


Chapter 3 – Settling In


Today I woke up and I didn't remember that I had moved. I was so startled that I woke up in a different environment. I started laughing at that though, after I realized where I was. Now that I am fully awake, I did my morning routine and grabbed my laptop. I began to do research on apartments, jobs, and also to look up the application processes for the different entertainment industries. The application process seemed the same for most industries, I had to email them a sample of either dancing or singing, or both, good thing I had my brother record some stuff for me before I left Los Angeles. I began to email the bigger industries, I emailed SM, JYP, YG, DSP, and Cube. I also looked at smaller agencies, like Orange, KeyEast, CNR, and S Plus. “Ok I am only going to apply to J. TUNE Camp, as a last resort. Remember Eunmi, too much of a distraction there, I can't.” I said to myself as I placed an email to the agency.

I was a huge MBLAQ fan, I didn't consider myself an A+ though, even though my brother thought I was. He was always making fun of me because of that. He claimed that I acted like I was part of the fan base. I, to mess around with him, always told him I was an international A+ then, but I really didn't consider myself part of it. I did always try to support them, by buying their albums online and stuff. Not only them, I was a huge fan of other artists as well and tried to support each, in any way I could. My brother always thought I was a bit crazy because of that. He said I payed too much attention to international artists, then artists from my home. I didn't care much though, hey I liked, what I liked, why should I change. Now that I remembered, I should check the news, so I went on my favorite kpop news site which was allkpop. This was how I kept up in the states, and probably how I would continue to keep up. I checked the new updates, and then logged off. I began making calls for an apartment close to where I was staying. I kept getting placed on hold, and I would wait forever. Just to end up finding out, that they didn't have anything available at the moment.

Oh why, did I move at a bad time. For a minute, I felt bad. Oh well, I would have to stay in the hotel until someone had a place open. They would tell me to check up at the beginning of next month, or at the end of the month. I left my number with everyone I contacted, I really needed to move out of the hotel. As much as I liked it there, I couldn't really call it home, since I wouldn't feel right, moving stuff around. I decided to walk around the stores, to see if anyone was hiring. I also needed to get a part time job at least so that I would be able to support myself. I couldn't expect the bit of money I had saved in the bank to last me forever. So I grabbed my purse and left to the streets. I went around the stores, turning in applications in the places that were hiring. I really hoped I would be able to find a job, hopefully at least that would turn out well. Everyone seemed so friendly there. I really liked Korea, it seemed more peaceful than Los Angeles.

After walking around I decided to get something to eat. Then afterwards I would go buy some stuff for myself. I knew I would have the time, since it wasn't that late. I went and ate at the same restaurant I had entered yesterday. I will always love this restaurant because it brought me the opportunity to meet one of my favorite groups. I truly believe that anything is possible now. I went and ordered my food. I ate, and once I was finished I began to walk around, I needed to shop. The first store I entered was a music store. I just had to get MBLAQ's Mona Lisa album. I totally loved the music video, I was waiting day and night for that release. One of the reasons my brother called me an A+, hey at least I knew he cared enough about me to tease my properly. I bought it and continued walking around. I entered a clothing store, and bought myself a couple of cardigans. I loved cardigans, I preferred wearing those than regular sweaters. Even though I did wear sweaters a lot, but it is summer right now, I am not going to have a possible heat because of that. I continued walking around going in and out of shops buying little things, and then I went to my hotel room. At the end of the day I was tired, so I made a quick call to my brother and went to sleep.

>>Fast Forward to a month afterward>> I am still living in the hotel. I am supposed to start calling again today. Hopefully someone has a room available. I got lucky and found a job at the same restaurant I first entered. I was so happy when I got that job. I guess constantly going made them like me, since I became friends with the restaurant owner. I have fun there too, I like speaking to people. It is extremely awesome when I get to speak English to tourists too. I enjoy communicating with people, and they help me a lot to learn more about the culture, and everyone seems so lively, makes me just want to stay there. I haven't forgotten my original reason to move to Korea though. That is something I haven't forgotten. I checked every day since I emailed them, to see if anyone has responded to my email. I really hope that I get something soon, anything. As soon as I got out of work I went to my hotel room and grabbed my laptop. I began to check my messages, I had like 10 unread messages. Most of them were spam, unimportant messages. One of them was just telling me about my bank account, since I transferred my money from my bank account in America, to one here in Korea.

I pretty much had my stuff settled here in Korea. My brother was proud of me, he said I was finally grown up. As I was deleting my email, I received an email. It was from SM Entertainment. I was so close to deleting it. I couldn't believe my eyes. They were asking me to show up on Friday at 3:00pm for an interview. I was shocked. After I began to jump up and down. I was sooo happy, I didn't believe life could get any better. I was so excited, that when I called my brother, he couldn't understand what I was saying. He was telling me that I could do it, and to not worry. I began to get a little bit of nervous, what if they didn't like me. I decided that if things didn't go well in the end, then it wouldn't matter, I at least knew I had a chance. The rest of the week, I worked at the little restaurant. They knew about my interview Friday, so my supervisor left me off early. As soon as I was done from work I grabbed a taxi and went straight into SME. Once inside I went to the receptionist, and told them about my appointment. They directed me to the 2nd floor, and told me the room number I had to go to. I took the elevator up, and began to look around. The numbering wasn't in the order I thought it would be, it seemed like I was far from the room.

In the hallway I bumped into f(x), and they remembered me. I was shocked when they told me that they had remembered me. We stayed in the hallway chatting a bit, and then they led me to the room. I told them my thanks, and they gave me encouraging words. I ended up exchanging numbers with them. They said that if I needed anything, that I could rely on them. Afterwards I went into the room and they left to practice. I entered and was met by what seemed like a panel of judges. They were sitting around in one end of the table. Once I entered, I introduced myself and they asked me to take a seat. I did, and they began to ask me questions. I answered all of them truthfully, and at the end they asked me to sing for them a bit, which I did. They then told me that they would speak and would talk amongst themselves. They told me that they would contact me to tell me of their decision. I left afterwards and went home. I called my brother to tell him, that I was waiting on their decision now.

The next day I didn't work so I had the day to myself. I did my regular routine, and then went to the gym, since I had to keep myself in shape. After I got home I checked my messages. SM Entertainment, had responded. They decided that I wasn't what they were looking for. I quickly got sadden by the idea, but then I remembered that I had more messages and that one of those messages would be good. I checked the rest of the messages, and they seemed unimportant. That quickly dispelled my good mood. I called my brother to tell him about my bad news, and he told me that I would have another chance, that I shouldn't worry. I agreed and continued to browse information. I was still unable to find a room available for myself. I was worried I wasn't going to be able to find a place to move to. As I was about to log out of my mail. A message came in. It was J. TUNE, and they wanted me to place a second audition. They said that they would email me the information I would need. I was shocked, that was the last placed I sent an email too. I was extremely nervous, that I completely forgot to call my brother. Hopefully I was going to get good news from them.  


So I have finally decided on all the girlfriends, and I believe I will be introducing them in the next chapter, so look forward to that. :)


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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!