Chapter 7

Happy Viruses (HIATUS)

"Where'd you go yesterday?! We went to the restroom right after you and you were weren't there." Sulli explained.

"Chanyeol also wasn't there when his friends went to go get him." Krystal added with a smirk.

"Ehh, what are you trying to say?" Amber acted to be offended by their accusations.

"Mhmm~" Victoria eyed her suspiciously, "I see the way Chanyeol looks at you though. He probably likes you."

"Pssh not even. We're just in the same boat when it comes to not turning in our career sheets yet."

"Hmmmmm..." they all .

"Ah that's right!" Luna perked up, "Are you going to the basketball game after school? We're performing a new routine at half time." Luna is captain of the dance team at SM High School and is in charge of the choreography. To help her dreams of being a famous singer and dancer, Luna participates in many after school activities for her to improve. "Sorry Luna, I'm actually going some where with Chanyeol. He's going to introduce me to his brother who's in the hospital." Amber clapped her hands together in apology.

"It's alright. Better make it up to me though!" Luna being the all forgiving, she didn't complain.


"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Amber met up with Chanyeol outiside the hospital. She ran up to him, with a backpack slung on one shoulder, and panting for breath.

"Don't worry, I kind of just got here." Chanyeol reassured her with a smile. The two walked into the hospital, being taken in by the beeping of telephones, patients going around in wheel chairs, and doctors rushing from one room to another. They went inside an elevator--not having to check in, for the workers at the front desk recognize Chanyeol for his regular visits. "Hey, I was just wondering, how come you invited me to meet your brother?" Amber asked with wonder.

"Well, I think you'll be good for him." Chanyeol honestly answered. Amber didn't ask anymore questions, and just stood there to think about what he said. The door opened on the 12th floor and they stepped out. Amber followed behind Chanyeol, glancing over the the colorful paintings placed on every wall. Soon, he paused in front of one door at the end of the hallway.

"Minwoo, I brought a friend with me." Chanyeol opened the door, allowing Amber to walk in first. The room was spacious and white. There was a large area with a long couch and a TV placed on one side of the room. The opposite side of the room contained a single bed set up next to a large window outlooking the city. In the bed, a young boy turned his head. Amber bowed once he laid eyes on her, "Hello, I'm Amber."


"Amber? Isn't that a girl's name--"


"Wah cool! This place is huge!" Amber ran over to the couch and jumped on it. She grabbed a random remote on the coffee table and pressed the on button. Music out of no where started playing. "We can have a dance party in here you guys!" Amber got up and showed off her moves.


Chanyeol chuckled, and made his way to his brother. "Hey bro. Can you see that? Amber just got here, and it's already more lively in here." Chanyeol chuckled.


"Hey!" Minwoo shouted. Amber froze in the middle of doing the dougie. "It's too loud. Turn off the music." He glared at her.


"Oh, sorry," She quickly turned off the music and shuffled over to Chanyeol's side. "I got carried away over there." She laughed.


"Whatever." Minwoo replied and returned his attention to his handheld game system.


Amber stared blankly at the boy who was completely ignoring them. She snapped her fingers, "Oh that's right! Minwoo-ah, I brought you some snacks."

The younger raised a brow, interested in what Amber had brought him. She pulled off her backpack and dumped the contents on his lap. Out came chips, different kinds of candies, and three cups of instant ramen. "When I was little I broke my leg when I fell of a tree, so I stayed in the hospital for a whole week and the food they served was terrible. So I just thought maybe you'd like a change in your diet." Amber cheerfully explained.

"I'm fine with  the food I have here." Minwoo turned his attention back to his game system. Amber was beat. She didn't know how to respond to that kind of rejection.

After a few minutes of Chanyeol chatting with his brother, and Amber sulking on the couch, they got up to leave. Chanyeol ruffled Minwoo's hair adoringly and Amber waved at him, but he didn't look at her. "Don't worry Minwoo, we will definitely become friends!" was Amber's last words to him before they left his room.

"Sorry about my brother. He's tough when it comes to opening up to new people." Chanyeol smiled at her apologetically.

"No, it's fine. I'm totally determined for us to get along!" Amber announced with full confidence.



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I'm neglecting this story ;___;


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Chapter 17: Rest assured that I'll be there once you decide to update this story again! I really like how the characters are in this story and the plot line is interesting too! Hope you're doing well author!
Chapter 17: i will wait c: take your time
Chapter 17: Will patiently wait xDD
Chapter 16: Awwwwh,Amber blushing is the cutest!!! XDD
Chapter 16: Don't hide the fact that you like chanyeol amber hehe
hikka000 #6
Chapter 16: Come on amber, admit your feeling for chanyeol...
Chapter 16: dawww is this the start of something new? hehe it's happening
Chapter 15: sneaky amber laffsz. will chanyeol take care of her? hehe
Chapter 15: I'm having a runny nose too,the weather in my country is bad -.- but love the chanber moment! Poor amber,but then poor channie too x3
justmeyay #10
Chapter 15: achoo me too its really winter here in kuwait ryt now.