
Love and Death

I'm really REALLY sorry for not updating and tricking you like this but I won't update again until every thing in my life is settled down.

First of all I had an allergic reaction to something today and I have no idea what happened so on Friday or Saturday I have to try everything I have eaten today to see what made me like this. 

Secondly, the medicine they gave me makes me drowsy so I passed out for 3 hours and now I'm awake and I still feel drowsy.

And last but not least. HIGH SCHOOL. I have to do a lot of homework and studying because I can't catch up in Spanish or in Chemistry and that's because during my freshman year my teachers and my current teachers too. AND I have to do volunteer stuff for a club I'm in. Sigh school is hectic.

Anyway, I'm really sorry. I hope y'all stick with me. Maybe I'll update during the weekend if I have time.

Again, I'm really sorry.



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Chapter 3: I got a tense then I saw my U.B --> Seobie n L. and I was like 'MOm, want to saw my hubby?' Then my mom just shrugged it off.
Chapter 11: omomomo what a nice story
Chapter 2: I like poster.....nice story from 1 ch
Funny how there is a statement saying don't be rude to one another and there is still hate on this story. I'm not interested why, but I do think it's really low to hate on someones writing.

Anyway I'm gonna read the story now as I think it will be a good story :) I'll give my opinion when I'm finished
EXOticwolfydragon #5
Chapter 11: Nice :) haha cool story
chanyeolcape #6
Chapter 6: Omg the ending of this chapter is such a cliff hanger ;_;
Chapter 2: hmm... i dont know if anyone wants to make people a poster for free... I mean when im lazy to go to graphic shops, I actually post a blog post like you did except I pay the person karma points ^^
toukyo #8
Chapter 2: So hi, first off grimchuckler normally does that, she's just 11 so don't go hating on people. Just ignore her, haters gonna hate right?
And second, actually....a better way to rephrase your blog post is asking for good graphic shops rather than asking someone to make a poster for you, normally that works for very famous authors only. Then you can request from one of the shop, easy actually (:
Nice poster by the way.
K bye
-skye ♡