutes. Alright let's get started. I started cleaning the desks, mopping the floors, and cleaning the chalk board. Now I know how the janitor feels... Ok just a little more and I'm done. I gotta keep this up.


15 minutes have passed since auditions started. Where's Minah? I have to enter the waiting room soon. What if she forgot or doesn'tcare. No, she wouldn't just lie to me. Or would she? 

"Hyung you look nervous, don't worry you'll do great." Jungkook said to me. 

"That's not what he's owrried about Jungkook." Then Suga whispered something into Jungkook's ear. 

*whispers*"He's waiting for a certain someone to come and wish him good luck."

"Oh...I see." Then an announcer came out.

Announcer: #s 50-60 please enter the waiting room

"Dude that's you #54!" Jin exclaimed.

"3 more minutes."

"Dude they won't let you in if you're late! GO! You can see your girlfriend afterwards!" J-Hope had said to me.

"She isn't my girlfriend..." Yeah she isn't my girlfriend. So why am I waiting for her? 

Announcer: #54 are you here? Last call, #54. 

I walked towards the desk

"Yes I'm here..." I was about to enter the waiting room then...

"Someone's here for you." Suga had whispered in my ear. I turned around to find Minah trying to catch her breath. 

"I-I just-wanted to-"

"Take a moment it's ok. Just catch your breath. Is it ok if I just take a minute beofre heading in?" The announcer nodded. Minah took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Sorry I'm late...I just wanted to say...Good luck! Hwaiting" She gave me a sweet smile. 

"Thank-you Minah. I'll do my best." I gave her a smile and I walked into the waiting room. 


Breathe! Deep Breaths! Air! Need air! It's the guy who's next to me turn. He did an amazing dance routine. He's got some skills. He messed up on his singing though. What am I going to do? I really REALLY hope I don't mess up. Breathe. And it doesn't help that JYP is here in the flesh.

Announcer: #54 you may start.

I started to sing first. I sang Yesterday that was sung in the Dynamic Black collaboration. When I finished I saw the judges cold stares and writing down on their papers. They music for me to freestyle to. I did my best, but honestly I don't even know what I did. Then the auditions continued down the line.

Announcer: Ok this audition session is now over. You will recieve the results by mail and email. Thank-you for your participation.

As I was about to leave. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and who do I see? JYP! Mentally going cray right now.

"I was quite impressed by your performance earlier. I'm thinking about reccomending you for advanced majors. I guest teach here sometimes and if I see you improve during advanced majors then I may sign you to my company or subordinate companies. I believe you have some talent in you."

"Thank-you so much sir!" I gave him a 90 degree bow

"Haha. You have a lot of work ahead of you. I look forward to seeing you again." With that he went back to the judges table. Oh my- did I just- yes i did! I walked out back out and see the guys waiting for me. 

"How was it?! Did you mess up?!" J-Hope asked me.


"SPEAK TO US!" Rap Mon started shaking me.


"JYP what?!" Jin said to me.

"He...talked to me. he said..."

"He what?! Spit it out hyung!" Jungkook was practically letting everyone in the area hear his question.

"He thought I was good, and said if Improve I may be able to join his company or one of his subordinate companies!" I replied to them. Al of them went crazy with shock.

"OH MY GOSH!" they had all said.

"Dude this is big! You are for sure gonna pass this audition!" Jungkook said excitedly.

"Thanks for the help and support guys." I said to all of them. Then I looked around the room. 

"If you're looking for your girlfriend she left a little while ago, seemed like she was late for something. She gave me this and then ran off, I think this for you." Suga handed me a letter. I'l read it later...in private.

"So what are you guys waiting for?! Let's PARTY! Arrcade then V's place!" Rap Monster exclaimed.

Minah's POV

I hope V's audition went well. I wish I could have talked to him afterwards, but I had to head home. On my way out of the school. I ran into to someone and tripped. I looked up to see a human skyscrapper.

"Sorry." He helped me up then quickly left. Who was that guy? I didn't even see his face. Oh well. Oh No! My glasses! They're cracked! Aishhh. What am I going to do now?! Sigh... I headed home with my glasses. My vision is that bad , but still... As I walked passed a bush my hair got stuck. What is with all his bad luck?! I undid my braid and untangled my hair. Might as well keep my hair down now... I couldn't see very well with my bang in front on my face without my glasses, so I clipped them up as well. As I walked closer to this group of boys they all started talking and looking at me. I probably look ridiculous or somethng. I continued walking, and then one of the guys approached me.

"Uh hey. Um I just wanted to say that I saw you from a far, and you don't know me, but I think you're very pretty." The guy complimented me.

"Based on your uniform you go to Seoul Performing Arts Academy right?" One of his friends had asked. I nodded

"We're not trying to creep you out or anything haha. You must be a vocal major or something like that. If you become an idol we'll be sure to cheer you on." They all smiled at me.

"Well that's all we wanted to say. Sorry if we kind of creeped you out, but you must get compliment like this all the time. Well bye." And then they walked away. That was so... random. No sranger or anyone at school had ever done said things like that to me. I was honestly in shock. Oh it must be the make-up from this morning. Yeah just that. I continued to walk home and random people would say I was pretty, even random ahjumas would say this to me. Ok my bad luck turned into good luck? I'm not used to getting compliments like this. All I can do smile and nod, and continue walking. I came home and look at myslef in the mirror. I look the same, but different? Sigh I don't know anymore. I'll just wash this stuff off my face and get to cooking dinner. After I washed off the make up, Hyorin unnie came home. 

"Where did all my hard work go?!" She looked disapointed.

"I washed it off. Sorry unnie."

"I wanted to take a picture of you all dolled up. Oh well." She sighed.

"Come on unnie, help me with dinner."



Woah. That was some celebration. I don't even know if I got in. I take out Minah's letter from my pocket.

                   Dear V, 

                              Since I'm not good with words, I wrote you this. I hope you did very well during your auditions, actually I know you did. :) I just wanted to thank you for being my partner. I                                   hope you will be able to achieve your dreams. I included some origami paper. I heard if you make a thousand cranes you can have one wish come true. :D 


I smiled to myself. A thousand cranes huh?



HELLO HELLO THERE WORLD! It's been 2 months or so since my last update! Miss me? Haha probably not...but I put up 2 chapters in one day wow that's a record! Took forever to write this X( But hey I like writing stories so it's worth it :D I'll try to update again next week! ~Author-nim^^

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vivianbui15 #1
Chapter 16: I read it please update
vivianbui15 #2
Chapter 15: Please update haha lol I know you're busy
vivianbui15 #3
sazuka #4
Chapter 15: Kyaaaaaaa kris!!!
kpop_luv #5
Chapter 10: Yay thank you for updating~ Fighting
Ninjachick #6
Chapter 9: Fighting Unnie!! Keep updating please
kpop_luv #7
Chapter 7: Please update soon I loves the story :)
Chapter 3: Please update soon (: