Chapter 3

Heal Me

Chapter 3

His voice was so addicting and the sound of it did weird things to my insides. It was strange experiencing it because it was all new, but the one emotion that I definitely knew and that was overpowering every other feeling was anger. The pure rage that was caused by this embarrassment plus this annoying and persistent jerk called Minho. I had my whole morning planned out and I wouldn’t get this much attention. I never wanted to be this exposed but here I am.


“Professor Park, I am sorry to intrude but I believe this belongs to someone in your classroom.” He was holding up my induction booklet. Minho!  


I sprinted down the stairs at the speed of light, grabbed Minho’s arm as tight as I could and dragged him with as much force as possible so he would follow me outside. As soon as I heard the door close behind me I let him go and turned to face him.


Giving him the meanest death glare I could conjure up, he backed away towards the wall. When his back hit the wall he realised what was coming.

“How could you embarrass me like that you JERK! I was perfectly fine coming out of class to come get that, but no, you just had to ruin my whole day and make it worse than it is. Let alone having to communicate with you is difficult.” I spat those words at him as harshly as I could sound.


Then after realising what I had just done. I turned around and stomped off with heat flooding my face. I had never done that before. What had gotten into me? Then I heard his voice again.


“Ummmm, excuse me Miss No Name, but do you want your book back?”


“NO, there is no point to having it after today anyway, this is your entire fault and you should fix it. So if you don’t mind I am going to leave now and please don’t follow me this time. I would like to be left alone.” I calmly replied without turning around.


Then without any politeness, not even a goodbye I stormed down the hall way in my attempt to get as far away from ‘Minho’ as possible. Forgetting that I was new to the school, I was left wandering the hallways looking for some place to go.


Eventually I found the female toilets and made my way inside. I checked if there was anyone in there and thankfully it was completely empty and silent. I made my way slowly into one of the booths, closed the door behind me, shut the toilet lid and sat down sobbing my eyes out. It was like there was no stopping the torrent of tears streaming down my face. Whenever I heard someone come in. I would hide my face in my bag hoping that it could muffle the sobbing sound coming from the last booth.


I stayed in there till my tears had run dry. I slowly stood up, stretching out my stiff muscles and slowly unlocked the door peeking out to see if there was anybody in there. Luckily there was no one. I walked towards the mirror getting a glimpse of my swollen, red face. Splashing cold water over it to make is seem less dramatic.


I emerged from the bathroom being cautious of wondering eyes I snuck out. But everyone was leaving the buildings and rushing out the doors like a heard of wild animals. So I waited until majority of the student population had left before I walked out the doors, out the gate and forgot about this day all together.

I looked down at my wristwatch only to see that not only was I late for my lecture but I would be late for my part-time job. I had to make a living somehow. I had to get home and get changed and find a way to get to the restaurant in 20 minutes.


Well today was turning out to be one of the hardest days I have ever had to go through. Its seemed like getting accepted into Seoul University wasn’t my best idea but at least it would maybe get me somewhere.

After I had got home and changed, I went to a pay phone and called my boss to tell him that I would be arriving late because of my situation, then slowly made my way to the bus stop if I was going to be late anyway. I was the only one sitting there waiting for the bus.


I relaxed and rested against the glass forgetting my surroundings, everything went white and I let my voice come out in a whisper singing, letting the lyrics that came into my head flow out through my mouth in a melodic tone.


Then out of the corner of my eye, I spotted someone familiar. I was certain I had seen this person before but I didn’t want to turn my head in case the person caught me looking. My self-conscious side took over and I quickly shut my mouth. My ears picked up the familiar sound of a bus pulling up towards the curb.

I hopped up to quickly get on when I recognised the person who had joined me at the bus stop. It was none other than that stalker, freak, jerk, Minho. Minho! Minho! Minho! Did he not hear me? I distinctly told him to leave me alone and not to follow me again. Argggghhhh!


“Hi again.” He said with a sly smile.


“Didn’t I tell you to leave me alone, I remember telling you that? I don’t have short term memory loss you know.”


“Well I don’t know your name, but it is really just a coincidence that we keep meeting like this. Can I know your name?” There was that sly smile again.


“You will never know my name, so every time you see me just ignore and pretend like we don’t know each other because we don’t.” I said before jumping on the bus and leaving him standing there.


Hello Readers,


Sorry for the late-ish update. I kind of had this fight with the Mother figure and it didn't end well so I had to wait till later to actually write this chapter. What do you think of the story so far? Apart from the shocking grammical and spelling errors I think it is actually ok, but i'm a bit biased since I am the one who is writing this. I want to know more about my readers though. Enjoy reading and thank-you for the support that I am getting.


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VictoriousNick #1
Chapter 9: please update!!! FIGHTING!!
nana4ever #2
Chapter 9: I'm wondering who texted Sulli and why? I am glad that she has opened up a little, but hopefully it will include Minho too.

Thank you for the update ... I was really missing this story.

Take care. ;)
Swensenseven #3
Chapter 9: Thank you for update, authornim
Chapter 9: omo kamsahanida authornim for back..i've been waiting your update authornim....^.^
who's the unknown caller and message?i'm still curious about sulli's past that makes her afraid close to people...
kamsahamnida authornim...can't wait your next update...^^
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 8: Authornim good stories are worth the wait
Study hard eat and rest well and see you in afew weeks
nana4ever #6
Chapter 8: No problem my dear ... I wish you much success and take care!!!
Chapter 8: no problem authornim,i'll wait.....^^
good luck for your exam....fighting authornim....^^
zangsia1 #8
Chapter 7: Family day for me authornim but read all fanfic every free time I get
Thanks for the update