
Book of Fate


Two weeks before my wedding , my family and the others were busy preparing everything . Hall decoration , cake , invitations and maids of honor were all my mom and Mrs Byun's idea . 

I couldn't do anything so the only choice i got for this wedding was the wedding dress . I couldn't be anymore excited from this , the best of the best things a girl could dream of is the wedding dress .

So today Baekhyun and i will go to a shopping mall to choose our wedding dress and engagement ring . I woke up on my bed , took a shower and went downstair to eat breakfast with my parents .

" Good morning" i greeted my father who was sipping his coffee while reading newspaper and my mom who was pouring tea into her cup at the dining room .

They greeted me back and asked me to sit . I sipped my tea carefully when suddenly someone honked from outside the house .

" Appa , Umma , i will go first . Bye "  i excuses myself after hugged and kissed them . I got into Baekhyun's Aston Martin car and he drove to a shopping mall at Gangnam .

After an hour of silentness , we finally arrived  at Gangnam Shopping Street . We step out of the car and went to jewellry shop there first  .

My eyes became sparkling at the moment i saw the rings . All of them were beautiful and sparkling just like my eyes right now . One ring caught my attention then i turned my head to see Baekhyun .

" Yah , come here . Look at this " i screamed not to loud but can be heard by Baekhyun .

Baekhyun shooked his head and walked towards me annoyedly . " Call me oppa ! I'm older than you " he hitted my head using his fist . I glared at him .

" This . What do you think ? " i showed him my finger . He looked hesitated and looked at the rings section . 

" Can you give me this one ? " he said to the worker there and took it from her . " This is better . What a taste , tch "  Baekhyun sticked out his tongue .

I took the ring and looked at it . Woah his taste is good though , good ! i thought . I smiled and gave the ring to the worker , " Okay i will take this ring for me and this ring for him ".


After done purchased the ring , we went to a wedding boutique . I picked out my dream dress in the photo album that full with dresses pictures .

This look simple yet elegant , just my type . I smiled and gazed at the dress . " Baekhyun ah , what do you think ? " i pointed to the dress and looked at his expression .

" Look nice . Try it " he said which make me very happy . I went into dressing room and try it . Two female workers there opened the curtain and i can saw Baekhyun sat on a sofa infront of me .

I looked at him , wondering what will he thinks about my dress . He looked suprised and smiled . " Okay ? " i asked when i saw his expression . Seem like he like it .

Suddenly his smile disapeared . He cleared his throat . " See ? Like what i said , it'll look nice on you "  he bragged . I rolled my eyes and smiled , " Tch " .

Done choosing my wedding gown , i walked towards Baekhyun . " Let's go , pick your dress " i said happily . I can felt he looking at me , weirdly since i being super excited now .

I looked around the room . There were many coat and one coat shining infront my eyes . " Yah , look at this . Look nice right ? " i asked while pointing at the dress .

Baekhyun took it and tried it in dressing room . Once the curtain opened , i circled my eyes . What in world ! He looks so cool , hot and handsome in coat . He looked at me and smirked , " Close your mouth , i know i'm handsome " .

I closed my mouth . " Just take it , look nice"  i said while walking away from there . Next is photoshoot session for pre-wedding photoshoot but the location is at another place .

We went to the photoshoot location straight away . When we arrived there , we enter the shop . It is so beautiful , with classical concept and wood furniture . There's also a garden at the backyard .

I change my into my wedding gown same with Baekhyun . Like always , boy will done changing first so Baekhyun wait for me at the garden .

" Let's go "  a stylist said to me and helped me with my gown . I walked to the garden and get ready to take photo .


Everything was okay so far . We already change dresses for three times . From a white wedding gown , hot red long dress  until a korean traditional outfit . While Baekhyun , from a white coat to a black coat until a  korean traditional dress  too .

When its time where we have to kiss , both of us hesitated . It took about half hour to take pitcure . Finally Baekhyun said , " Stay still . I wil kiss .. you " .

I looked at him . The photographer also felt relieved . " That position is nice , stay still " he ordered . 

I can felt Baekhyun's lips on mine . I don't know what to say . My mind is blank so i just shut my eyes until the photographer said , " Nice ! Thank you both of you" .

Baekhyun broke the kiss . I looked at other way . This is the first time i felt so embrassed .

Purchasing engagement ring , wedding dress for wedding ceremony that we pick earlier at the boutique and wedding photoshoot session were all done . So I felt extremely tired today . After done everything , we just straightly go home  . On our way to home , i slept in the car . 

I didn't even realized that we already arrived at my home . I suddenly felt a warm breath agaisnt my skin but then someone slapped my hand .

" Yah , wake up " i opened my eyes and looked around . " Ah , im so tired "  i said , strecthing my body and look at him . Baekhyun looked sad but i didn't bother to ask why .

I stepped out of the car . " Bye , good night " i said as watched until his car lost from my sight . Baekhyun looked at his side mirror and smiled .

" Goodnight , Jung Hana "



Is it good ? I'm so worried . Please leave a comment after reading because i need to know what you think about this story . Anyway , thanks to yuki_kissme , livedeul9299 and authorprofile for subscribing this fanfic and i got one upvote too from syfthr . I appreciate it so much . Thanks , xoxo :)


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EfaRifa #1
Chapter 9: Update please.. I like your story..
FanFan999love #2
Chapter 9: Wow! You are AMAZING AUTHOR NIM! Triple updates in a day! Update soon...
FanFan999love #3
Chapter 8: Oh yea! BaekYeon!!!! Update soon..
FanFan999love #4
Chapter 7: Hope that the next chapter is full of BaekYeon moments! Update soon..
yuki_kissme #5
Chapter 6: Aww... what the hell did baek and soojung do just now? --"
FanFan999love #6
Chapter 6: Update soon...
Chapter 6: Soojung.. Actually I'm fan of her hahahahaa
Chapter 5: I think that Soojung like Baekhyun . Urghhh ~~~ Can't she just let them be happy ??