Let's Practice!

Find the Real Me

Minah's POV
I hope V is feeling better today even though I just visited him yesterday. I wonder how I'll mak it through today's class practice with our partners. *sigh I walk into class and who do I see? V!!!!!! He actually came to school. Isn't he still sick? Anyways, I walk over to my seat and sit down. Class starts as usually. Yay...another A+, another reason for the others to bully me. The bell rings for break and the girls in the class are grouping togther and start walking towards me, but before they can get to me V walks up to me. The group of girls tart to back off (probably cause they don't want to look bad in front of V). 

"Yo Minah-shi! I actually wanted to talk to you for a sec, let's go up to the roof" V then pulled me up to the roof.

"I just wantd to say thank-you for taking care of me yesterday. Thanks to your magic soup I felt better this morning!" He gave me a big smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"Oh, and thank-you for making a copy f the notes and homework you're a life saver!" He's already said thank-you so many times to me I'm shocked.

"If you were worried tht you would have to go through today's partner practice then worry no more. I wouldn't make you sit through class alone, it's a partner assinmen, we have to work together to make it work. After all we are partners right?" I gave him a nod to answer his question.

"I'm counting on you" He gave me another kind  smile.

"Let's go back to class Minah-shi" He turned and started to head for the door. For a second I just stood there. What he just said, no every word he's ver said to me have been kind words. Thank-you V. Thank-you for even talking to me. Thank-you for your kind actions. I just wish somedy I will be able to tell you myself someday.

" What are yoou doing standing around Minah-shi? We're goinna be late to class!" I start walking towards him and we head to class.

Later that day

Time for partner practices. We get to show our cooperation skills with our partners. i just change int sweats and walk into the practice room. I've never been in here before because this side of the school is just used by the advanced majors students. I wish my "practice" room was like this. The other students start to fill into the room. 

"Oh the PIG came to practice today. I guess I lost the bet. I owe you 10,000 won Sora." One of the girl's was saying to her friend.

"Hey let's make a another Ah Mi. I bet the pig does so horribly today and embaresses herself so baddly she won't ever show her face in this room again."

"Oh I am so in!"

"I'll even add in another 10,000 won if V never talks to her again." Why are these girl's so mean to me? Why do they push me down into the dirt? Is it so they can give themselves more confidence? I honestly don't get it. Why do they pick out that one person that happens to be different? Why does that one person have to be me? But it's not like I can do anything about it... Just then the guys from our class walk in. Including to V.

"Alright class is everyone here?" Ms.Hwang came in and asked.

"Yes teacher." Everyone replied.

"Alright class you can start your partner practices. Even if you aren't that great then think of this as an assignent to help develop your communication and cooperation skills. I will be walking round to see how you guys get along. I know you guys may ot be best friends with your partners, but still try to get along." Everyone split up into their groups to practice. The queenkas as usually are trying to show off. Most of the queenkas are trying to sing, but just end up screaming or going way off pitch. The queenkas that are trying to dane are trying to be either y or cute. In my opinion they are over doing the y and aegyo. 

"Hey Minah-shi lets get started." V started to do his dance routine and in under 10 secs he had everyone' attention. Although, who wouldn't want to look at him dance. By the end of his routine people have started clapping.

"Omg V you are soooooo good at dancing. Maybe you could teach me sometimes." One of the girls said trying to flirt with him.

"No thanks." V pushed her away.

"Awww. My partner is a useless no talent loser." The girl said. Her partner looked like he was on the verge of tears. Then all of a sudden the look on V's eyes changed.

"Don't say that...."

"What did yoou say V? I couldn't  hear you."

"I said DON'T SAY THAT! Do you know how it feels to be called useless, worthless, and talentless? No one should ever have to hear those words!" He just exploded

"Why are you defending him? It's not my fault he's like that. I'm just stating the truth. Come on V, you don't even know how he feels since you're so handsome and he's so ugly."


"V...I...I'm sorry..."

"You shouldn't be saying that to me. You should be saying that to your partner." The girl turns around and apoligizes to her partner. The girl's partner thanks V. But V still looks frustrated

"Ms.Hwang... my I go outside for a second?" V asked. 

"Sure Mr.Kim. Minah-shi please go outside with him, you are his partner afterall." V and I walk outside and sit on a bench. It's quiet for a while, and I try to gather all the courage I can and say something.

"Are you ok..?" I said really quietly.

"Yeah. Sorry for back there. I seemed so uncool the way I just exploded..."

"No It's ok. I thought you were really cool standing up for that boy..."

"Thanks Minah-shi. Haha I guess we better get back in there." He gave me a smile although his eyes were stil sad. We went back in and he seemed almos back to normal again. 

"Well I practiced, now you should practice." V said to me. How am I gonna practice in front of all these people. I start getting light headed.

"Woah calm down. Just breathe and imagine that I'm the only one here ." I was able to calm down. It doesn't help because I'm nervous aound him too, but it's better than everyone else together. I start dancing like no one is there but V. By the time I stop, I realized that everyone was looking at me. People were starting to whisper.

"She can dance...Is it just a miracle that we just saw before our eye?"

"Was she able to do that herself or did V teach her really well?"

"It was probably V's amazing teaching skills."

"This is all Minah's talent all I did was help her coe up wth some moves." V said out loud. Then the practice class comes to an end. The guys leave first. I'm in the back as usual and the last one to leave. As I was walking through the door someone pulled me back.

"Ahh" I was thrown on the floor.

"Choi Minah you think you're all that don't you? Just because you're V's partner doesn't mean you should let it get to your head. Remember this, you will always be on the bottom and we will always be at the top." The girls didn't hurt me, just glared. I wish I could tell them off I wish I could use the words in my head outloud. This is so frustrating! Why can't I stand up for myself? I want to be able to stand up for myself and others...like V

"Yah! Answer us! " The tears were building up ready to burst at any moment, but I held it back with all I could. I nod

"I guess she got the message. Hmph. For being smart, you aren't really that fast at realizing your own worth. Let's go girls." The group left, and I stayed on the floor barely holding back the tears. V tried his best to defend me, and that made me happy. But no matter how hard he tries I will still end up being the one hurt. Why is it always me? In the end, am I still worth nothing?

HELLO HELLO HELLO! So...I've been gone for like half a year... yah....sorry ;-; But I'm back! Thank-you to those who read and those who subscribed^^ Hehehe I will try my best to update more often since summer is coming! I've actually got most of this fanfic thought out, just gotta type it which takes a while. Till next time <3 Again sorry for being MIA. 

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vivianbui15 #1
Chapter 16: I read it please update
vivianbui15 #2
Chapter 15: Please update haha lol I know you're busy
vivianbui15 #3
sazuka #4
Chapter 15: Kyaaaaaaa kris!!!
kpop_luv #5
Chapter 10: Yay thank you for updating~ Fighting
Ninjachick #6
Chapter 9: Fighting Unnie!! Keep updating please
kpop_luv #7
Chapter 7: Please update soon I loves the story :)
Chapter 3: Please update soon (: