



MBLAQ WON MCD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS TO THEM

I'm so happy for them, I just had to update sooner.

YAY FOR SOONER UPDATE, hope you enjoy this.


Now What?


Eunmi's POV


After everyone had left I realized that Seungho wasn't inside. I realized I was thinking about him and began to get angry, why should I think of him all he did was ruin my night. I noticed the rest of the girls and the guys were cleaning up and decided to help out. Maybe it would take my mind off of everything that happened tonight. I began cleaning the bar area, when Minhee came to me. “Is everything okay?” she asked once she reached me. She began to take off the empty glasses left there while I wiped the counter top. “Yea, I just don't quite know what to do at the moment. I called my brother and he said not to worry about anything. I usually listen to his advice, but I can't at the moment I feel sort of out of place.” I told her. “So what exactly happened with Seungho, he just grabbed you and pretty much stormed off.” I stopped my cleaning and looked at her when she said this, he had looked angry before, well I guess he would be because of his actions. “He accused me of flirting with Minwoo, pretty much blew off on me for that. Was saying something about giving him too much attention, well amongst those lines.” I said as I resumed my cleaning, why did he have to be so confusing, I never saw any hint of him being romantically interested in me. “So someone got jealous?” she said. “Who got jealous?” I jumped when I heard Cas say that, I looked up and turned to her, the rest of the girls were with her. “Where did you guys pop out from?” I asked, I must have been so absorbed in my thoughts and cleaning that I didn't hear them, or feel them nearby.

“Apparently your brother blew off Eunmi because she was “flirting” with Minwoo-shi.” Minhee said, explaining the situation. “HE DID WHAT!!??” I heard Heera scream. “Please don't make either of us repeat ourselves. It is as you heard it.” I said throwing used, dirty napkins in the closest trash bin. “Well he did look angry when he grabbed Eunmi-unni.” I heard Rin say from behind us, she was helping pick up glasses while Cas and Heera just stood there dumbstruck. “Are you two going to clean or are you going to stand there in your little worlds,” I said looking at them, “we will talk once we get to the apartment, I will give you the details later.” When they still didn't budge from their spots, I went to them and tapped their shoulders, “The sooner we finish, the sooner we can get to the apartment, and the sooner you two can hear the juicy gossip.” It was like someone lit them on fire, they sprung to clean, I ended up standing there dumbstruck for a couple of seconds before I realized I had to get back to cleaning. Since the guys were helping out, minus one Seungho, the cleaning was done quickly. We left the key with the club manager, thanked him and left home. The guys left back to their dorm in the car they came in. We left with our manager in the van. “So spill it!” I heard Minhee say as she took the seat beside mine in the back. The rest of the girls turned to me. “OK you guys say that he looked angry right?” I asked looking at them, they all nodded their response. “While I was at the bar talking, OK so maybe I was flirting with Minwoo, but it was minimal, I had this feeling someone was glaring at us. I obviously thought it was someone who was interested in Minwoo.” I said stating the obvious, I had to change my words because of the way Minhee was looking at me. “Hey I didn't have the intention of flirting with him, it just sort of happened.” I said in defense once the rest of the girls began to look at me in a similar manner.

“Anyways so while we were talking the rest of you came up right, so you all noticed he dragged me away pretty much. By the way that boy can walk way to fast, it was hard keeping up.” I said trying to lighten the mood. They looked at me and I could imagine a comical sweat drop on their foreheads because of the looks they were giving me, I couldn't help but slightly laugh at my imagination. “Stop the interruptions and finish your story.” Heera said, a little impatient. “Fine so he dragged me outside, asked me if I liked Minwoo, because I was apparently giving the man a lot of attention in comparison to everyone else. He seemed like he was trying to intimidate me in a way, but that's something I don't tolerate easily. I then told him it was only fair that I payed the same amount of attention to him that he payed to me.” “Which was a lot.” I heard Minhee interrupt, “MINHEE-UNNI!!” I heard the rest of the girls say in frustration for the interruption. I began to laugh at that. “Anyways so he barraged me with questions did I like Minwoo, was that why I was flirting with him, and what happened to me liking him, and he said he was watching me the whole night but yea you get the point. So I blew off him off by stating why did it matter since he didn't seem to like me in the same way and why did he care and then stormed inside instead of waiting for any form of an answer. And well ended up talking to Minwoo the rest of the night he apologized for that and made me talk to him” I finished my story. “Oh my oppa is going to get it from me.” I heard Cas say as she slightly scowled. “Yah Cas don't worry about it, do not get in a fight with your brother over nothing. I will like it if the rest of you acted indifferent to this matter, it does not involve any of you.” I said taking a serious tone in my voice, I would hate it if Cas and Seungho ended up in an argument. I guess I cherish the sibling relationship because I grew up with only a brother, he was the only one there for me.

Cas nodded her head, as did the rest of the girls, they knew I wouldn't like it if they began to act mean towards him. “OK girls were here, finish your gossip inside.” Changsun-oppa stated as he parked the van. We all piled out of the van and went inside, we didn't feel how tired we were until our feet passed the threshold of our dorm. Fatigue took over and I just dropped on the floor beside the couch, I felt so drained. “Eunmi-unni are you okay?” I heard Rin say as she hovered over me. “Yea I am just tired, I need rest.” I answered. I felt the rest of the girls step over me and sit down on the couch. I turned to them from my spot on the floor and noticed they were all slumped on each others shoulders, Rin went and sat with them doing the same. “For the most part did you girls have fun?” I heard our manager, Changsun-oppa ask. “NEH!!!!” we all said in unison, it was a good night for the most part. “Okay girls I am leaving to rest, I will come back later to wake you girls up for a little practice later. Rest now girls and if anything call me.” he said as he grabbed a bottled water and left the dorm. Our manager lived in another room in the same building but closer to the offices in case of anything. We all got up and changed and went to sleep. We woke up hours later to our manager shaking us awake, I was the last one to get up. We all changed and headed to the practice rooms. Once inside we began to practice in out usual room. After a while Changsun-oppa came in and said that we would be doing a collaboration with MBLAQ so that we should move to their room to practice with them. He explained that Jihoon-oppa would be explaining the collaboration to us. We walked into the room and I met a sight I was not expecting.

“Oppa” I screamed as I ran to a male that no one had seen before. He was standing there with a bouquet of roses, seemed like he was talking to MBLAQ, but it seemed like he was glaring at Seungho. I instantly jumped on him and hugged him tight, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Yah Eunmi” he said giving me the bouquet, picking me up and spinning me around. “What are you doing here? Wait am I dreaming still, are you really here?” I said as I began to touch him and go round him observing him. “Yeah it is me, or I would not be able to do this to you,” he said as he pinched my cheeks, “or this.” he finished as he began to tickle me. I ran away from his grasp because I was super tickle-ish, after I had controlled my fits of laughter I dragged him outside. I completely forgot that I should have probably introduced him first or even remember that I was in the middle of practice. “Jinho-oppa, seriously what are you doing here.” I said as I looked at the roses, they were my favorite flower, because of my mother. “Wait weren't you in Los Angeles when I called you earlier?” I said about to start barraging him with questions. “Before you do what your thinking I do believe you should be getting back to practice, I am pretty sure you were about to start it or something. And no I wasn't in Los Angeles I had already arrived here in Korea so now go, we will talk after your practice.” he said as he walked into the room dragging me by the hand, placed me in the middle of the group, gave me a kiss on my forehead and went and sat down on a bench nearby. Jihoon-oppa soon came inside the room, he noticed Jinho and they spoke for a quick second, I assumed they were introducing themselves. Afterwords Jihoon-oppa turned to us and began to explaining to us the collaboration. The two groups were supposed to be in a couple like dance, and he would choose the pairings, he paired Heera and Mir, Cas and Thunder, Minhee and G.O, and Rin and Joon, lastly leaving me paired with Seungho, now what to do?


Oh no MBLAQ has no idea who Jinho is... he he he

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!