



YAY NEW CHAPTER!!!  (I wonder who is still reading this, i know my storyline is going pretty slow as of late.)




As soon as the words escaped Rin's mouth, I jumped and ran to my room. I quickly grabbed my laptop and turned it on. The rest of the girls didn't bother to follow me, they may have assumed I had forgotten something. As I waited for my laptop to load I kept turning the card in my hand. I honestly had no idea who it was from and I could only hope that the email would give me an answer. When it finished loading I quickly logged into my email account and checked it, I had a new email. I quickly opened it, not even checking who it was from. I noticed there were two files attached to the email. I downloaded the files and opened the document file first. It was a letter with a poem, I read it and nearly began to cry, I thought it was sweet. I had my suspicion on who it was, but I wanted to make sure. I quickly opened the video file and it was a short clip. It was a Seungho playing the guitar! I think I began to cry at that moment, how that boy had figured out the three main things I liked I didn't know. I quickly composed myself, at the end of the clip he said sorry, and asked me to meet him in the practice room at 11:00am if I had forgiven him. I looked at the clock, and it was 10:55am. I closed my laptop and ran out of my room. “Where are you going? You need to eat breakfast.” Minhee called after me. “Later” was all I screamed back as I put on my shoes and ran out the door. I hoped I made it on time, I didn't want him to think I hadn't forgiven him. I do not know why but all anger just seemed to leave me once I read the poem. I ran until I made it into the practice room. I saw him standing there in the middle of the room in casual wear, he was only wearing some black jeans, a red t-shirt, and a cap. “I made it!” I exclaimed as I looked at the clock, 11:00am on the dot. I was breathing hard, from running to the practice room. “Why did you push yourself so much?” he asked me as he walked to me, I let myself go and just sat on the floor. “I hate being late, for anything.” I answered in between pants. He chuckled at me and handed me a bottle of water. I quickly accepted it and drank some. Once I felt I was better I stood up. That's when I noticed that behind Seungho their was a guitar. I didn't notice earlier in the video but I guess he had recorded the video clip in here.

I then turned to Seungho, and he did something I never expected from him. He bowed fully on the ground, and apologized. I was in shock, that was like the utmost respect signal, and I didn't believe it was right. I quickly grabbed him and pulled him up. “You didn't have to do that, you have done enough to gain my forgiveness.” I said once we were both standing up straight. He hugged me and said “Thank you and I promise I'll think before I act and I will protect you from anything,” all I could do was hug him back. Once we separated we began to talk, I didn't realize it until now but it was nice, and I felt better. “So want to practice the routine, since we are the ones lacking on the cooperation department?” he asked me, I nodded my head. It was a good thing I had decided to dress up casual once I was done with my morning routine. I had decided to dress up in some black shorts and a red tank top, I had left my hair down. I took off my glasses since I wasn't going to do the routine with them on, they were my only pair and I needed them, I also didn't want to have to go buy new ones. I placed them on top of the piano in the room and positioned myself in front of Seungho, since that was where we started. We started the routine slow and with out music to get used to one another again. Since now I was actually aware of him, and I guess it made the steps easier. We both did different flips, I ended up having to use him to do the last flip by jumping off him. It was much easier now that we were comfortable around each other again, which didn't take long. After a little while we would speed up the routine to get used to it. Once we had a pretty decent speed, we decided to add the music that would go with it. We spent a couple of hours practicing, until we felt we had it down well enough.

When we were done practicing we sat on the floor. “So how did you figure out that I liked roses?” I asked. “Honestly?” he said looking at me with a questioning glaze. “Yes, just be honest.” I said. “Your brother might have told me.” he said looking away. I laughed at that, who would of thought my brother would have taken a liking to him. I had to thank my brother for doing that, I do got to say things were looking up for me. “Are you hungry?” he asked me, and before I could answer my stomach decided to answer for me. I nodded my head blushing, and he just laughed, stood up and helped me up. He walked to the piano and pulled a hoodie, I assumed it was his, and handed it to me. I looked at him with a questioning glaze. “You are famous now, remember.” he said and I quickly understood. I grabbed the hoodie and thanked him. I put it on as well as my glasses, and turned to him. He just adjusted his cap to cover his face and placed some sunglasses on. “You look cuter with glasses, I think this is the first time I see you wearing them.” he said and I felt my self begin to blush. I just nodded my head and began to walk out the door, I could hear him chuckling behind me. Once outside, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to a nearby restaurant, he quickly went to a booth in the back. When we sat down I looked up at him, wondering how he knew this table was empty. “I sort of have this table reserved in a way.” he said looking away. Had he thought that much ahead, what if I hadn't forgiven him. “What if -” I began to ask the question on my mind before I could finish, he interrupted me. “I kind of was hoping you did, and if you didn't then I would have canceled the reservation.” he said, I then looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“No I can't read minds” he said chuckling, I assumed he could tell if that was what I was wondering. “Are you sure?” I asked, teasing him in a way. “Yes, I'm sure I wish I could though” he said. “Oh why?” I asked as a waiter came and brought us glasses of water, he then proceeded to hand us the menus. I began to look at the menu, and decided to take a sip. “So I would know what goes through your mind, especially when you dance. You seem more comfortable dancing.” he said, causing me to start choking on the water. I quickly composed myself, “Mianhe” I said not quite sure what I was apologizing for though. He just looked at me and chuckled, the waiter than came to take our orders, and he left. We ate in a comfortable science after the food was brought to us, then Seungho payed and we returned to the practice room. “So now what?” I asked once we entered the room. “I'm not sure.” Seungho said as he sat down on the piano bench. “I know, play something, I don't believe I have ever seen you play the piano.” I said as I went and took a seat next to him. He just nodded and positioned his fingers over the keys. He began playing Sad Memories, I just smiled at that. Once he finished playing that he began to play different classical pieces, each one being faster than the last. I stared at amazement at his fingers. For a while I wished I had never given up on the piano. Once done he looked at me. I turned to him and began to smile and clap. “Wow I could have been able to play that well if I would of continued playing.” I blurted out. “You play?” he said as he looked at me. “Yea, but I can't play as well as you or your sister. Both of you are amazing when it comes to playing it.” I said. He then shifted a little away from the piano, and motioned for me to play. “You can't be serious?” I said as I realized what he wanted me to do.

“Yes I am, you got to hear me play.” he said as he continued motioning to the keys. I moved a little so that I would be able to reach certain keys. I took a deep breath and began to play. I only played small, slow classical pieces since I hadn't played since I was about 13. After a couple of pieces, I stopped to him and gave him a small smile. “Are you okay?” he asked, concern flooding into his face. “Yeah I just had a flood of memories return to me, many of which I thought I had forgotten.” I said looking at the keys and slightly touching them. “Want to talk about them?” he said as he hugged me. I turned to him and I was slightly afraid, my memories weren't great. I also knew that only a few people knew about these things, of course the girls knew. I kept looking at him and couldn't find a reason to really hide things from him. Yes we had an argument but that was bound to happen since both our personalities seemed to clash at times, and not everyone in the world is going to get along with everyone. I took a deep breath and nodded my, head, I guess it was now or never. “Well before I begin, you are about to find out things about me that I myself am not to proud of. I know that I may seem like this, I don't know, calm person at the moment, the only time I have really let loose was maybe when you angered me, and even then I was slightly holding back.” I said when he interrupted me. “I am sorry, I know why I did that, but I will explain later. Right now is not the time, but I highly doubt anything you tell me is going to make me change my opinion of you.” he said. I looked at him and smiled, I was really comfortable around him, maybe this was a good thing. “Ok, if you say so, now where do I begin I guess I can begin here..”Forgiven


As soon as the words escaped Rin's mouth, I jumped and ran to my room. I quickly grabbed my laptop and turned it on. The rest of the girls didn't bother to follow me, they may have assumed I had forgotten something. As I waited for my laptop to load I kept turning the card in my hand. I honestly had no idea who it was from and I could only hope that the email would give me an answer. When it finished loading I quickly logged into my email account and checked it, I had a new email. I quickly opened it, not even checking who it was from. I noticed there were two files attached to the email. I downloaded the files and opened the document file first. It was a letter with a poem, I read it and nearly began to cry, I thought it was sweet. I had my suspicion on who it was, but I wanted to make sure. I quickly opened the video file and it was a short clip. It was a Seungho playing the guitar! I think I began to cry at that moment, how that boy had figured out the three main things I liked I didn't know. I quickly composed myself, at the end of the clip he said sorry, and asked me to meet him in the practice room at 11:00am if I had forgiven him. I looked at the clock, and it was 10:55am. I closed my laptop and ran out of my room. “Where are you going? You need to eat breakfast.” Minhee called after me. “Later” was all I screamed back as I put on my shoes and ran out the door. I hoped I made it on time, I didn't want him to think I hadn't forgiven him. I do not know why but all anger just seemed to leave me once I read the poem. I ran until I made it into the practice room. I saw him standing there in the middle of the room in casual wear, he was only wearing some black jeans, a red t-shirt, and a cap. “I made it!” I exclaimed as I looked at the clock, 11:00am on the dot. I was breathing hard, from running to the practice room. “Why did you push yourself so much?” he asked me as he walked to me, I let myself go and just sat on the floor. “I hate being late, for anything.” I answered in between pants. He chuckled at me and handed me a bottle of water. I quickly accepted it and drank some. Once I felt I was better I stood up. That's when I noticed that behind Seungho their was a guitar. I didn't notice earlier in the video but I guess he had recorded the video clip in here.

I then turned to Seungho, and he did something I never expected from him. He bowed fully on the ground, and apologized. I was in shock, that was like the utmost respect signal, and I didn't believe it was right. I quickly grabbed him and pulled him up. “You didn't have to do that, you have done enough to gain my forgiveness.” I said once we were both standing up straight. He hugged me and said “Thank you and I promise I'll think before I act and I will protect you from anything,” all I could do was hug him back. Once we separated we began to talk, I didn't realize it until now but it was nice, and I felt better. “So want to practice the routine, since we are the ones lacking on the cooperation department?” he asked me, I nodded my head. It was a good thing I had decided to dress up casual once I was done with my morning routine. I had decided to dress up in some black shorts and a red tank top, I had left my hair down. I took off my glasses since I wasn't going to do the routine with them on, they were my only pair and I needed them, I also didn't want to have to go buy new ones. I placed them on top of the piano in the room and positioned myself in front of Seungho, since that was where we started. We started the routine slow and with out music to get used to one another again. Since now I was actually aware of him, and I guess it made the steps easier. We both did different flips, I ended up having to use him to do the last flip by jumping off him. It was much easier now that we were comfortable around each other again, which didn't take long. After a little while we would speed up the routine to get used to it. Once we had a pretty decent speed, we decided to add the music that would go with it. We spent a couple of hours practicing, until we felt we had it down well enough.

When we were done practicing we sat on the floor. “So how did you figure out that I liked roses?” I asked. “Honestly?” he said looking at me with a questioning glaze. “Yes, just be honest.” I said. “Your brother might have told me.” he said looking away. I laughed at that, who would of thought my brother would have taken a liking to him. I had to thank my brother for doing that, I do got to say things were looking up for me. “Are you hungry?” he asked me, and before I could answer my stomach decided to answer for me. I nodded my head blushing, and he just laughed, stood up and helped me up. He walked to the piano and pulled a hoodie, I assumed it was his, and handed it to me. I looked at him with a questioning glaze. “You are famous now, remember.” he said and I quickly understood. I grabbed the hoodie and thanked him. I put it on as well as my glasses, and turned to him. He just adjusted his cap to cover his face and placed some sunglasses on. “You look cuter with glasses, I think this is the first time I see you wearing them.” he said and I felt my self begin to blush. I just nodded my head and began to walk out the door, I could hear him chuckling behind me. Once outside, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to a nearby restaurant, he quickly went to a booth in the back. When we sat down I looked up at him, wondering how he knew this table was empty. “I sort of have this table reserved in a way.” he said looking away. Had he thought that much ahead, what if I hadn't forgiven him. “What if -” I began to ask the question on my mind before I could finish, he interrupted me. “I kind of was hoping you did, and if you didn't then I would have canceled the reservation.” he said, I then looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“No I can't read minds” he said chuckling, I assumed he could tell if that was what I was wondering. “Are you sure?” I asked, teasing him in a way. “Yes, I'm sure I wish I could though” he said. “Oh why?” I asked as a waiter came and brought us glasses of water, he then proceeded to hand us the menus. I began to look at the menu, and decided to take a sip. “So I would know what goes through your mind, especially when you dance. You seem more comfortable dancing.” he said, causing me to start choking on the water. I quickly composed myself, “Mianhe” I said not quite sure what I was apologizing for though. He just looked at me and chuckled, the waiter than came to take our orders, and he left. We ate in a comfortable science after the food was brought to us, then Seungho payed and we returned to the practice room. “So now what?” I asked once we entered the room. “I'm not sure.” Seungho said as he sat down on the piano bench. “I know, play something, I don't believe I have ever seen you play the piano.” I said as I went and took a seat next to him. He just nodded and positioned his fingers over the keys. He began playing Sad Memories, I just smiled at that. Once he finished playing that he began to play different classical pieces, each one being faster than the last. I stared at amazement at his fingers. For a while I wished I had never given up on the piano. Once done he looked at me. I turned to him and began to smile and clap. “Wow I could have been able to play that well if I would of continued playing.” I blurted out. “You play?” he said as he looked at me. “Yea, but I can't play as well as you or your sister. Both of you are amazing when it comes to playing it.” I said. He then shifted a little away from the piano, and motioned for me to play. “You can't be serious?” I said as I realized what he wanted me to do.

“Yes I am, you got to hear me play.” he said as he continued motioning to the keys. I moved a little so that I would be able to reach certain keys. I took a deep breath and began to play. I only played small, slow classical pieces since I hadn't played since I was about 13. After a couple of pieces, I stopped to him and gave him a small smile. “Are you okay?” he asked, concern flooding into his face. “Yeah I just had a flood of memories return to me, many of which I thought I had forgotten.” I said looking at the keys and slightly touching them. “Want to talk about them?” he said as he hugged me. I turned to him and I was slightly afraid, my memories weren't great. I also knew that only a few people knew about these things, of course the girls knew. I kept looking at him and couldn't find a reason to really hide things from him. Yes we had an argument but that was bound to happen since both our personalities seemed to clash at times, and not everyone in the world is going to get along with everyone. I took a deep breath and nodded my, head, I guess it was now or never. “Well before I begin, you are about to find out things about me that I myself am not to proud of. I know that I may seem like this, I don't know, calm person at the moment, the only time I have really let loose was maybe when you angered me, and even then I was slightly holding back.” I said when he interrupted me. “I am sorry, I know why I did that, but I will explain later. Right now is not the time, but I highly doubt anything you tell me is going to make me change my opinion of you.” he said. I looked at him and smiled, I was really comfortable around him, maybe this was a good thing. “Ok, if you say so, now where do I begin I guess I can begin here..”

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Chapter 21: Nice story!
@YangGK94 sorry i do try to make paragraphs seperate and stuff but sometimes i forget.
may I suggest a bit, can you make paragraph a bit. because it's kind a dizzy when I'm reading it. just suggest. humm? btw, your story are great! :)
i'm still reading this~!
threat? who???? i'm so curious!
AmethystCat #6
Ooh!couple like dance?!I can't wait for the update!I hope you type from the other girls and MBLAQ members soon!It would make it interesting!keke
couple like dance?! whooo!!!! i'm excited! hehehe!
LOL, so Seungho can confuse her brother as her boyfriend? ;D kekekeke, it's cool that he came to Korea.^^
Ooooh! He realizes that he likes her! ^o^
update soon!!!!!