Chapter 1- Kris's Backstory

Love and Death

“I’m done with this useless !” Kris’s dad yelled packing his things into a suitcase.

Kris’s dad just found out Kris was failing all his classes and he started doing drugs…

“Yeobo!” Kris’s mother was trying to stop her husband from leaving as he put of his shoes.

“Get off me you crazy . If you’re gonna stay here with this , then I’ll send you the divorce papers next week.” Kris’s father took Kris’s mother’s hand off his arm and left.

Kris’s mother (A/N imma start using mrs wu or mr wu now cuz typing kris’s mom and then kris’s dad is too hard) broke down on the ground crying. All Kris could do was watch. There was nothing he could really do.


One Week Later…


“Kris, I’m going to work now ok? I won’t come home tonight so heat up the rice I left in the fridge for you. And don’t forget to send the divorce papers!” Mrs. Wu said as she slipped on her red heels.

Kris now lived in a 1 room apartment. Him and his mother were struggling to pay rent, so Mrs. Wu became a e, and she made the most money because she was Chinese which made her unique.(A/N lets just say kris is half korean half chinese) Even they only had one room, Mrs. Wu let Kris have his own room and she slept in the living room.

Kris grabbed his phone and headed off to school. He started to work harder in school for his mom. His dream was to open up his own bakery and be a successful baker to help support his mom and himself.

“Kris!” His best friend, D.O called.

Kris waved and jogged over to D.O.

“How’s your mom?” D.O asked.

“Same.” Kris replied.

“You need a job right?”


“Come with me after school, I’ll hook you up.”

Kris nodded and then walked off towards his first class.


After School~

Kris and D.O walked into an alley a block away from school, they walked up 2 flight of stairs that were on the side of the walls. D.O knocked 3 times. Paused. And then another 3 times. A guy with brown/black rainbow colored hair opened the door for them.

“Hey Sehun” D.O greeted him, “Where’s Suho?”

“Upstairs” Sehun said.

D.O then took Kris up 2 flights of stairs and knocked on a door.

“What?” A harsh voice said.

“I brought a friend.” D.O said.

“Come in.”

D.O opened the door and walked in. A boy with blonde hair crawled out from under the desk scaring D.O.

“Holy !” D.O screamed.

“Calm down.” Kris said.

“Oh you must be D.O’s friend. Welcome. I’m Suho, the leader.” Suho said as he zipped up his pants.

“Who’s this hyung?” D.O asked Suho pointing at the blonde haired boy.

“Lay. My boyfriend. Be nice he’s a member now.” Suho said wrapping his arms around Lay’s waist.

“Ok… Well hyung this is Kris. He really needs a job. Pleeeeassseee help him hyung! You know he needs the money!” D.O begged.

Suho turned his poker face into a nice smiling one, “Sure, but can he handle it?”

“I can do anything.” Kris said with a face.

“Fine. What we do here is killing. We kill the bad people not the good. We are the number one mafia in South Korea, Two Moons.  You’re first test is to get a tattoo.” Suho said then kicked them out.

Kris got the tattoo and went onto his second task which was to kill someone that has been stealing from the government. Which was unfortunately his dad. Kris killed him during the night. He brought a bucket of acid over to his house and poured it over him as he was sleeping. He obviously woke up but was in too much pain to even let out a scream. Kris was the one who decided on the killing ways. After more tests, Kris was an official gang member in the mafia.

Then, one night Kris went off to a killing in China. He went to go kill a CEO of a e house. After the job was done he found a boy about the same age as him hiding in a closet trembling.

“What’s your name?” Kris said in Mandarin.

“Tao.” The boy replied.

Kris reached out for him and picked him up to bring him into the gang now that he had no family. Little did Kris know, Tao smirked as he was carried out of the house.


Hey lovelies~

It's been a while since I've written so please apologize for the mistakes.

Anyway I made this idea with my friend Regina so please give some credit to her^^

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Chapter 3: I got a tense then I saw my U.B --> Seobie n L. and I was like 'MOm, want to saw my hubby?' Then my mom just shrugged it off.
Chapter 11: omomomo what a nice story
Chapter 2: I like poster.....nice story from 1 ch
Funny how there is a statement saying don't be rude to one another and there is still hate on this story. I'm not interested why, but I do think it's really low to hate on someones writing.

Anyway I'm gonna read the story now as I think it will be a good story :) I'll give my opinion when I'm finished
EXOticwolfydragon #5
Chapter 11: Nice :) haha cool story
chanyeolcape #6
Chapter 6: Omg the ending of this chapter is such a cliff hanger ;_;
Chapter 2: hmm... i dont know if anyone wants to make people a poster for free... I mean when im lazy to go to graphic shops, I actually post a blog post like you did except I pay the person karma points ^^
toukyo #8
Chapter 2: So hi, first off grimchuckler normally does that, she's just 11 so don't go hating on people. Just ignore her, haters gonna hate right?
And second, actually....a better way to rephrase your blog post is asking for good graphic shops rather than asking someone to make a poster for you, normally that works for very famous authors only. Then you can request from one of the shop, easy actually (:
Nice poster by the way.
K bye
-skye ♡