The Rain

I promise


         She snapped back as her stomach exploded again, but not with butterflies, she arched her back in an attempt to try and relieve the pain. He was too afraid to touch her, too shaken to say anything besides, “Just a little longer sweetie.” He thought of the rain, of their kiss, the way her lips felt against his, the way her body responded to his touch. 

         But the rain was there today too, he promised he would never let her go, that he would protect her. He failed. He saw her in the rain, this time not laughing and cheering. Her eyes were red, her hands shaking. She was crying, and so was he. “I’m sorry.” He kept saying, “I’m sorry.” His voice rang clear as day in his mind. Her lips quivering, “You,” she managed between sobs, “You lied to me!” she screamed at him. “I trusted you!” she wouldn’t listen to him. “I’m sorry.”

        He tried to take her hand, to bring her close to him, “No!’ she screamed out, “NO! Don’t touch me!” the rain was getting heavier, washing her tears.  She collapsed in front of him, sobbing on the wet grass.

 “I’m sorry.” He repeated to her as he saw another shudder go through her.

      Tears fought their way to the corners of his eyes as he watched her get up slowly. He tried to come closer to her, “Don’t come near me.” Her voice was cold, she didn’t want him. He betrayed her, hurt her, after he promised not to. She stood there in the rain, “I hate you.” She continued, and she saw it, saw the pain in his face, in his eyes. She didn’t care. All she wanted to do was run.

“I’m sor-“

     “NO, NO YOU’RE NOT, GET AWAY FROM ME!” she screamed at his approach. “Wait-“ it was too late, she was already running. He watched her, “I love you.” Was all he could manage as her silhouette disappeared into the rain. He had to get her back, and then he was running, running to get his life back. To make everything right with her. To hold her again. If only one more time, he chased after her, out of the park. “wait.” He was behind her now, “Leave me alone.” She sobbed “Just go away.” and then a pair of headlights. The sound of screeching tires and then darkness.

      He saw the headlights too late, time froze,he saw her face. Her beautiful angelic face as she turned toward the car. Too late to move, he promised to protect her, yet there she was. In a second he was by her side, her chest rising but barely. “Call the ambulance!” he shouted at the man who got out of the car. This wasn’t happening he thought. It couldn’t, you can’t take her from me. Why didn’t he push her out of the way, why didn’t he stop her. He hated himself for it. That beautiful face now scratched up, her eyes half closed. All he could do was sit beside her, watch her, “Oppa.” she whispered, somewhere behind him machines beeping quickened. The paramedic pushed past him and attached a mask to her face, took some measurements and cursed silently under her breath.


Author's Note

Believe it or not, but this wasn't that easy to write, especially since before this scene I was writing blindly. I didn't even know the entire pot yet until I got to this and realized there was no plot and that I had no idea where this was going. So I really had to think for a while and the one thing that kept on popping into my head was "What is the most common way people get into an accident?". Well, there was my answer. Cars and rain. Which made it realistic, honestly I was not about to write in that she was attacked by a pack of wild bears or some . That would have been ridiculous and frankly made the story sound more like Twilight that real life. So there you have it, what do you think will happen next? Will she live...or will she die? 

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ginachka #1
thanks. He cheated, I thought I explained that in the Authors notes.
keygakeun #2
It was good but I didn't understand how he betrayed her? :o
omgg ;__; that's called karma ji.
ginachka #4
I added a little note to the foreword, it says it all there :)
springtempo #5
your loyal friend from tumblr...ok i don't get it who is the girl it had better be my bb girl cl..xoxo