


OK FINALLY UPDATED (was working on this at work, instead of work lol)

Hope you enjoy, even though it is kind of erm dark?




“Ok, if you say so, now where do I begin I guess I can begin here you know that I have lived with my brother for about 7 years, because of my parents death correct.” I said turning to him, he only nodded his head. “Naturally... I was 14 when my mother past away, my mother died at child birth, she was pregnant, neither her nor the child survived. This was a big dark cloud on our family because we not only lost our mother but our younger sibling. I believe it was her age that caused her death, she was not at her prime anymore, my brother and I have a 5 year age difference, and I was going to have a 14 age year difference with that child. We lived a whole year without my mother, during that time I did not notice it, but my father began to change. I was too busy, with my own little world, my friends, my education, and of course boys. I had little crushes here and there, but I believed that I would end up with this one boy, whom at that time was my best friend. The year passed and we made things work for us. My friends of course knew of my mothers death, and their parents were good friends with my parents, so naturally they tried to help out our family. I believed we were happy after a couple of months of mourning for the loss of both lives, but I was wrong. About a month after my fifteenth birthday, I was coming home from school.” I started, the next part was going to be very difficult for me to talk about, I could feel my emotions starting to build up, and were just waiting to pool out. I had to clear my throat before I could continue my story. I guess Seungho could see the trouble I was having since all he was doing was rubbing my back, not trying to rush me into saying anything.

“My brother was with his girlfriend at the time, even though they were not dating yet, they were just friends and my father was supposed to be at home alone since I remember clearly that was his day off from work. As I arrived from school, I remember feeling such a horrible nauseating feeling, that I could not shake off. As I walked into my house, there was such an eerie quiet, I could not here my father in the kitchen like usual, nor the TV which he would occasionally leave on while he prepared dinner. I came into the house, quickly calling out for my father, whom I didn't see. I remember going through out the living room and kitchen, but there were no signs of him there, so I ran upstairs, knowing something was wrong. I quickly walked into my fathers room, and there he was in his bed ...” I choked and began to slightly sob, “ dead. He had overdosed on pills and had been drinking alcohol. The two mixed in his body and killed him. I quickly dialed the police for an ambulance, as soon as I finished that phone call I called my brother. He quickly arrived with his girlfriend and came to me. I was a wreck, I was losing control of myself. The ambulance arrived not even 5 minutes after my brother did, and they quickly checked my father's body. He was dead, and nothing could be done about it. I knew this already, but hearing these words from the paramedics made me lose it. I remember throwing myself on the floor and crying. I don't know how he arrived, but I remember my best friend coming and quickly trying to calm me. I remember looking to my brother and he was in shock, his girlfriend was trying everything to get him to react, he was just stiff as a board, no emotion, nothing.”

I had begun to cry, I was unable to hold back my tears. Seungho quickly hugged me and began to rub my back, trying to calm me down. After a couple of minutes, I cleared my throat and began to continue, “My brother after a while returned to his senses, I guess he might have noticed me and realized I was young and he couldn't abandoned me. He began to speak to the police and afterwords he came to me and hugged me. Court dates began so that he would able to become my legal guardian, it was difficult because judges thought he was too young, and would not be able to provide for the both of us. These trials made things very difficult for me to the point where I began to try to commit suicide, I have not idea how we managed to hide it from the judges at that time, I am pretty sure that if they had known I would not have had the opportunity to stay with my brother. After the trials my brother became my guardian, but I still felt very depressed, I was glad I was not separated from my brother, but I lost my mother, a sibling, and a father in a matter of two years. I began to withdraw myself from social interactions to the point where I only spoke to my best friend. Since my brother caught me trying to commit suicide, my brother had me placed in a mental hospital, I was there for a month. I came to realize that I was wrong in my actions, because then there was no point in my brother fighting hard to win the case so that he would be my guardian. Once I was out, I began to devote my time in activities and such, through that I came to realize that I had fallen for my best friend. After a bit of flirting, we made our relationship official, and I thought everything was going to be fine. We were going to graduate from high school, and be high school sweethearts. That was until the beginning of senior year when I found him cheating on me, with the cheerleader captain. The same instant I found out I broke up with him. Then he began spreading the news about what happened with my family and my own attempts at suicide as well as my time in the mental hospital. That spread through out my high school which made me like the out cast of my senior class. I hated my senior year because of that, he pretty much made it impossible for me. As soon as I graduated, I left to the university. He ended up in the same university as myself. He ended up saying that he regretted all that and well tried to “win” me back but I didn't bother getting back with him. If he did it once he would most likely do it again. Since I rejected him I didn't hear about him again, I figured he transferred schools or something. I graduated and well I am here now,” I finished my story.

“Wow” was all he could say, then something seemed to click in his head, I noticed a slight change in his facial features, it seemed like he went from surprised to angry. Before I could say anything, all of a sudden I heard someone open the practice room door. Me and Seungho looked up, and everyone else came inside. “So this is where you disappeared to” Minhee said to me as the group came towards us. “I had a feeling it was you!” Cas said as she pointed at her brother. “That explains why she left running to see him.” Heera said as she began walking to the stereo. “Are you ok unni?” Rin said, she seemed to be the only one of the girls to notice the state I was in. “I am fine, I was just talking with Seungho, he knows now.” I said, I didn't want to have to say more. It seemed like that comment made all the girls turn to me and look at me strangely. I just shrugged it off and stood up. “I guess it is time to practice as a whole?” I more like asked as I grabbed Seungho's hand and pulled him towards the middle of the practice room. “WHOA! Yeah hyung!” I heard the guys say, I wasn't quite sure who said it exactly but it seemed like a mixture of Mir, and Thunder's voices. I looked at Seungho like wondering what it was they were talking about, I then heard the girls giggle and I turned to them. I then looked to us and I realized I was still in his sweater, and was currently holding his hand. Once I realized I quickly let go and turned away, now was not a time for my nervousness to kick in. I quickly killed the small blush that was forming. “Enough all of you, we need to practice.” Seungho said, I would have said something but didn't seem to have a voice at the moment. That caused for everyone to come to the middle of the practice room. Soon the song we would be dancing to began to play and we all quickly began to practice. After an hour of practicing we decided to take a break. “So are

we missing something because you two were not that good when we last practiced?” G.O said making everyone nod their heads at us. Me and Seungho just looked at each other and shrugged.

“Anyways it seems we all have it down for the most part then, sooo let us have some fun.” Heera said smiling like the chestier cat. Normally I would have opposed, but I had already spent majority of the morning practicing with Seungho, I was pretty tired. I just nodded my head and sat down on the floor. “So what should we do?” Mir asked as he sat down. Everyone following suit. We ended up in a small circle with the guys sitting pretty much behind us. “Truth or dare!” Heera and Minhee said at the same time. The minute that came out of their mouths, I groaned, this was not going to be as fun as usual, I just had a feeling. “So everything is allowed in this game correct?” Thunder said , I turned to look at him and was shocked, he did not seem like the innocent one of the group at the moment. “Sure” I heard Seungho say behind me, the minutes those words left his mouth I inwardly cringed, yup this game was not going to be fun at all. I looked at the girls, and they were extremely excited now. I decided that by the end of this game I had to get someone together, it didn't matter who but someone had to hook up. I was amazed that no one ended up together at the party considering that for at least half of that night they were stuck with their crushes. Mir stood up and grabbed a bottle from the ones Seungho and I used earlier. “Ok let the game begin,” I said as he put the bottle in the middle.

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!