Chapter 5

Heal Me

Chapter 5

Everything was crashing down fast and I didn’t know why. I had never felt anything close to this before. It was strange like an unwanted emotion that didn’t seem to ever leave my captivated heart. Watching Minho and Krystal walk hand in hand through the entrance of the school was torture. Hearing everyone talk and gossip about how they were the perfect couple and how they looked good together, made me angry. I just wanted to scream.


“Just ignore everyone, they don’t matter. This will all end eventually if you just avoid them and everyone. Stay by yourself. Focus on school” I said under my breath. No one would notice me talking to myself because something bigger had happened and the weird girl who doesn’t talk is irrelevant at the moment.


I will give them that though, now that it was confirmed that Krystall and Minho were a couple all attention was off me. Not one person whispered as I ran away from them. No one pointed and I was free from any shame that I would feel on a regular day. Before I could get far enough from the lovebirds I turned my head to take one last glance. I caught a pair of shining brown eyes staring after me, but I had to turn around before Minho could see through my weakened mask of emotion.


When I had got far enough from everyone and was in a safe place, I sat down and watched. The freedom from attention gave me time to observe the other students, to watch the way the react and act on a daily basis. I was able to identify the people who were like me and got a good idea of who would be safest to sit with if I was trying to avoid the rest of the population.


There was one person who actually caught my eye. He was tall and seemed a bit quiet. You could tell that he kept to himself and didn’t like to be disturbed. I decided that he was the person I would stick to. I figured that if I were to stay near him he would avoid contact and stay in the quietest place in the school. The only thing was that I had to find a way for him to not notice me. It seemed like I was stalking him, and in a way I guess it was.


I stayed at least 10 metres away from him at all times and made it look like I had things to do in whatever area he was in. Until the bell rang. People were rushing from every direction making it their mission to not be late to class. That was when I lost him. He was gone. I would have no guide for the rest of the day. No safe place and nowhere where I could get away from everything.


I was lost, I knew perfectly well where my class location was but I was avoiding and debating the possibility of going to class. I was aimlessly roaming the halls with a blank face I imagined. I didn’t know where to go to have protection or shelter.


As I was turning a corner my eyes were glued to the floor and I didn’t notice the person who was also walking. Walking straight into that person had knocked me down onto the ground. There was another act of clumsiness I rubbed the sharp pain that was searing in my back and looked up to the person who I had ran into.

“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. It wasn’t your fault so please don’t bother apologising. You should be on your way.” My mouth was moving like a motor when I realised that the person who I had run into was in fact Minho. I let shock plaster my face for approximately 5 seconds before I got up and ran with all my might away from him. Using all strength that was left within me, pushing harder than I ever had before, I ended up in front of the library.


The library, a quiet place, a safe haven. Why hadn’t I thought of this place before? There were plenty of places to hide, and books that I could burry myself in. I could escape to another world and no one was ever allowed to disturb me. Picturing different lives and how life could be for me in an imaginary world. That being the reason that I love reading so much.


I pushed through the doors and started strolling through the shelves of books, as I made my way to the end of one of the rows. I saw sitting at the table the person I was following before school this morning. He had his head in between the pages of a fictional novel. He looked peaceful and relaxed, he looked handsome.


Not wanting to disturb him or invade into his own imaginary world I made my way over to one of the shelves, letting my eyes skim through the books that were placed in alphabetical order along the row. Every now and then I would pick up one of the books and read the blurb to see if it was anything I would be interested in. Once I had found a book that I thought I would like I made my way over to the table that my new mystery guy was sitting.


I politely placed the book down at the other end and did a little bow courteously, as if I was telling him without words that I would also be sitting at the same table. I watched with cautious eyes as I slowly lowered myself to the hard wooden seat and caught a glimpse of him nodding his back at me. As if giving me permission to sit there.


Opening the book with a quest for myself I started reading, but my quest had quickly failed. My resolution was to forget about the happenings of this morning, and to forget all about those two people as if to save my aching head and heart. But my head was aching worse and everything was starting to hurt. I was feeling oddly dizzy and the world around me was starting to blur.  I knew something was going to happen so I lay my head on the desk closing my eyes. Closing my eyes wasn’t a good idea though because all I saw where painful pictures that seemed to be permanently burnt into my eyelids. The  colours were frightening and I started to hear this awful screeching in my ears.


It felt like me as a person was going to implode on myself. In order to avoid it I gripped the edge of the table as I eased off the edge of the chair. I stood still gripping the back of the chair for a couple of seconds with my eyes closed. As I opened them I notice mysterious handsome guy looking at me and I politely nodded. I turned and made my way back the shelf where I had gotten the book. The first few steps were ok, I was walking straight and everything seemed fine.


It was the steps after that, the world kept on blacking out and I was tripping over my feet or nothing at all. I could feel it coming, I braced myself for the fall. Then the world was black and everything disappeared. I was empty.


Hello Readers,

Yes I am well aware it has been a whiel and I am indeed sorry for my delay. I hope you can all understand and I am sure you will. A special shout out to the people who have suscribed and haven't unsubscribed after my short absence. School is killing me, I keep considering the option of dropping our but I know that that isn't the right option. I hope you enjoy the way the story is going so far. Look forward to more mysteriousness and suspense.


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VictoriousNick #1
Chapter 9: please update!!! FIGHTING!!
nana4ever #2
Chapter 9: I'm wondering who texted Sulli and why? I am glad that she has opened up a little, but hopefully it will include Minho too.

Thank you for the update ... I was really missing this story.

Take care. ;)
Swensenseven #3
Chapter 9: Thank you for update, authornim
Chapter 9: omo kamsahanida authornim for back..i've been waiting your update authornim....^.^
who's the unknown caller and message?i'm still curious about sulli's past that makes her afraid close to people...
kamsahamnida authornim...can't wait your next update...^^
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 8: Authornim good stories are worth the wait
Study hard eat and rest well and see you in afew weeks
nana4ever #6
Chapter 8: No problem my dear ... I wish you much success and take care!!!
Chapter 8: no problem authornim,i'll wait.....^^
good luck for your exam....fighting authornim....^^
zangsia1 #8
Chapter 7: Family day for me authornim but read all fanfic every free time I get
Thanks for the update