Oh My!

Losing Him

I was definitely dreading today. Another day of work. And another day seeing Jiho. It would probably be more awkward since last night. I still remember the sting it gave my heart, when he was crying.

And Kyung tried to calm me down, but I couldn't. And he was very understanding and let me cry to him. And tell him everything I kept from everyone. And he ended up just walking me home, and tucking me in. But, I didn't fall asleep. And now I am exhausted. My head is pounding, and I feel like vomiting. Maybe I am getting sick.

I woke up coughing this morning. So, I had to finally use the inhaler. And now my throat hurts, great! "Are you okay?" Jiakn asked when she parked. "Huh?" I snapped my head around to look at her fully. "I asked are you okay?" She seemed irritated that I ahdn't been paying attention to her for the whole car ride.

"Yeah. Just fine. Let's go." I said, jumping out of the car. I was so eager to just get the day over with. aNd get home, and away from work. Because God only knows what will happen today. I was a little mad at Jiho. For trying to mess up my date with Kyung. Well, he succeeded partially.


"Hey guys!" Jikan sing singed when we walked into the room. Block B was sitting around in the waiting room of Music Bank. Gosh, did it seem crowded. We had to come to make sure they got dressed. And that nothing got ruined or ripped or anything. I thought of being nicer to Jiho. Just for the sake that it took to much energy to be rude to him.

I made eye contact with him, and smiled. He seemed confused, but weakly smiled back. "Hey, Kiang! Earth to Kiang!" I hadn't realized I had been staring. And of all things to stare at, it had to be Jiho. But he wasn't looking back. I shook my head, "Oh. Okay, what?" I turned to see her look disappointed in me again. 

"Let's get them dressed." And we started to dress them. On the TV in the corner, Boyfriend was singing 'You & I'. As Jikan was making the final touches on their outfits. I was staring at the screen, and listening to the depressing song. This song seemed to describe this whole messed up situation. 

I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't help but cry a little. Hoping that none of them saw me. Or any passerbys either. The performance was ending, but I didn't tear my eyes off of it. Maybe, if I focus on something the tears will stop. I was wrong.

"Oh my! What's wrong?" I recognized Jaehyo's voice beside me. "What? Nothing!" I quickly sniffled in the falling tears. But he probably already saw me. "Is this song really that sad?" He asked, confused by my crying. "For me, it is." I looked down, uncomfortable all of a sudden. I saw Jiho's eyes on me, which just made things worse for me.

I started to cry again, and Jaehyo pulled me away. Into the hallway, and backed me against the wall. Thank God, the hallway is empty. I might die of embarassment. He put his arms on either side of my head, preventing me from running away this time.

"Please stop this. You're not as cute when you cry." He laughed trying to cheer me up. "I know," I whispered as he forced me to look up at him. I hated that now he seemed taller than me. Guess wearing flats again, was a good choice. The echo of the next performance rang through the building. What was this? Everyone sing sad songs day? As Beast performed 'Back To You' , again I felt like a piece of crap.

I started crying again, and I guessed Jaehyo understood why. "It's okay. don't listen to them!" and like a little kid, he put his hands over my ears. But it didn't help much. But the gesture was so sweet. And reminded me of Jiho. NO! Jaehyo is nothing like Jiho! I menatally yelled at myself. "Block B is up!" A manger came and yelled into the waiting room, taking the time to stare down Jaehyo and me.

He moved away from me, and I followed him into the room. Everyone was running around, and finally Block B left. Me and Jikan monitored them from backstage. Praying that nothign goes wrong. The whole time my eyes were fixed on Jaehyo. And would occassionally shift to Kyung. I avoided looking at Jiho at all costs. Even when he was the one singing or rapping.

How could Jaehyo be so nice to me? Isn't it weird for him? To go on dates with his friend's ex. But he seemed okay with it. I loved watching him be immature on stage. and their usual performance of 'Tell Them' went flawlessly. Except, Jihoon ripped the whole leg of his shorts. How does even happen? They got off stage before the cameras could film the rip. I was glad too.

"I need to fix these. Quickly change." I said calmly in the waiting room once again. When Jihoon handed me the pants, I saw the extent of the damage. "How?? I asked mostly to myself. Jihoon just smiled awkwardly, "Are they fixable?" he pouted sitting next to me. "Yes. It's fine1" I patted him on the head.

"We're gonna go eat. You coming?" Kyung asked as everyone started leaving again. "Uhm, no. I'm just gonna stay here for a bit. thanks though," and his smile about killed me. I sat comfortably in one of the chairs, sewing kit in hand. I looked the shorts over. How did he manage to rip from the bottom him all the wya up to the pocket? That boy ruins more outfits then anybody else I knew of.

I was starting to sew it up, when the door opened. "I just left my phone," and he started rummaging through his bag. Why did Jiho have to be the one to come back? Why me? Why now?

"So, how bad is it?" He sat next to me looking at the pants in my hands. Deciding to be nice and civil I calmly collected my broken thoughts. "Not that bad. I've seen worse." And he was smiling at me. He had his phone in his hands, why was he still here? bothering my alone time! "What kind of rip, is worse than this?" He pointed to the faded fabric. I know he is just trying small talk with me. And a thught came to mind, as to what could of been worse.

But it might hurt him, if I said it. But it came out anyways, "The rip between us. And my heart," damn my mouth! Maybe, he didn't hear it! Maybe he will forget I said anything. Please!

"Oh," he sighed and looked at his phone. I could tell he was hurt by it. But it had to come out eventually. He had to know the truth behind my hard feelings towards him. "I wish I could take this," he took the needle from my grasp. "And sew it back up." And he handed it back to me. Aww, why couldn't he have shown this side more while we were together?

"Well, shouldn't you get back to the others." I no longer was comfortable anyways. "Oh, sure." and with that he left me again. Why did I feel so bad now? I mean it was all his fault! Not mine at all, yet I felt so guilty!?!? What is wrong with me? And for the countless time, I started to tear up.

Damn you, Woo Jiho!

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cminutebyminute #1
I randomly noticed this story and DAYUM I'm glad I did! It's brilliant! I hope you update sometime!<br />
I dunno why but I think she fits the best with Kyung. I honestly have no idea why, though :)
oh goshh!<br />
pickkk jaehyo now!!!<br />
& i cant believe zico , his soooo meannnn >__<
decided now! i want her to end up with jaehyo!!i prefer him than kyung!
i even haven't even decided who she end up with...<br />
<br />
thanks you for not being a silent reader! XD
baaaabymc #5
new reader here ~<br />
zico is such a ! how do you flirt in front of your ex ?<br />
i really like Jaehyo here , but something tells me i'll like kyung too after their date . <br />
anyways , update soon ~ :D
YAY!!!!! I love chapter four!!!!!<br />
gosh!!!! Just be with Jaehyo!!!! <br />
I bet Zico is now regretting for leaving her!!!!!<br />
i'll try to update more often, and yes Zico is rude!! flirting right in front of her.<br />
<br />
I'll take the Jaehyo relationship into consideration.
Kyung and Jaehyo are sooo sweet(= but i want her to end up with Jaehyo!<br />
btw i find it interesting!!<br />
update soon!Will yah???(=