Letter to the Reader,

I promise

      Before I begin I must say that I'm sorry to cut into the story like this especially at such a crucial time. But I feel as though certain things must be adressed before you go on reading. 

       Oh reader, I wish this story was happier. I really do. I thouroughly dislike writing sad stories as it really causes some pain doesn't it?  But as one fo my teachers once said, "A story without a little heatache is nothing". And this is ture, imagine if I had written about unicorns and rainbows, how terribly broing the story would become.

      So reader, let me ask you. What do you want to happen? Do you want her to live, would you want her to die? What exactly do you feel, because frankly, I wasn't feeling a lot when I wrote it, haha. Although there were particular parts where I got 'choked up' a little bit. But I kept wondering how to write an end for this. To kill the girl would be more cliche than letting her live. Putting her in a coma, as one of my friends suggested, would be too General Hospital in my opinion. But then, I am left with only two possible solutions. Kill her, or let her live. 

     So there you go. You decide her fate, because I don't want the responsibility of a bad outcome on my shoulders haha. If you want the girl to live, skip to chapter seven. If you would rather see her die, continue reading to the next chapter. I really do hope I gave the story justice with the ending. 

     One more thing before you continue though. I want to ask this. How does one deal with death? Surely there a billion answers. It's a lot to think about isn't it. Maybe we'll get to see how Jiyong ends up handeling things in the long run. And now I will let you go. Please enjoy it :) 


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ginachka #1
thanks. He cheated, I thought I explained that in the Authors notes.
keygakeun #2
It was good but I didn't understand how he betrayed her? :o
omgg ;__; that's called karma ji.
ginachka #4
I added a little note to the foreword, it says it all there :)
springtempo #5
your loyal friend from tumblr...ok i don't get it who is the girl it had better be my bb girl cl..xoxo