



Finally got to update yay!!! Enjoy :)


Chapter 12 – Meeting You


I entered with bags into the room placing them on the closest bench to me. I then began to take out the drinks and snacks, to organize them on the bench so that everyone can just grab what they liked. “Do you need help with that?” I heard a male voice say and I instantly froze. I thought he hadn't showed up today, I knew I had reason to worry. “U-u-m-m I'm f-fine, I got it.” I said as I registered the voice, damn my stutter, it came out. “You must be Eunmi, I'm Seungho by the way.”he said. “Ah yea, and yeah I kind of know who you are.” I answered, good I didn't stutter, but I was still avoiding seeing him, I knew that wouldn't be a good idea. “Oppa, meet our leader, Eunmi.” I heard Cas say as she reached us, I still hadn't turned so I didn't know she was close to us. “Unni!” she exclaimed, making me turn and face Seungho. “Umm yeah, we kind of already met.” Seungho said, I was about to say that too, but I couldn't seem to speak, I began to look at him. He noticed me looking at him so I turned away, knowing I was probably blushing. “Ok then, well I will leave you two alone to get to know each other then I can't leave my partner dancing alone now.” I heard her say as she left. I was curious to know who she was dancing, so I turned to see her walk back to Thunder. I began to laugh to myself, for a quick minute forgetting about Seungho and deriving my attention to the group dancing. Everyone was dancing in couples. “Is there something I'm missing here?” Seungho asked bringing my attention back to him. “It's nothing Seungho-shi.” I said as I turned back to finish organizing the snacks. I then saw another pair of hands grabbing the stuff and helping me. “By the way you don't have to be so formal with me, if you like Seungho is fine.” he said as he organized the last bit of snacks that were left in the bag. “Oh ok then, Seungho.” I said as I grabbed a bottle of water and sat down.

He came and sat next to me, “So I'm your favorite from MBLAQ?” I heard him say, and I instantly turned to him, oh man don't tell me the guys told him. “Umm, yeah” I answered and began to look at the bottle, like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I couldn't believe the guys had told him about that, then again I should have figured that they would tell him. I then began to panic a little what else did he know? “That's nice” I heard him say and I turned to him, I only nodded my head not sure what else to say. My timidness hadn't shown up so badly until now. “You girls are doing good by the way. You seem to be a good leader.” he said. “Thank you” I said and started to watch the couples dancing. It seemed like Heera and Mir were the most crazy ones on the dance floor. I totally wished I had their energy. I smiled at them, lucky they were a bit open, and here I was seemingly withdrawing my self from the attention of the guy I was crushing on. Why was I so complicated. I guess Minhee noticed my mini anguish, she grabbed G.O and dragged him to us. “So how are you two getting along?” she asked looking primarily at me.

“Fine” we both answered at the same time. “Uhuh” I heard G.O say and laugh, they then took a seat next to us and the four us watched the others dance. “Isn't it interesting?” Minhee said as she was watching them. I instinctively knew what she was referring too and began to laugh. “Yes it is” I said as I calmed down my laugh. It was interesting how much more relaxed I got once Minhee joined us. That's why I always thought of her as the glue that kept us together in a way. “Ok now, what are you two talking about?” G.O asked looking from one of us to the other and then looking at Seungho who was just as clueless. “Don't worry about it, it isn't important to you guys... yet.” I said as I turned and smiled at them. “You know, you should smile more.” I heard Seungho tell me. If only he knew I actually was one of the brighter members in our group, I just get really weird when nervous. I sort of began to able to relax a little more around him, little by little. The four of us began to talk about how the younger members in our group and how we found things they did amusing. After a while of chatting and once I was relaxed enough, I began to act more like myself. Cas and Rin then came to us, pulling us to the dance floor, the guys were dragged to dance as well. “It's not fair that we are the only ones having fun, you two haven't danced either.” I heard Heera say as she looked at me and Seungho. “So can I have this dance?” I heard Seungho say to me, I only nodded my head. We began to dance, he was a really good dancer.

After a while I turned to look at the rest of the girls, and it seemed like they had their eyes on us and they were all smiling like crazy. I was never going to hear the end of this. As soon as the song that was playing ended we all sat down to chat and eat snacks. I was getting terribly hungry but I could last a little bit more before I went crazy for food. We all began to chat about different things, avoiding the topics of crushes and what not. “Did you know that Eunmi, can possibly dance better than you Oppa?” I heard Cas say and I nearly choked on the water I was drinking. “No I can't.” I said once I recovered. “She can copy your Touch Me dance, we've seen her do it before.” Heera joined in. Oh lord what were these girls doing. “Oh really, I would like to see it.” Seungho said turning to me. I quickly began to shake my head, I was not about to do his routine, especially not in front of him. Everyone began to chant for me to do it, I did not want to do it. “C'mon I'll do it with you then, so you don't do it alone.” I heard Seungho say. After a bit more of the groups persistence I stood up, I had to agree or they would never stay quiet. I then noticed Seungho get up as well, he was going to do it as well.

Rin stood up and walked to the stereo to change the song to Florida’s Touch Me. Once the music started I completely blocked out everything else and began to focus on the routine. I did every step, even the break dancing. Once we were done, I heard clapping. “You got competition hyung.” I heard Thunder say as we sat down. “I've noticed, it is rare to see a female break dance. How did you learn?” he asked me. “Well I had to learn in college, I majored in dance performance.” I answered. “They taught you break dancing?” he asked. I only nodded my head. “So what else can you dance?” I heard Joon ask. “Anything I guess, I had to learn everything.” I answered as I looked at him. “Ok, so I'm hungry and feel like I'm starving so how about we go out to eat.” Seungho said. “You are always hungry oppa” Cas retorted, we all began to laugh. “Hey that is not true” Seungho defended himself. Cas only shook her head and turned to me. “Let's go out an eat uni” I nodded my head, we would survive the fans, I hoped. We all stood up and began to clean up what we could from the practice room.

Once we finished we left grabbing our bags and stuff. “Ok, so how are we dividing our selves?” Heera asked as we reached the parking lot. “Well Minhee-noona can drive one car, and Seungho-hyung can drive the other?” Mir answered and questioned, wondering if Minhee would be fine with driving. She nodded her head, signaling that it was fine with her, Seungho doing the same. “Ok then who is going with whom?” “Well the guys can go with Seungho and girls with Minhee-uni” Cas said. I was fine with the arrangement, everyone agreed to the arrangement and we each got into the car.

Once we got out of the parking lot I turned to the girls, “where are we going to eat anyways?” I asked wondering where we were heading. All of us looked at each other and began to laugh, no one thought to ask where we were going. “I'll call my oppa and ask” Cas said as she reached for her phone in her bag. She dialed the number, and placed it on speaker. “Yah! I'm driving, what do you want?” we heard Seungho say. “Mianhe, but where are we going to eat?” she asked, we could hear the rest of the guys in the back so we assumed they had us on speaker as well. “Just follow us, we know a good restaurant.” we heard G.O say. “Ok” Minhee said as she began to follow the guys car. “Ok thanx see you guys in a bit.” Cas say, we all decided to scream bye to the guys just for fun. We then heard all the guys say bye and click. “So you have gotten real close to Seungho-oppa quickly” I heard Heera say. “Not that quickly, but maybe a little” I answered, I already knew where this was going to go, “But weren't you girls very close to your guys today?” I smirked as I noticed the girls stay quiet. I laughed quietly to myself. “Stop being mean to the girls.” I heard Minhee say as she kept looking at the road ahead of us. “I wasn't doing anything, merely stating a fact uni.” I replied. She only rolled her eyes and laughed. After driving for a couple more minutes, we saw the guys car turn into a parking lot. We followed them and parked next to them. Once we got out I looked around, habit of mine to always look at the surroundings. I began to laugh, I couldn't believe we ended up here. “What's funny?” I heard one of the guys ask, I wasn't paying much attention, so I wasn't sure who asked. “I used to work here before I joined J. Tune. I used to stay at the hotel up ahead from here.” I said pointing to the direction of the hotel. “This is where you used to work at?” Joon asked, the girls looked at me, I nodded my head. A“We used to come here all the time when given the chance” G.O said as we all walked into the restaurant.

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!