Chapter 7- Guilty (Part 1)

Only You

Author’s POV


At Sehun’s shout, Kris instinctively turned around. Without stopping in his advancement towards the 7th step of stairs, he was so caught up with his own thoughts that he did not care to look at where he was going. His feet misplaced itself at the edge of the next step, causing him to stumble and lost his balance, eventually leading up to him falling down from the stairs. Maybe it was the complication of a troubled mind, for Kris was never such a clumsy feet.

“KRIS HYUNG!!! Oh no!!!” Kai shouted at the sight of him falling.  He ran up with Sehun almost immediately, towards a Kris who was grimacing in pain. Judging from the height, it must be a nasty fall.

“Kris hyung, are you alright? OH MY GOD!!! YOU ARE HURT!! Kai, eotteokhae??” Sehun panicked, after seeing that Kris has got bruises all over his body and that there was clearly blood dripping down the side of his forehead. Kris held his head in his hands, feeling the pain whack off his head.

“Sehun-ah, we have to bring Kris hyung back to dorm right now, before anyone else notices that someone was injured here and things get muddy. Hyung, can you walk?” Kai directed the last question to Kris, who looked like he was in deep pain. Blood continued to flow out from the cut on Kris’s forehead, painting his pale cheeks a red hue. And yes, Kai was right, they have to go leave the place soon before their fans find out that Kris was injured, they could be everywhere right?

“I think so.” Kris answered haltingly, unable to keep his hands off his hurting head. As he tried to stand up, he fell right back to his feet. It seems likely that he had his ankle strained too.

“HYUNG!” Sehun shouted in concern.

“Sehunnie, I think he strained his ankle. Come on, we have to walk Kris hyung back” said Kai as he lifted Kris’s right arm and threw it over his own shoulder. Sehun quickly recovered from the initial shock and did the same with Kris’s left arm. They walked back at a pretty slow speed. Luckily their dorm wasn’t too far from where they were.

When they arrived at their dorm, Kai immediately opened the door and Sehun helped Kris to the couch and laid him down. Kris was still in a conscious state of mind, but due to the sudden loss of blood, and the excruciating pain that his head was giving off, he couldn’t quite keep his eyelids from shutting itself. The red blood looked startlingly noticeable on the rest of his face that was in a shade of white. You might be wondering why didn’t Kai and Sehun bring Kris to the hospital? That’s because they figured that appearing before the public in his condition right now would be too much of a risk. Dangerous, even. Moreover, their manager wasn’t there with them. If any fantaken photos gets around, for all they know, the headline on the news tomorrow would be scandalous images of Kris with wounds and blood pasted all over his body. It would be much safer to just call the doctor over, and get Kris treated without leaving their dorm.

“Sehunnie, take care of Kris hyung for a while. I’ll go and ask Kyungsoo hyung to come over and help” Kai told Sehun, walking over to the room that was shared by Kyungsoo, Sehun and Luhan.

“(knock knock knock) Hyung! Kyungsoo hyung! (knock knock knock knock) Hyung, I need your help hyung!!” Kai impatiently knocked the door a few times, shouting for Kyungsoo’s name. Kyungsoo finally came out of his room in pajamas and messy hair several minutes later, and it seems that he was sleeping just before Kai came about brutally knocking on his door.

“What’s the matter, Kai?? Do you know how late it is now? If you are hungry, you can cook yourself some ramen left in the kitchen cabinet. I’m sleepy, can you let me go back to sleep now…?” a bunch of unstoppable naggings rolled out of Kyungsoo’s mouth, as he was a little annoyed that Kai has interrupted his sleep. Just as he was about to go back into his room, Kai immediately grabbed his shoulder.

“Aissshhh!!! It’s not about that, hyung, it’s something important! Come with me!” Kai held Kyungsoo’s hand without waiting for any consent of any sort from his hyung, and half-dragged him all the way to the living room.

“KAI!!! Let me off… I’m not in the mood to play!!” Kyungsoo continued nagging, while trying his best to free his hand from Kai’s grip, but that ended in vain. Kai’s grip on his wrist was too tight for him. He soon stopped his little one-sided fight and unwillingly followed Kai.

“…HOLY !! KRIS!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU???” Kyungsoo shouted upon seeing Kris, looking horrifyingly at the other two useless being in the room behind him. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE LIKE A FOOL?? DO SOMETHING!! SEHUN, TAKE A BASIN AND FILL IT WITH WARM WATER, DON’T FORGET THE TOWEL!! AND KAI! YOU GO TO MY ROOM AND BRING ME THE FIRST AID BOX!!” Kyungsoo shouted hysterically to his fellow members who were not of a single bit of help to the Kris that was lying on the couch covered in much blood in pain. They didn’t move at Kyungsoo’s word, not even an inch. Instead, they just stood there, gawking at Kyungsoo and watching his mother-like personality in amazement.

“Why are you still standing there????” Kyungsoo’s lowered his voice into a hiss. “Do it NOW!!!!” Hearing the slight hint of blame in Kyungsoo’s voice startled Sehun and Kai a little, as they both plunged into action at that last shout; they didn’t want to wake Kyungsoo’s inner wolf.

“Hyung, here it is.” Sehun soon brought forward a basin of warm water and a towel from the kitchen. Kyungsoo wetted the towel and started to clean the blood that was on Kris’s forehead. By now the blood has already dried, sticking harshly onto his perfect skin. It seemed like the dried blood has now stopped further blood from flowing out of the wound.

“Aaaah, that hurts, Kyungsoo.” Kris grimaced as the wet towel touches his wounds.

“Endure it for a few minutes hyung, it will hurt for sure, but if I do not cleaning your wounds, it will get infected.” Kyungsoo softened his voice as he spoke to Kris, but as he turned back to look at Sehun, the gentleness was quickly replaced with a cold glare.


Sehun widened his eyes in disbelief at Kyungsoo’s fast change.

“Th-that w-was…umm Kris hyung- he w-was…” Sehun sputtered, he really didn’t have any idea of what to say to Kyungsoo. He thought of telling Kyungsoo the truth, but then, no one should know about Kris and Luhan’s relationship, right? “Hy-hyung, shall we focus on Kris hyung’s wounds first?” Sehun said, trying to stay away from the topic.

“Tsk! Arrasseo. But you owe me an explanation, Sehun-ah!!” Kyungsoo replied. But it was true, Kris was more important than anything else now. “Ahh, try and call Dr. Kim, ask him if he can come down now.” Kyungsoo was indeed curious to know what had happened, but this wasn’t the right time to talk about that, so he kept his mind far from that thought, and asked Sehun to call Dr. Kim instead.

“A-a-arrasseo hyung.” Sehun said, running back to his room to find his phone.

Kai was still in the room as he entered, Luhan wasn’t there and it seems that Kai couldn’t find the box. “You haven’t found the first-aid box? Where’s Luhan hyung?“

“Hum.” Kai hummed as a reply and continued searching for the box. “Where did Kyungsoo hyung put that box… Hunnie, do you know where is it?” Kai decided to ask Sehun, who was sitting on Luhan’s bed.

“Ahh, molla. Have you asked Luhan hyung?”

“Not yet. He wasn’t here when I came inside the room, I think he might be in the bathroom.” Kai finally gave up after searching every single corner of the room, dejectedly taking his seat next to Sehun.

“Who are you calling?” Kai hugged Sehun from his side and placed his chin onto Sehun’s shoulder as he looked over to Sehun’s phone.

“Doctor Kim” replied Sehun flatly, ignoring Kai’s hug as if it was something that he gets every other day.

“Ohh~ Ehh, Luhan hyung..” Kai immediately broke the hug as Luhan entered from the bathroom door. Usually he don’t really mind anyone seeing their intimate moment like this, but he thought better than to do that in front of Luhan.

“Hyung, do you know where did Kyungsoo hyung place the first aid box?” Sehun asked Luhan. Unlike Kai who was shocked at Luhan’s sudden entrance, Sehun’s face was still kept at a flat equilibrium. He really do have a poker face, just like Kris.

“First-aid box? I think that is in Lay’s room, he borrowed it yesterday.” said Luhan as he walked towards the cupboard to pick out his clothes.

“Ahh, really? Okay.. we’ll go to Lay hyung’s room instead. Thanks hyung, kajja Sehunnie.” Kai pulled Sehun’s arm and immediately ran out of the room before Luhan could stop them, leaving Luhan in complete confusion.

Luhan’s POV

“Who are you calling, Sehunnie?” I heard Kai asking Sehun this right when I was coming out of the bathroom, it was such an annoying sight. Actually, it was not unusual for me to find them all cuddled up like that, but right now I just don’t like it when they did that. Maybe because it makes me think of Kris, I don’t even know…

“Doctor Kim.” Sehun mentioned Doctor Kim name, it must be Doctor Kim Jong Woon, because we only know one doctor Kim, and he is our private doctor. But why is he calling Doctor Kim at this hour? Who was sick?

“Ohh~ Ehh, Luhan hyung..” Kai immediately detached himself from his embrace with Sehun when he saw me came in, and he looked nervous. What was wrong with you Kai?

“Hyung, do you know where did Kyungsoo hyung place the first-aid box?” Sehun asked me as I stared at the nervous Kai. I looked towards Sehun but he wasn’t showing any expression at all, tsk.. indeed the poker faced boy.

“First-aid box? I think it’s in Lay’s room, he borrowed it yesterday.” It got even more confusing. He is calling Doctor Kim a few seconds ago, and now they are looking for the first-aid box. Is someone injured?

“Ahh, really? Okay…we’ll go to Lay hyung’s room then. Thank you hyung. Kaja Sehunnie.” Kai then stood up and held Sehun’s hand, dragging him out of the room at top step. Indeed Kai…

“Hey! WAIT..!!” All of a sudden I was jolted back to my senses. I have to know what’s going on. I tried to stop them, but they have already disappeared from sight. Haaahh, I laid down on my bed and kept thinking about it, who was injured? Why didn’t they tell me? And where was Kyungsoo? Wasn’t he already on his bed before I went to shower? Ok, I better stop think about it, it must not be serious since Kai and Sehun looked rather normal. Besides, my mind was already full with Kris thoughts and everything that had happened today. I’m regretting the fact that I refused to talk to him, should I just give up and talk to him right now? No no no, I am still annoyed at him, and he must be asleep by now. (Kriukk~) ahh, I’m hungry~ I didn’t eat dinner because Kris was in the kitchen, and I’m definitely hungry now. I was sure that Kris should be in his room, so I walked into the kitchen, in hope that there will be some food there.

Ehh, was that Kyungsoo? What was he doing in the living room at this hour? He was facing the couch looking as if there was someone there beside him. It wasn’t long before he noticed my presence and directed his gaze to me.

“Hyung? You’re awake?” Kyungsoo smiled as he looked at me, but there were some signs of sadness and worry in his eyes. What’s wrong with him?

“Humm, I’m hungry, so I wanted to go to the kitchen to get some foo- KRIS!!! OH MY GOD!!” I fell silent and stared at Kyungsoo, walking towards him. My words caught up into a huge lump in my throat, as I realized who was lying on the couch. It was Kris! And his body……his body was full of grazes and bruises. His forehead was also injured, it was bleeding. Gosh, what on earth happened??

“KRIS!! WHAT DID YOU DO?? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN TO YOU??” Kyungsoo was apparently shocked from my behavior, as I saw him standing up from his original seat. I kneeled at the edge of the couch and couldn’t help myself but to hug Kris. I knew Kyungsoo was looking at me now, but I didn’t care. I’ll sort it out later. I have more important things to tend to now, and I had to make sure that Kris was alright.

“Aaa, Luhan, I’m fine.” Kris answered. But I didn’t believe him. His voice sounded so weak, his face was so pale, and even his eyelids was half-closed. I could sense him frowning in discomfort as I hugged him. Maybe my hug was too tight. I quickly released my embrace over him.

“You’re injured Kris, how are you fine when you look like this? What actually happened?” I cupped his cheeks, caressing his face and parted the bangs that was covering his forehead. His forehead was bleeding, and the blood that was sticking to his hair looked strikingly out of place with his blonde hair. I took the wet towel that Kyungsoo had used to clean his face with and started to wipe out the blood on his hair. The blood was still coming out from the wound, but not as much as before. I didn’t realize that I was shedding a tear. I didn’t want to cry, but seeing Kris like this was so painful for me.

“Xiao Lu, don’t cry. I’m fine. No need to worry.” Kris wiped my tears. But he wasn’t fine, I could see his other hand constantly rubbing the back of his head, trying to ease the pain.

“Ehh, Luhan hyung? Why are you here?”

It was Kai, coming into the living room with Sehun and Lay.


I cut it out into two part, >///<


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Cutedongli #1
Chapter 9: Updatteeee
Chapter 9: ahhhh..good..update!!
Chapter 9: This is good! I wanna
Cutedongli #4
Chapter 9: Updattteeeeeeeeeee please this story is so good
naila02 #5
Chapter 9: I think there's something wrong with kris. Poor him, I hope he can remember lu han well. Fighting authornim!! Update soon, hehe
Chapter 9: ouw.. xiao lu is really cute~
DoubleYsYeoja #7
Chapter 9: *bows down* omg thank you so much for continuing i sometimes have been wondering when will you update this.i totally wanna read updates of it and finally you continue it thank god i thought u would totally abandon this huhuhu thank you so much.i totally love this story and this chap was cute my krishan feels kekeke
yunnybio #8
Chapter 1: i love KrisHan very much thanks for the story. can i trans this into vietnamese to post on my page(i mean facebook). i will write your name on the post and link too
naila02 #9
Chapter 8: Hey, the story is good actually. I like the way Krishan story here. Can you update soon?
doraemonlovescooking #10
its been a while ...