Chapter 8 - The Concussion Part 1

Only You

Ok, it is. the story continue, I'm not confident though. but if somehow you ask me why do I continue this story? or why now? after I abandoned it for almost a year. the answer is because of you guys, who kindly subscribed to this story, and to the silent readers. thanks guy for spending your time to read it. thanks a lot.
because to be honest, I feel bad. and it will become a worst feeling if I keep abandoning this story. it's not like I was forced to updating it. but like I said, I'm not confident, I feel it's lacking everywhere, especially about my grammar. tell me guys, this is so bad right? I'm sorry that I can't bring a better story for you, I'll try my best in the future. 
thank you so much for your kindness. I feel so grateful and I really appreciate it, it really means a lot for me.

this chapter will be a bit long, so I cut it out into two part. know what, the original story will be ended in three more chapter. but somehow, an idea popped out of my mind to make this story continue even longer.
I need your opininon, what do you think?

btw, happy reading ^^


Author POV

“I hope I’m wrong, but seems like he got a brain concussion” doctor Kim said something which made the members surprised and widened their eyes in disbelief.

“MWOOO???” Kai, Sehun, Lay, and Luhan shouted together, except Kyungsoo, he could maintained himself to stay calm, unlike the other members.

“ssshh!! Don’t be noisy. We don’t want the others known about this!” Kyungsoo’s words makes all the shouted members immediately covering their mouth with their palm and nodded as sign of agreement.

“Kyungsoo’s right, beside the five of you, I hope there’s no one who know about this, including Kris himself. But please don’t worry too much, it’s not a certain diagnose, it just everything Kris felt was near to concussion. Thank God he didn’t pass out or felt sick, because if he really had a concussion, then it will be just a mild concussion. But I’m also afraid, because he couldn’t remember the detail of the accident, whereas it maybe passed only about 2 hours, right? Therefore, another possibilities could be possible happen later” every member listened to doctor Kim carefully, they all were about the same, felt afraid and worried, even Sehun almost shedded a tears now.

“But, he’ll be fine right? I mean, mild concussion wouldn’t cause something fatal right?” Luhan asked doctor Kim with worried face.

“No, of course not. A mild concussion can recover within a few weeks, as long as the patient take a total break from his activity. But, moderate or severe concussion would be very difficult to cure, it may even lead to-- death” they were scared now, by doctor Kim’s words. Sehun cried on Kai’s shoulder, and Luhan, could just frozen, stared at doctor Kim, he really worried now, unconsiously tear fell down his cheeks.

“De-death??” Kyungsoo widened his eyes in disbelief.

“humm.. the worst risk from moderate or severe concussion is death. But please don’t worry too much. Though all we can do now is just praying, but I will try my best to save him. We all have to pray for him, hope everything he through isn’t a moderate or severe concussion. And as for that, I have several things for you to do” he could feel that they were really anxious, worried, and afraid. He also felt the same feeling as them, but because he’s the doctor here, he could have to manage his feelings. He hide it from them. He felt anxious and afraid as well, because they were so close, not as the doctor and the patient, but more than that, he considered Kris, and the other members as his little brother.

“............” no one asked, they remained silence with curios face.

“Don’t worry, it’s not something big, or hard to do. Just a little task for you guys. And remember, this is a secret task. That’s mean, apart from you five, no one should know about it, include Kris. Do you get it?” said doctor Kim with a little smile on his face.

Everyone nodded their head, “what’s the task by the way?” Kyungsoo asked

“Do you guys have any event tomorrow?” doctor Kim asked

“Our schedule will start at 6pm tomorrow, we only have two schedule, but our activities will begin from the morning since we have to do the last practice before our performance. Why?”Kyungsoo asked in the name of the members curiosity.

“Actually, Kris need a fully bed rest, because of this concussion diagnose. But I still have to make sure of it though. So, all you guys have to do is pay attention to his every move, all day long, tomorrow and then report it to me before 6pm. I want to know how would he act after this, for supporting the diagnose, so I can decide whether he could join you guys to do the performance or not. Do you get it?” and again, the members just nodded.

“Doesn’t it better if we tell manager hyung instead? Explain to him about Kris’s condition so that he will let Kris rest” that question showed how much Luhan worried about Kris, and wanted the best for him. He didn’t want to take a risk if Kris do practice, he thought it would be better if he had a fully rest instead.

“That’s better, of course. But we don’t want Kris hyung become the cover of the magazine and newspaper headline tomorrow, not to mention the online news, you know how the netizens will react to something like this. And again, Kris hyung has the most fans among us, what do you think will happen if they know Kris hyung’s condition right now? I’m afraid that will just worsen the situation” Kyungsoo played his role very well. No wonder he being called eomma in the group, he really wise and always thought about everything carefully.

“You’re right Kyungsoo, that’s not the best thing to choose.” Luhan sounds limp, but he’s not the type of person who always forced everyone to accept his thought. He might be stubborn, but he tried to be wise for now, and accept what Kyungsoo explained to him. After all, he just wants the best for his beloved person.

Kyungsoo smiled to Luhan while patted his shoulder and then turned his looks to doctor Kim while asked “So, that’s all hyung?” remember that doctor Kim considered them as his younger brother? That’s why sometimes they called him ‘hyung’, because they’re considered him as their big brother as well.

“Yea, that’s all. The more important things is, take care of him. You should have to ask him about what happened the last few days, frequently. Look at his expression, whether he can remember it well or not. If he feels dizzy, nausea, or sleepy not in the normal time he should feel, tell me right away. And I’ve made a presciption for him, for the temporary diagnose , make sure he takes his medicine, that’s a painkiller” he explained everything while handed Kyungsoo a piece of paper, the prescription.

“Alright, we get it. We’ll look after him” answered Kyungsoo.

“Well, I think it’s time for me to go. Remember, don’t tell Kris or anyone about all of this before everything’s clear.”said doctor Kim before he bid them a goodbye. “See you tomorrow guys” he then left,

“Thank you so much, and see you tomorrow” said the five of them together while bowed down their body.

After doctor Kim left, Luhan walked towards the couch while bowed his head, his hand formed a fist in front of his mouth. He always do that everytime he had something to think.

“Hyung, are you alright?” said Sehun while embracing the latter shoulder

“It’s ok, I’m fine sehunnie” Luhan looked at Sehun and tried to smile, but failed. He couldn’t hide his true feeling. And Sehun knew that.

“Hyung, it almost 3am, we better go to rest. Remember we have schedule tomorrow” said Kyungsoo. He was worrying Luhan’s condition, he looked so tired.

“You go first, I have something to do” said Luhan

“Alright, we go first then. Come on Kai, Sehun. Oh, and hyung, go to sleep immediately once you finish your business, I won’t lock the door. Goodnight hyung” Kyungsoo knew that Luhan was really stubborn, so he wouldn’t bothers to force him to do so. He might have had something to think about. So he left him alone in the living room and went to his bedroom instead.

“Humm, goodnight” Luhan back to his current position as Kyungsoo, Sehun and Kai left the living room. He was sad, thought about Kris’ condition. He still assummed that he was the one who made Kris became like this. He was crying when Lay came out from his sharing room with Kris. Upon hearing the sobs came out from the older’s mouth, he knew that Luhan was crying. He approached Luhan, sat beside him on the couch, and embraced his shoulder.

“Lay??!!” Luhan a bit shocked by sudden touch from Lay “I thought you’re already sleep” he continued.

Lay shaked his head “Not yet, I just went to the room to checked Kris. Why are you crying Luhan?” he patted Luhan’s head.

“It’s nothing. I just feel sad, about Kris” he remained look down

“Don’t worry. He’ll be fine. Now, let’s sleep. You need rest” Lay stood up and grabbed Luhan wrist then dragged him to his room. “I’ll let you to sleep here tonight, so you won’t feel worry too much” said Lay as soon as they reached the room.

Luhan diverted his gaze towards Lay “Sleep here? May I?” then turned his direction towards Kris which was behind him, seemed uncertain.

“Yes Luhan, sleep here. You can use my bed, with Kris. We change our room for tonight, I’ll sleep in your room, or somewhere else. Manager hyung won’t be home tonight, so you don’t have to be afraid he’ll see you sleep with Kris. Well, I’ll be out here if you need something. Goodnight Luhan, have a good rest.” said Lay as he open the door.

“Lay!” Luhan shouted without changed his direction, his eyes kept staring to Kris

“Humm, why?” answered Lay

“If manager hyung won’t be home, then why don’t you sleep here as well? I want you to be here with me” Luhan really couldn’t take his eyes of Kris, even when we speaking with Lay, his eyes never changed its direction.

“You’re right. Ok then, I’ll use this bed.” Said Lay as he laid down on their manager’s bed. There’s two bed in the room, the single one near the door is their managers, while the king size one is a sharing bed of Kris and Lay. And now, Luhan will slept there, beside Kris who slept peacefully. He went up the bed silently, didn’t want to make any noise, then laid down his body. He held Kris’s hand, it felt so warm. Their finger intertwined. He closed his eyes and slowly gone to the dreamland right after Lay turned the light off.



“eunggghh…” Kris stretched his body, tried to get up from his slept position when he felt something held him, it was someone’s arm, linked on his stomach, hugged him, basically.

“Ehh, Lay? He’s not usually hugged me like this when sleeping” said Kris to himself. He thought that the person beside him was Lay, it was because he couldn’t see anything, still dark inside. Besides, the person burried his face on Kris’s chest, and slept so tight.

Kris didn’t want to wake the person, but he had to go to the bathroom, as soon as possible. “Lay...Lay...” he called the person—almost whispered—no response. “Lay...can you move for a while, I gotta go to bathroom” a bit louder than before, but still no response. “LAY!!” Kris finally shouted, but the person beside him didn’t seem bothered, even just a bit.

“What’s wrong Kris? Why are you shouting? What time is it?” a response came from the other side, out of the blue.

“LAY??!!! IS THAT YOU???” Kris shocked, he got up from his current position, made the person who hugged him turned his body, so his face could be seen, but still didn’t wake up “LUHAN???!!!!” he widened his eyes upon saw that the person he called just before wasn’t Lay.

“WHY ARE YOU KEEP SHOUTING???? WHAT’S WRONG???” Lay woke up, he’s so sensitive. He could easily woke up even by a whisper. He sat on his bed, his manager bed, actually. Half-awaken, he tried to focused to Kris.

Kris jumped from his bed, rushed his pace to Lay’s direction, sat on the bed beside Lay, and grabbed his shoulder. Lay now fully-awaken by sudden touch from Kris “Why does Luhan sleep beside me?” Kris whispered

Lay blinked his eyes “What? I can’t hear you Kris”

“Why does Luhan sleep beside me??” he raised his voice, not too loud.

“Why does Luhan- what? I can’t clearly hear you” it seemed that Lay’s fully-awaken didn’t long last, he must be very tired.

Kris lost his patience “ugh Lay!! WHY DOES LUHAN SLEEP BESIDE ME???” oops, he covered his mouth with his palms immediately, realized that he was shouting. He turned his head to see whether Luhan was awaken or not by his shout. Although he knew that Luhan was such a sleepy-head, just like him.

“You don’t have to shout Kris, I can hear you clearly” said Lay with his innocent face

“What? You—“ Kris would be angry if the person in front of him wasn’t Lay.

“So, you don’t remember what happened to you last night?” said Lay

“Last night? I fell from the stairs, right?”

“Right! I thought you don’t remember it” Lay nodded his head, he felt relief deep inside his heart that Kris could remember his accident.

“How came I don’t remembering that accident, my whole body is in pain. But why does Luhan here? He even slept beside me.” Kris was confused

“That was because he worried you a lot. He couldn’t sleep last night. He thought that your accident is his fault. Don’t you remember that he kept hug you last night, before doctor Kim came? So I told him to slept in our room instead, I lend him my place beside you” Lay explained the situation.

“Is that so?” said Kris while watching Luhan who still slept quietly. Somehow, his sudden urge was being forgotten.

“Yeah~ You know, from what I see, he never really mad at you. He just want more attention from you. And you have to realize that! Don’t spend mostly of your time with other members, he’s a jealousy type, spend more time with him. And don’t flirt with the others, except me. He wouldn’t accept any excuse if he saw you get along too often with them. And go apologize to him. You better make the first move before everything turned worst” Lay and his habit, he could be talkative sometime, especially to Kris

“I know I know. You’re so noisy Lay. Why don’t you go bath? We have to leave early today! Shoo...go go go...!” Kris unpolitely shooed Lay, pushed him from his bed to the bathroom with some kind of refusal from the victim “KRIS!! WHAT AN UNGRATEFUL GUY YOU A-!!” his voice disappeared behind the bathroom door.

Kris muttered a sorry before walked towards the sleeping beauty, really, he didn’t bothered by any sounds around him. Kris sat beside him, caressed his face. “So, you worried me that much huh? Hehe, I’m fine Luhan. I’m sorry for make you worried” he kissed Luhan’s forehead, made Luhan woke up.

“Kris? You’re awake?” said Luhan

“Good Morning Xiao Lu? How’s your sleep?” Kris smiled to Luhan

“Good morning Kris. Hmm~ not bad, but I think I need more sleep. I feel soooo tired.” Said Luhan then yawned.

“No wonder. What time do you sleep last night? And why are you sleep here?” Kris his hair. Basically, his question was teasing Luhan.

“humm~ let me guess. Maybe I was sleep-walking last night” said Luhan as he got up from his lying position, they were sat face to face now.

“Sleep-walking huh? I don’t know you have such habit. Since when?” Kris kept teasing Luhan.

“You don’t know? Since the day I was born. How could you tell yourself my boyfriend Kris? You know nothing about me!” Luhan knew he talks such a nonsense, but that was he could only think so Kris won’t ask him more. He even pretend to sulked like a baby.

“Okay okay...I’m sorry baby, maybe I was missing this one. Let’s not talk about it again okay? My heart is so much hurt when you say I know nothing about you. Maybe you’re right, I can’t tell myself your boyfriend, should I stop being your boyfriend?” Kris sounded sad to Luhan, but he knew Luhan was lying so he just pretended to sad as well.

“K-Kris...that’s not what I mean. I’m sorry...” Luhan hugged Kris right away “You shouldn’t stop being my boy, don’t you ever dare to do that!” he tightened his hug, pressed his fluffy cheek on Kris’ broad chest.

Kris could just laugh silently while Luhan couldn’t see him. “Are you sure? I know nothing about you, I couldn’t be called as one” and that’s Kris, a teaser, he kept teasing the little deer.

“I told you that’s not what I mean, I’m just joking, okay?! Don’t you ever say such thing again, or I would never ever forgive you” Luhan even hugged Kris more tight than the tight hug before, and whispered “I don’t wanna lose you” a whisper, yet clear enough for Kris to heard it.

Kris stiffened, he realised one thing, Luhan never been like this before.


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Cutedongli #1
Chapter 9: Updatteeee
Chapter 9: ahhhh..good..update!!
Chapter 9: This is good! I wanna
Cutedongli #4
Chapter 9: Updattteeeeeeeeeee please this story is so good
naila02 #5
Chapter 9: I think there's something wrong with kris. Poor him, I hope he can remember lu han well. Fighting authornim!! Update soon, hehe
Chapter 9: ouw.. xiao lu is really cute~
DoubleYsYeoja #7
Chapter 9: *bows down* omg thank you so much for continuing i sometimes have been wondering when will you update this.i totally wanna read updates of it and finally you continue it thank god i thought u would totally abandon this huhuhu thank you so much.i totally love this story and this chap was cute my krishan feels kekeke
yunnybio #8
Chapter 1: i love KrisHan very much thanks for the story. can i trans this into vietnamese to post on my page(i mean facebook). i will write your name on the post and link too
naila02 #9
Chapter 8: Hey, the story is good actually. I like the way Krishan story here. Can you update soon?
doraemonlovescooking #10
its been a while ...