Chapter 7

Heal Me

Chapter 7

Sulli's POV

I turned around curious as to who it was. Before entering the bus I completely forgot about the person who also catches the bus.


As our eyes met for those brief seconds I felt everything burn, smouldering deep down inside was my composure. While I watched his eyes staring straight through me, trying to devour my every being. I was trapped. Trapped in those shallow hazel eyes that could pierce any object. In this moment, it was the first time that any hint of true fear had found its’ way into my heart from another human being.


Taking as much control as I could I slowly turned away, averting my gaze to the trees that were passing by imagining my life in different scenarios. That’s when I felt the pressure of the seat next to me change. Knowing someone had sat in the empty seat I shuffled over to make more room for the new tenant, not wanting to be rude.


“So, I still don’t know your name but I see you around a lot. I know nothing about you yet I want to know more. The only thing that I can actually say that I truly know about you is you’re sad, and lonely. Is there anyway of breaking the wall that you have built.” His voice whispered quietly into my ear.


I could feel his breath on my skin as the hair on the nape of my neck began to rise. Chills ran down my spine and it was the closest contact I have had with any person that I could remember. It was an intriguing and compelling feeling that made me want to turn my head towards his, even if it was just an inch. But I had to stay strong.

“I would feel a lot more comfortable if you stayed out of my personal bubble, Minho. I don’t just let anyone into my life and I haven’t found anyone to trust in letting them know my life story. I hope that you could kindly listen to, and consider the words that I have just said.” I responded in a monotone voice back to him.  


“But I don’t want to stay away, Miss No-Name. There is something about you, something that makes me want to know more. You’re a mystery in itself and a flower that hasn’t bloomed. I’m waiting for you to crack, for you to reveal something.” Minho said this with curiosity coating his voice. “Plus, you didn’t look alone before. Who was that with you?”


“Why must you know?” Without thinking I looked outside and found that we were a couple of blocks away from my apartment building. So instead of waiting for the closest bus stop I stood up, pushed Minho’s knees out of the way and pressed the stop button and waited for the bus to slow down. As it slowed down to a halt I lost my footing and lost my balance. A masculine hand caught my arm. Knowing exactly who it was I gently slipped my arm out of his grasp, regained my balance and made my way out of the bus.


No-one’s POV


Minho watched as Sulli walked off the bus. She kept her head down while the bus passed her. She knew that he would be watching her.


He observed her as much as he could before the bus turned a corner and she was out of sight. What was she? Who was she? How did she get like this? Minho kept on asking himself this in his head, but the question that threw him into overdrive was, why he was so interested in her? A question that not only Minho wanted to know but also Sulli.

Why was Minho so interested in Sulli?


Sulli’s POV


Although it was nice to hear his voice and to know that he still held interest in me. Always asking me questions was getting on my nerves. Either he had to get out of my life or something bad would happen. My negative way of thinking was corrupting my head and I had started to doubt anything that had happened during the day.

The shocking news, the fatigue that washed over me, the saviour who I could hopefully come to trust. All these things where starting to seem like a dream that was just too good to be true. When I heard my beep. It was a text from none other than my saviour, Chanyeol the silent yet happy guy who had happened to appear somewhere in my life in a mere couple of hours.


This restored hope made a small smirk creep onto my lips.


From: Chanyeol

To: Sulli


So when will we see each other again, I don’t think we have any classes together J


That text made me think. No we didn’t have any classes with each other what-so-ever. After thinking for a while I came up with an idea.


From: Sulli

To: Chanyeol


What if when we don’t have any classes we go sit at the library? The library could be our place. When you don’t have a class you text and if the other person doesn’t text back in 5 minutes than they are in another class.


After sending my so thought genius idea to Chanyeol I put my phone down and went to get a drink of water. As I was walking back from the kitchen I heard the phone ring. Sprinting to pick it up in time I just was able to answer.


“Yoboseyo,” There was no answer only a slow breathing sounds coming through the line. “Who is this? Yoboseyo? Is anyone there?” Still no answer apart from heavy breathing. Eventually after hearing the same noise and no reply I got sick of waiting. I hung up on whoever was trying to call me. To me that was called harassment. Whoever has the time for that should just leave people alone.


After hanging up, my phone beeped again. There were two unread messages that were waiting for my answer. The first message was from an unknown number.


From: Unknown

To: Sulli


No-one will know and you must stay quiet.


Confused I just deleted the message thinking that someone had messaged the wrong person and open the next message which was from Chanyeol.


From: Chanyeol

To: Sulli


That sounds like a plan, you’re a little genius. Well not exactly little, but still a genius. I’m going out so I’ll text you later.


Relief washed over me and I could relax. I now had a reason to smile because I had a friend. I had found someone who was just like me in ways that I couldn’t explain. Someone to talk to, someone to communicate with. I finally had someone in my life. I could relax or that’s what I thought.


I checked the time and it ended up being 9pm. I decided to start on my assignments and homework tasks before going to relax even further in a nice hot bath. Relaxing was going to be my new angel. Relaxing helped me get sleep that night. Almost a full night’s sleep.


But just before I woke up in the morning I had a short dream, it wasn’t the usual nightmare. I don’t even know if you could consider it a nightmare.


Two peoples’ hands that’s all you can see in the dream. Their fingers intertwined and playing with each other’s thumbs. Just by seeing the hands in my head I could tell they were happy and I knew exactly whose hands they were supposed to be. Minho and Krystal’s hands. The dream did wake me but it wasn’t because I was scared it was because that weird thumping thing was happening in my chest again. The unknown feeling was back again after a whole day without it. That morning I was confused as to why I had that dream and again wondering what the strange feeling was. I thought to myself that I will find out eventually.


Hello Readers,

I am SOOO SORRY I took so long to comeback. My laptop was taken off me so I had no way too update, but don't fret because this update means my laptop is back and I can start updating again. I appreciate all the people who stayed my loyal subbies and feel honoured to have you as readers. I must apologize again. I feel like the worst fanfic writer for my super long absence. I hope you can all forgive me for my horrible upkeep and I say THANK-YOU a million times over. Peace.

Any suggestions on how you think the story should go please feel free to tell me. Enjoy Reading!


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VictoriousNick #1
Chapter 9: please update!!! FIGHTING!!
nana4ever #2
Chapter 9: I'm wondering who texted Sulli and why? I am glad that she has opened up a little, but hopefully it will include Minho too.

Thank you for the update ... I was really missing this story.

Take care. ;)
Swensenseven #3
Chapter 9: Thank you for update, authornim
Chapter 9: omo kamsahanida authornim for back..i've been waiting your update authornim....^.^
who's the unknown caller and message?i'm still curious about sulli's past that makes her afraid close to people...
kamsahamnida authornim...can't wait your next update...^^
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 8: Authornim good stories are worth the wait
Study hard eat and rest well and see you in afew weeks
nana4ever #6
Chapter 8: No problem my dear ... I wish you much success and take care!!!
Chapter 8: no problem authornim,i'll wait.....^^
good luck for your exam....fighting authornim....^^
zangsia1 #8
Chapter 7: Family day for me authornim but read all fanfic every free time I get
Thanks for the update