The Need For Words


There are times when people can’t explain their feelings. There are times words just can’t put what you are feeling into perspective, can’t convey what you want to say. Wonshik didn’t know when he had started to understand, started to know this, but maybe - just maybe – it was along the way of falling for Jung Taekwoon.

This is the tale of a completely normal romance, a romance where the lack of words on one side doesn't define just how strong someone feels, or doesn't. 


I'm pretty new to the whole vixx-couples thing, but after the first wontaek story that I read I could instantly tell that they're my most favourite pairing in this group. I love the dynamics between them, to a point where I couldn't help but plan a little story with them.

This will be a completely normal and uncomplicated little love story, because as much as I love writing angsty stuff, sometimes you need something simple and warm to light up your day. This is what I want to achieve with this story.

Important: I started writing it and I have the draft of the chapters all done, but it will still take some time to complete. Due to me not really being a good updater when I upload a story that I haven't finished writing yet, I will only post it after I wrote everything. This might take about a week, but it could also take a month. I will certainly post it as soon as it is finished, though, so it would be great if you could wait patiently for it. :) Thanks a lot for understanding!

I hope you'll enjoy it once it's up! Thank you! c:

Currently on the lst chapter, this is going to update soon~


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Chapter 10: Just like romance movie.. its so warm adn fluffy
Chapter 10: Simple yet satisfying :') I wish it had more of Hongbin tho, I had a grasp of the neo friendship but not much on rabin :( this is good, and the epilogue's a good touch /thumbs up/
sup761 #3
Chapter 10: Wonderfull, I really love this!!
KTsuki-chan #4
Chapter 10: It was so So SO CUTE >///<
PaperAirplanes89 #5
Chapter 10: This was beautifully written. Thank you ^^
shizwow #6
Chapter 10: Pure & sincere. Love it!
Hi! Your story has been added to VIXX Recommendation List!
ChasingDaises #8
Chapter 10: this is amazing!! i wish we could have seen hongbin's reaction to their relationship though ^^