Chapter 5 - Complicated

Only You

Author POV

Shortly afterwards, they arrived at KBS building, for Sukira broadcast. There were still thirty minutes before the broadcast begins, while the other members went into broadcasting room, Kris went to the park near the KBS building instead, and walked around calm his mind.

Kris POV

I’ll walk around for a while, maybe night air could help me calm my mind.

“Gege!” I heard someone called me when I was walking just for a while, seemed like Tao’s voice. I hope I was wrong.. I stayed still and wait the voice owner approached me.

“Gege, what are you doing here?” the voice owner moved towards me, and I was right, it was Tao.

“Tao? Why are you here?” How did he know that I was walking around here. Owwhh, geez! Why did it must be him?

“I saw you walked alone here, and I decided to follow you. What are you doing here Ge?” What?? Tao followed me? I thought that I was the last person who came out from the car.

“Ohh,, is that so? Me? Nothing.. I just walk around because I feel a bit sleepy” I lied to Tao

“Can I accompany you to walking around ge? I feel a bit sleepy too. Please…” Tao asked me enthusiastically, and again, I'm confused, I needed to be alone. But if I don't allow him to accompany me, he might ask the reason to me. Arrghhh…

“Umm,, yeah.. you can..” I reluctantly let him accompany me to walk around, and I could see his eyes sparkled happily. I felt that something would happen, ahhh…it wouldn’t gonna be a good thing Kris.

He kept talking while we walked, and but I wasn’t really listening at him, my mind was in other place. I kept thinking about Luhan.

Fifteen minutes have passed, we walked far enough, and I decided to turn back to KBS building. I walked with bowed head, directed my sight to the road. Tao didn’t realize it because he was too busy talking. He told me everything, from how much he missed his family in Qingdao and couldn’t wait to go there, until Gucci’s new collection which will be out this season. Sorry Tao, I'm not interested to your story. My mind was too full.. full of thoughts about Luhan.

“Eh, Luhan gege?” I immediately lifted up my head as Tao mentioned Luhan’s name, and I saw Luhan standing straight right in front of me and Tao, he stared at me and Tao with dilated eyes, I bet he was surprised. Oh God, how came……

“Luhan…” I mentioned his name, more like whispered. And Luhan was just running back to the building. Geez! He misunderstood it again!

“Luhan gege! Where are you going…???!!” Tao shouted right before I wanted to chase Luhan. I would immediately chase Luhan, if I wasn’t with Tao. I didn’t want our problem to become more complex. Argghhh!! You were so stupid Kris!! I became more frustrated of things like this! Why did everything have to be this complex?? And Tao... why did Luhan have to see me when I was with him? God, why???

“What’s wrong with Luhan ge? That’s weird..” I heard Tao talk to himself. Tao! Didn’t you know that it was because of you?! Why did you have to follow me here? Why did Luhan have to come here when I was with you? Ahhh~ I couldn’t stop regretting it. I have to tell Tao the truth, that me and Luhan have a relationship, and I didn’t want Tao to keep putting hopes on me. That was the best, I’m sure.

“Tao… there’s something I wanna tell you” finally I decided to tell him the truth

“What is that ge?” Tao answered me with a smiled on his face. Why did you smile Tao, believe me, it's not a good thing.

“Actually, me and Lu-” My phone was ringing when I tried to speak to Tao, and that stopped my words. It was Lay who calls, I better answer it, maybe it's something important, I thought.

“What’s wrong Lay?”


“I’m at the park”


“Yes, Tao is here with me”


“Ahh, ok. We’ll be there soon” Lay asked us to go back to KBS building soon because the broadcast will be starting in 7 minutes.

“What’s wrong Ge?” Tao asked me

“Lay said that the broadcast will be start 7 minutes again. Let’s go!” Me and Tao went back to the building with a fast step, half run, actually. I didn’t want to be late, and I had to be professional. I had to forget about Luhan for a while, because I have a performance with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol, and I mustn’t mess anything. I hope Luhan would be alright too. Wait for me Luhan, I’ll explain everything to you, soon…

Luhan POV

Haah~ so bored here, it was 20 minutes before the broadcast starts. I thought I need some fresh air. Maybe I should go to the park.

“Where are you going Lu?” Lay approached me and asked as I stand up from my seat.

“To the park, I think I need some fresh air” I answered and kept walking outside, and he followed me.

“Do you want me to go with you?” Lay offered himself to accompany me, but I have to refused it, I wanted to be alone for now.

“No Lay, thanks. But I wanted to be alone for a while. Is it ok?” I knew Lay wouldn’t be angry at me, it’s just that I felt a bit bad because I have to refuse his offer.

“You sure? Okay, but don’t go to far and make sure you comeback here before 8 o’clock” said Lay as he showed his cute dimple.

“Don’t worry. See you Lay”

“Take care Lu, if there’s something happening, just call me ok?” said Lay while he waved his hand at me. I waved my hands to and nodded as my answer to his words.

Haaaahhh… Seoul’s air was really fresh, the sky was so clear, and there were so much stars over there. I like to see the stars, whenever I feel sad or confused. At least, it could divert my mind for a while.

“Eh, Luhan gege?” while I was walking for about only five minutes, I heard someone was calling out my name. Deg! That was Tao....and … Kris. Why did they have to be here? Ahh, I was too busy staring at the sky that I didn’t realize they were in front of me. What were they doing here? I felt something hurt inside, was that my heart? Again? Kris, why did it have to be like this? Tao again? Do you really like him now? You didn’t really love me? Damn! I didn’t like this situation, it was so awkward. I should be able to avoid them before, if only I didn’t see the star all the way. Arrghh… you’re so stupid Luhan!! What should I do now..

I kept on staring at Kris with dilated eyes, I couldn’t believe that he did something like this to me, he mumbled something in a small voice, I couldn’t hear that but I thought he mumbled “Luhan..”. my eyes suddenly became teary, I was about to cry. I didn’t like have a bad thought about Kris, but what happened in front of me now was so real, Kris was with Tao, while the other members inside the building, moreover I saw guilty stare from Kris’s eyes when he mumbled my name just before. I couldn’t stand for this more longer. My heart was hurt. I wanted to cry. I decided to run as fast as I can with teardrops all the way. Left both of them with confusion.

“Luhan gege! Where are you going…???!!” I heard Tao shouted my name. I felt really stupid. I should accept Lay’s offer before. And Tao, he didn’t know what actually happened so he must be really confused now, seeing me run without saying anything. Why didn’t you chase me Kris? Seems like you really choose Tao rather than me. Gosh.. why did everything become so complicated? 


Here it go,, Chapter 4 and 5 are up ^^

I would make it as one chapter before, but someone suggested me to cut it out into two or three chapter bcause it's pretty long.. hehe :P
thanks to him,
eisley22 who help me in everything.. hehe (thank you dear.. ({}) =D)

and, as usual, give me your comment about this story, so i would know what do you think about it.. :D

thanks for all your support, love you all..

Enjoy the story.. ^^

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Cutedongli #1
Chapter 9: Updatteeee
Chapter 9: ahhhh..good..update!!
Chapter 9: This is good! I wanna
Cutedongli #4
Chapter 9: Updattteeeeeeeeeee please this story is so good
naila02 #5
Chapter 9: I think there's something wrong with kris. Poor him, I hope he can remember lu han well. Fighting authornim!! Update soon, hehe
Chapter 9: ouw.. xiao lu is really cute~
DoubleYsYeoja #7
Chapter 9: *bows down* omg thank you so much for continuing i sometimes have been wondering when will you update this.i totally wanna read updates of it and finally you continue it thank god i thought u would totally abandon this huhuhu thank you so much.i totally love this story and this chap was cute my krishan feels kekeke
yunnybio #8
Chapter 1: i love KrisHan very much thanks for the story. can i trans this into vietnamese to post on my page(i mean facebook). i will write your name on the post and link too
naila02 #9
Chapter 8: Hey, the story is good actually. I like the way Krishan story here. Can you update soon?
doraemonlovescooking #10
its been a while ...