


Ok so im dissapointed that no one has applied for G.O :(, that saddens me very much. Well for anyone who cares hes still available, as for the rest of the members I have decided and I will be introducing the members in the story, when it is time since the first couple of chapters will be about Eunmi and introducing who she is. So if you want to know if you have gotten pick read the story :D.


Chapter 1 – And It Begins


“Yah! It's time to go, before your plane leaves.” I heard my brother say as he handed me my plane ticket. Where was I going to, you ask. Well, I had decided to move to Seoul, Korea. I wanted to move there, so that I would be able to achieve my dream, I wanted to be a singer. I was leaving my home for 22 years, Los Angeles, California. Its crazy right? Leaving the one place everyone comes to, to become a star, I mean I didn't live that far from Hollywood. But I didn't really want to be part of the American culture, and what it expects of it's celebrities. I wanted to do something more, and be able to be myself. Now why Korea you ask? Well it was only home to some amazing artists, that I loved, and my father was Korean so why not go to my father's country. I truly believed I would achieve my dream there, I just didn't know what was going to happen during the process of achieving my goal.

“Thanks I'm going to miss you. You and I have been stuck together since umma and appa passed away. And I feel bad for leaving you like this.” I said as I grabbed my ticket from him. “Don't worry about me, I have Haneul with me now.” My brother said. “I guess, and speaking of her, here she comes.” I said as I noticed my brother's girlfriend coming bringing a little bag with her. When she reached us she handed me the package. “You didn't have to, you know.” I said as I looked into the little bag, it was a parting gift. “Yes I did, I wanted you to have something to remember me by, so you better not lose it.” she said as she gave me a hug. “Don't worry I won't, and take care of Jinho for me, arasso” I said as I hugged her back. We parted and I gave a last hug to my brother. “Well I'm off now” I said just as the intercom said my flight was now boarding. I grabbed my bag and walked away from my brother and his girlfriend, the only family I had. I e last time to wave bye, and then boarded the plane. I can't believe I was actually doing this.

As I sat down, I took a deep breathe, it was going to be a long trip. I was going to a country I knew close to nothing about, besides what my umma and appa used to say about it, and of course the language. I was extremely nervous, since this was also my first trip alone. My brother and I had traveled together to different places, but we were together. My brother has been taking care of me since I was 15, he being 20 was able to become my legal guardian, he was also the only family I had. It has been 7 years now, wow 7 years have passed and I'm leaving my home..., no I'm going home, to the place where umma and appa used to live.

As the plane took off I looked outside the window, good-bye LAX I'm going to miss Los Angeles, but I have to do what I want to do, I thought to myself. I can't think to much about this, I made my decision and I have to continue with it. “Eunmi fighting!” I said to myself, afterwards I decided to sleep since it would take a while until the plane landed. A couple of hours later I woke up and the plane still hadn't landed. “Excuse me miss, but how much longer until the plane lands” I asked one of the stewardess from the plane. “I believe it will take about an hour or less” she replied. “Oh ok, thank you.” I said. “Is there anything else that you need?” she asked me, I just shook my head no, if it was only about an hour I should be fine until the plane lands. Once the plane landed I was extremely happy to finally be able to stretch. I ended up staying in the seat for the whole plane trip since I pretty much slept it all. I felt better once all my bones cracked and I felt everything loosen up a bit. I ended up pretty much hopping off the plane from excitement. Once my feet were on the ground, my nerves finally kicked in. I had nobody in this place, I would have to fend for myself, I'd have to do everything by myself. “Come on Eunmi your already here, you can't possibly go back” I said to myself to try to control my nerves. I walked out of the airport, with my bags and went to the hotel where I would be staying at until I fixed all my stuff.

Once I arrived, I noticed how different everything was from Los Angeles. It finally hit me that I was no longer dependent on anyone, and that I would be able to do what I pleased, I was on my own. But I knew I also had to be careful, since this was my first time in Korea. I had to take good care of myself so that when my brother would visit, he wouldn't worry about me. Which reminds me I have to change my cell phone number now so that my brother doesn't get charged for overseas calls. I decided to go check into the hotel I would stay at until I was fully settled, then I would go change my number quickly so that I can call my brother from the new number. It was about early morning here in Seoul, so I figured I had time to go browse around and get to know the area.

“Hello, I'm here to check in, I have a room reserved.” I told the receptionist in fluent Korean. Thank God that I actually learned the language, unlike my brother, well then again he probably is fluent in it and just doesn't want to tell me. “Yes, can I get your name?” the receptionist asked me. “Ah yes, my name is Moon Eunmi.” I told the receptionist. “Ah yes, your reservation shows up, you have room 228, and here is your key. Enjoy your stay.” the receptionist said as she gave me my room key. “Kamsahmnida” I said and left to my room. I took the stairs instead of the elevator since I didn't feel like waiting for it, and I wanted to exercise a bit. Once I arrived at my room, I unlocked it and went in.

I was surprised by the details of the room. The living room had a nice white colored sofa with a coffee table in between it and the TV stand. The TV was a pretty nice, 32” inch plasma, sadly I didn't watch too much TV, maybe I would start just to use it. The kitchen was to the right once you entered the apartment. It was nicely decorated with a small table for two in the middle. Now the room, to the left of the entrance, was the best. It had a queen sized bed next to the window and from the window I could see the city. It was awesome and I loved it. The room also came with a nightstand and a small closet in it. The bathroom was connected to the room and it was small, but I didn't mind I was living alone. It was perfect for me, I thought as I threw my shoulder bag on the bed and left my luggage at the foot of the bed.

I was getting hungry so I decided to leave and unpack later. I would go get my new cellphone number and then go find a restaurant to eat. I could call my brother while I waited for my food. I grabbed a small purse with my wallet and the phone I have now. I grabbed my sunglasses and put on my contacts, since I wore glasses and walked out. As I walked among the streets I saw a lot of different clothing stores and other little shops. I ended up staying in a very busy part of Seoul, and that was perfect for me since I came from a very busy city. I walked into the first cellphone store I saw. I walked in and began to look through the phones, maybe I would need to get a new one. While browsing through the phones one of the salespersons there came up to me and asked me if I needed help. “Yes, I was wondering if I could change my phone number here, I have a phone from America, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to use it here.” I explained to the nice worker. “May I see your phone?” the salesperson asked and I quickly handed the phone to him. “It seems like you may be able to use this phone here, all you want to do is change the number then correct?” the salesperson asked me to make sure. “Yes” I said, I was happy I loved that phone a lot, since I had it for a while, and it was also the first phone that I bought with my hard earned money. “Ok, here are the plans we have, just tell me what plan you would like and I will change your number.” the salesperson told me as he handed me a pamphlet with all the plans and services. I began to look through them and decided to get the unlimited plan since I knew I would be probably talking a lot with my brother.

I told the salesperson the plan that I would like and he just checked and went to a cashier to see how much I would need to pay for everything. He told me the amount and I handed him the money. I had money thanks to saving up for like 5 years, as well as my parents had left a small fortune for my brother and myself. I still wanted to work even though the money my parents had left was enough to live comfortably. The salesperson left to change my number and I stayed waiting. After about 5 minutes he came back with my phone and handed it to me. He also handed me my receipt and information I would need. I thanked the salesperson and left the little shop. I began walking around looking for an interesting restaurant to eat in. I was walking around when I saw a little small restaurant, it seemed like very few people went in there. I decided to go inside there since it seemed like a very peaceful place where I could relax and no one would disturb me. Once I walked inside I sat in a corner of the restaurant. As soon as the waiter came to my table, I saw a group of people walk into the restaurant, and the minute I saw them I thought I was going to faint it was ….

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!