Chapter 2

Heal Me

Chapter 2

It is said that history has a way of repeating itself and in a weird way I guess it was true. Because there I was once again repeating a similar incident that occurred that same morning. Running through my new school Seoul University to get to class on time. I wandered off into my own void world.


Losing myself in avoiding people my foot somehow managed to get caught on something again. God I was a clutz. Just a commonly clumsy person, but there was something different about this time, while I was falling. It was quicker and had a faster pace. And again I could feel someone’s arms holding me up before I could hit the ground.


Even though I was grateful it seemed that my stomach was twisting, and turning, and tying itself into knots knowing that this time there would be a large chance it was the same ‘Mystery Guy’ that had happened to have helped me that morning.


After my feet were firmly planted on the ground, I made a rash decision to act like the incident didn’t happen and that I was just on my way to class. This was my best attempt at avoiding any awkwardly unsocial greetings with someone I am not familiar with. So I gathered my stuff, regained my balance and started to walk away like I was just some innocent bystander. Flattening my dress as I was walking I felt someone behind me. Like someone was following me. This was everything I wanted to avoid, but it looked like there was no escape now.


Trying to ignore the person who was following me, I started at a jog. Using all the energy and strength. I had to keep my breath even and to not fall over again, but someone had caught my arm. Someone was tugging on my arm pulling me to a complete stop.


Out of annoyance I turned around to tell whoever the rude individual what I thought, but I was stopped in my tracks. Everything around me seemed to pause and it felt like the world had stopped spinning. My already dark orbs had grown twice the size they were normally and they were staring into another pair of beautiful eyes that were only inches away from my face. I wasn’t used to this kind of contact or closeness so I wasn’t completely sure what to do in this instance. Being polite and the girl I was I slowly removed his grip and took a step back.


“Hi, my name is Minho, I am a sophomore here. I think I saw you by the bus stop and you tripped if I’m not correct. I was the person who stopped you from hitting the ground not only that first time but also the second time just back there.” He said with a sweet voice, while pointing back towards the distance we had come.

“Hi, I’m late for class, I am a freshman so I can’t be late but thank-you for helping me, I appreciate it.” I managed to squeak, without making eye contact.


In a hurry I sprinted and used everything I could to avoid any more verbal contact between myself and Minho. Although he was nice I just wanted to be alone.


“Ummmm, whatever your name is you dropped your book!”


I could just make out those words; with little hesitation, this voice popped into my head saying, “The book couldn’t be that important.” Taking my conscience too seriously I kept on running while looking at my map to find my class.


I was 10 minutes late. The most embarrassing moment of my life had finally just happened. I tried to enter the room in the sneakiest way possible but ended up being called to the front. Every single pair of eyes that was in the room were now staring at me.


“Why are you late to my lecture?!” A booming voice said making all the students go quiet.


Hiding behind my hair, I gave my reply “Sorry sir, I tripped on the way to class and got lost at the same time. I really am sorry and it won’t happen again. I promise.”


“Fine then, go to your seat and get out your induction booklet.” I jumped as his harsh tone cut at my non-existent confidence.


I ran up the stairs to the only remaining seat. I was seated next to a really pretty girl who looked the same age as me. She had long, silky, black hair that came down to around her waist. She was skinny, really skinny and was an average height. After assessing her surroundings I discovered her name was Krystal. As I sat down she looked up at me and gave me a bright smile. Not wanting to be rude I shyly smiled back.


Rummaging through my almost broken bag it seemed that my induction book wasn’t in there. But I remembered putting it in their this morning. I had to double check and then do a triple take before coming here. Being the first day I didn’t want to forget anything.


Then like a light bulb going off in my head or a timer ringing, informing me  that the time is up, I realised where my induction booklet was. That sweet manly voice that had been faintly yelling at me seemed to jump back into my head. “Ummmm, whatever your name is you dropped your book!” THAT WAS MY BOOK! The book that I actually needed. Damn conscience I am never believing you again.


I stood up gaining more attention than I would have though necessary, and received the meanest death glare I had ever witnessed in my life from the Professor. If looks could kill I think I would be dead 10 times over, just for interrupting the class.


“Sir, I seemed to have dropped my booklet when I fell. If it’s possible could I have permission to go outside and retrieve it?” I tried to sound like I wasn’t about to crawl into a ball and weep.


“Just get out. Get out of my classroom. Don’t come back until you have the right equipment and forget about being on the top of my favourites list!” He verbally abused.


As I took step after step, I could feel everyone’s eyes burning into me, creating little holes in the little strength I had left. Every footstep hitting the ground, hitting the stair case was followed by a mysterious whisper, a giggle or a sly comment.


When I was halfway down the stairs and just about to burst out into tears there was a quiet and polite knock at the door and someone’s head popped in. Minho! He is the guy who has my book. He is the entire reason that I am in this predicament.


“Professor Park, I am sorry to intrude but I believe this belongs to someone in your classroom.” He was holding up my induction booklet while saying this. Everyone in the class turned to look at him, then to look at me. Could it be anymore humiliating? 


Hello Readers,

I hope you all had a good day, becuase I certainly did. For Physical Education (I am in Grade 11 by the way in Australia) I have to do the Aquathon which is running 400m, swimming 300m, and running 1km. That means I need to get fit but I can't because I am so addicted to kpop that I get distracted every time. The only problems I have today is guy troubles. But every girl has guy troubles.

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VictoriousNick #1
Chapter 9: please update!!! FIGHTING!!
nana4ever #2
Chapter 9: I'm wondering who texted Sulli and why? I am glad that she has opened up a little, but hopefully it will include Minho too.

Thank you for the update ... I was really missing this story.

Take care. ;)
Swensenseven #3
Chapter 9: Thank you for update, authornim
Chapter 9: omo kamsahanida authornim for back..i've been waiting your update authornim....^.^
who's the unknown caller and message?i'm still curious about sulli's past that makes her afraid close to people...
kamsahamnida authornim...can't wait your next update...^^
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 8: Authornim good stories are worth the wait
Study hard eat and rest well and see you in afew weeks
nana4ever #6
Chapter 8: No problem my dear ... I wish you much success and take care!!!
Chapter 8: no problem authornim,i'll wait.....^^
good luck for your exam....fighting authornim....^^
zangsia1 #8
Chapter 7: Family day for me authornim but read all fanfic every free time I get
Thanks for the update