
I promise


    All this he remembered as he watched those same beautiful lips tremble. He looked down at his hand, at the ring.

   The sunlight washed over him again as she sat in his arms. “We should make a new promise, for the rings.” He said into her hair. “What kind of promise oppa?” her voice filled his head, he saw her hand cradled in his.  “A meaning full one.” He determined. “Okay, you go first.” She said sitting up, he gazed into her beautiful brown eyes, her face, now more lean than it was when she was a child still held the same pure expression. He thought for a minute, “I promise, that I’ll protect you and that I will never let you go. Not until you tell me to.” He said. She looked down at their hands, “Well then, I promise to never hurt you, and to never leave you,” she said, “So that you don’t have to worry about letting me go.” He wanted to say it, so did she. But neither of them did, they were just kids and they knew it.

   Those beautiful brown eyes, now red from the tears. That angelic face, scratched up and dirty. “Oppa.” Her voice was weak, it’s huskiness turned hoarse at the dryness of . He promised to protect her, yet here she was, scratches and bruises, blood. So much blood.

    With every wave of pain came a new memory, their first time in the field, their first kiss, she remembered how cloudy it was that day. Each cloud threatening to rain on them any second. And then it did and they were soaking wet, running around and spinning in the pouring rain. “Let’s get some cover!” she exclaimed tugging at his hand, they stumbled off to the trees laughing like hyenas.  She hadn’t realized how hard she was dragging him until they crashed into each other under the trees.

   She let out a soft “Oh.” As Jiyong caught her in his arms. They were so close, he reached up and brushed a hair out of her face, letting his fingers trace a line down her cheek to her chin. His eyes flicked up to hers before lifting her chin. Her stomach exploded with butterflies when their lips touched for the first time. 


Authors notes

*I hope this has at least some type of flow to it. It seems so reading it in my word document, but I haven't read it seperately. I've read it around three times all the way through now. Still, things could be added, fixed and all that jazzy stuff. Work is never complete when it comes to writing. I'm hoping whoever you are, dear reader, that you're at least some what enjoying this. And if you are not, then I must apologize for my lack of writing skill. 

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ginachka #1
thanks. He cheated, I thought I explained that in the Authors notes.
keygakeun #2
It was good but I didn't understand how he betrayed her? :o
omgg ;__; that's called karma ji.
ginachka #4
I added a little note to the foreword, it says it all there :)
springtempo #5
your loyal friend from tumblr...ok i don't get it who is the girl it had better be my bb girl cl..xoxo