
I promise


           “OPPA!” he heard her voice, they were in the field again. Her laughter echoed around him as he ran after her. The sun light seemed to catch every single part of her bouncing hair as they chased each other through the field. He finally caught up with her, crashing them both to the ground. “Oppa when did you get so fast?” she teased through her giggles. More tears formed at his eyes as he remembered how she seemed to glow in the sunlight, how unreal she seemed to him. “You look so serious.” She giggled pecking him lightly on the lips, he remained silent. Admiring her face as she lay on his chest, they couldn’t be more perfect, he raised their hands up to the light. The rings seemed at home on their hands, one day he planned to replace that ring with a wedding band. He smiled to himself as the car lurched to a stop.

         “Fill me in!” he heard over the shout of the sirens, suddenly people were moving, the doors of the vehicle burst open. More people, everyone frantic, only the faces of the doctors remained calm. “Car accident,” the paramedic filled in, “She has multiple lacerations, a fractured rib, a broken leg. There is possible internal bleeding.” These words didn’t make sense to him. Internal bleeding, laceration,  the words buzzing around his brain as the gurney was pulled off the truck and onto the pavement.

        The pain stopped at some point, she felt the flame flicker out slowly. She tried to speak, but she couldn’t feel her tongue. Her brain wasn’t able to make her move. Yet she could hear everything, the beeping of the machine, that must be her heart beat. At least she was still alive.  The darkness around her became brighter, she saw the sun. The tall plants surrounding their intertwined bodies, he was holding their hands up. She admired the rings, she thought of how nice they looked on each of their fingers. “Jiyong.” She said softly. “mmm.” Was his reply.

       She thought for a second, maybe it was stupid to ask. But she liked to hear it, “Do you love me?” her voice was barely a whisper. “Of course I do.” His reply was quick and sure. She smiled to herself and lifted her head off his chest, “How much oppa?” she grinned. Jiyong smiled back at her, “My love for you is,” he paused searching for just the perfect analogy, “it’s as wide as the universe,” then he paused, “But probably wider since the universe is so small.”

     She let out a laugh, “Jiyong, the universe is infinite!” just then things became darker, the memory began to slip. And she was slipping with it, being pulled away from him into the darkness. Everything seemed to move she tried to reach out her hand, to call his name. It was no use, he didn’t hear, and he was gone. There she was, in the dark, by herself. Somewhere behind her she heard a laugh, distant at first. But it grew, “Ooh Jiyong baby, stop it!” she realized the voice and turned to see the dark room in front of her. “Oh baby.” The woman moaned. She saw herself, her small, fragile self wander innocently into the room. Stopping when she saw what was happening, she watched herself let out a small gasp.

       She watched the little drops of tears drip to the floor, the girl in front of her looked pathetic. The room faded, she turned again to the sound of a door slamming. “I trusted you!” she watched herself scream. “Baby please.” His voice was desperate. “How could you, why would you.” she protested. “Get away from!” she screamed against his advances, her fists pounding against his chest. There she was again, in the rain, her back pressed against the brick. Tears ran down her cheeks, mixing with the rain. She watched herself get up, as if her legs were on autopilot, they carried her to their one sacred place and she wondered if he brought other girls here. When she turned around again the memories were whirling around her, she saw their tiny figures, when they were little. She watched him pick flowers for her, she saw the first time he took her hand. The first time they hugged, the first time they kissed. The memories moved, she saw the rings, his smile. The one smile she would never forget. The memories grew darker, she watched as he betrayed her. The rain, the field, them running through the park, and then a pair of headlights. And then everything was still.

       It’s been hours since they arrived at the hospital. Everything was so bright here, so bright and it smelled like death. Everywhere around him it seemed people were dying. He sat nervously twisting the ring, a new image entered his mind.

      He saw the doctor open the door, a solemn look on his face. He was sorry, there was nothing they could do. Jiyong watched himself collapse on clean tiles, more tears as he thought of the last thing she said to him. He remembered the night, the one night he gave in. The one night that ruined their plans together. The one stupid mistake that cost him his love. He didn’t know how long she was there, he didn’t even notice her enter, nor did he notice her leave. He was drunk, out of his mind  and stupid. Stupid as hell. I hate you, she had told him. She never wanted to see him, it hurt. Like hell it hurt.


Author's Notes

*It's hard to know where to cut off a chapter so that the next one flows both smoothly and doesn't make it seem broken. However I tried. I hope this sheds some light on their situation. Pretty cliche to write in that he was cheating on her, this was mostly for lack of a better plot. I could not, for the life of me, think up a way in which he hurt her so deeply. There will be more to come so be patient :) The last seems is confusing. This is in his head, what he thinks will happen. But we shall see if this is true or not. 

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ginachka #1
thanks. He cheated, I thought I explained that in the Authors notes.
keygakeun #2
It was good but I didn't understand how he betrayed her? :o
omgg ;__; that's called karma ji.
ginachka #4
I added a little note to the foreword, it says it all there :)
springtempo #5
your loyal friend from tumblr...ok i don't get it who is the girl it had better be my bb girl cl..xoxo