Chapter 6

Happy Viruses (HIATUS)

"Table for--" Lay counted each person in Chinese, "Seventeen please." He gave the waiter his infamous sweet dimple smile. The female waiter escorted the group to the biggest table at the back of the restaurant. "Hey, are you Chinese?" Vicotria asked Lay while taking the seat next to him.

"Yes. Can you tell?"

"You were counting in Chinese earlier and I can hear you small accent when you speak Korean." Victoria answered in fluent Chinese.

"Oooo~!" the group looked at her, amazed at her fluency.

"Cool! I thought we were the only Chinese students in school." Tao pointed out the other Chinese members being Kris and Luhan.

"Don't forget Amber." Everyone turned their heads to face Amber.

"You never told us you're Chinese?!" She flashed them a cheeky grin, "No one ever asked--uhh--I'm not that great at speaking." Amber spoke the Chinese slowly, making sure she got the words right being saying it out loud.

Sulli, Krystal, and Luna quietly sat next to each other, nibbling on bread sticks that were already prepared on the table. "Jongin, you and Sulli are the same age," Amber mentioned because he sat right next to her.

"Ah, really? How come you're a senior then?" Jongin, Sehun, and Tao were all juniors.

"Krystal and I skipped a grade." Sulli shyly answered. Sulli's always been timid in front of new crowds of people; but after getting to know her, her true friendly side would appear.

"Wow," Sehun joined into the conversation, "How did you two do that?" They all made an effort to get the girls more comfortable around them.

"I use to be home schooled when I was younger, and when I went to school in my normal grade, I had already learned those things so I moved up a grade. And with Krystal she was born in America and was also ahead in her studies." She explained. They all nodded in understanding.

"Krystal-shi, since you're from America, do you happen to speak English?" Suho asked in wonder. She just nodded her head, yes, still not fully accepting of all these guys. "Kris here was born in Canada; maybe you guys have some things in common." Suho smiled.

"It's fine, I can talk to Amber in English if I wanted to." She coldly responded. Xiumin, who was sitting next to Krystal, unexpectedly poked her cheek with his index finger. She just stared at him, not knowing how to respond to that.

"He's trying to help you relax." Kyungsoo told her in an almost unaudible voice. She turned her attention to the voice that just spoke to her. She wasn't expecting such a soft voice. "Okay..." was all she could say to him.

On the other side of the long table Kris was pestering Amber about her English. "You also never told us that you speak English."

"Okay okay, since you guys want to know my life story," she laughed before continuing, "I was born in America and I'm Chinese, so my first language is English and I learned Chinese through my family. Then my dad moved to Korea for business and we eventually moved here, too, and that's when I learned Korean. The end."

"That was such a boring life story," Chen faked a yawn. She retorted that comment by playfully punching his arm.

"By the way," Luhan spoke up to the whole table, "I was wondering what you guys want to do after graduation, since most of us are seniors."

"I want to be a famous singer and dancer," Luna spoke for the first time, her eyes beaming with excitement.

"Me too! I also want to try acting in dramas and movies." Tao chimed in with Luna. They began to chat between themselves about their dreams of becoming famous.

"I've thought about becoming a basketball player. I use to be captain back in Canada." Kris said.

"I want to be a veterinarian because I love animals." Sulli answered.

"I think I want to be an elementary school teacher." Kyungsoo said. And again, Krystal looked at him, not expecting that kind of career choice from someone with such a soft voice. The group went around the table sharing the dreams and aspirations for the future.

Chanyeol and Amber looked at each other, both knowing that they were thinking similar things. Amber looked around the restaurant in attempt to find something to get them out of sharing. Her eyes landed on the exit, and then the restroom sign. "Bingo,"  a light bulb lit up in her mind. She stood up, "I'm going to the restroom." Everyone nodded their head and then zoned back into their conversations. Before walking away, Amber lightly kicked Chanyeol's chair to tell him to follow her out. He quickly got the message, and excused himself, too. Once stepping foot out of the restaurant, they both sighed in relief.

"Ahhh!" Amber stretched her arms above her head, "I was so nervous that they were going to ask me to share."

"Same here," Chanyeol placed a hand over his heart, "It felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest." The two walked around the area before stopping at a nearby ice cream shop. The shop was small, yet cozy for customers. Amber grabbed a table, while Chanyeol went to order sundaes for the both of them. After receiving his order, he went to the table Amber chose and sat across from her, placing her sundae in front of her.

"My uncle owns this place, so everything's 50% off. Pretty cool, right?" Chanyeol winked at Amber.

"Ahh, yeah, that's pretty cool. I just thought the cute cashier over there liked you."

"What, are you jealous?"

"Of course, I would want a cute cashier to give me things 50% off."

"So now you like girls?"

"Shhh that's a secret," Amber placed a finger on her lips, and then scooped off the whip cream from Chanyeol's sundae.

"Yah! That's my favorite part!"

"Too bad!" She happily ate the whip cream in one bite, with a big smile.

Chanyeol took a moment to look at Amber. The more he looked, the more he became comfortable.She had such a relaxing atmosphere around her. And from there he knew that he for sure did not want to leave her any time soon.

"Hey Amber."

"Yeah?" She blinked at him with that twinkle in her eyes that she always has.

"Do you think we can find out together?"

"Find out what?"

"Find out what we want to do in the future..."

Amber pondered the thought for a second. "Please tell me that wasn't a weird question," Chanyeol mentally slapped himself for bringing up something weird and random.

But to his surprise, she responded with, "Sure, I'd like that."


A/N: This chapter came out longer than I expected :3 Hope it wasn't confusing.

(updated: 10-24-13)

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I'm neglecting this story ;___;


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Chapter 17: Rest assured that I'll be there once you decide to update this story again! I really like how the characters are in this story and the plot line is interesting too! Hope you're doing well author!
Chapter 17: i will wait c: take your time
Chapter 17: Will patiently wait xDD
Chapter 16: Awwwwh,Amber blushing is the cutest!!! XDD
Chapter 16: Don't hide the fact that you like chanyeol amber hehe
hikka000 #6
Chapter 16: Come on amber, admit your feeling for chanyeol...
Chapter 16: dawww is this the start of something new? hehe it's happening
Chapter 15: sneaky amber laffsz. will chanyeol take care of her? hehe
Chapter 15: I'm having a runny nose too,the weather in my country is bad -.- but love the chanber moment! Poor amber,but then poor channie too x3
justmeyay #10
Chapter 15: achoo me too its really winter here in kuwait ryt now.