Chapter 5- A Start Of A New Love...?

Love and Death

Its about 6am. Kris has just woken up and Suho is snoring like a pig. Kris notices Lay sleeping silently with his arms crossed on Suho’s hospital bed.Kris tries to get up but then--

“Ouch. What the hell?” He curses as he notices the cast on his leg and his wrapped ribs.

He then just lies himself back on his bed. Then he hears the door open, its Tao. Tao quietly comes in the room with a cup of coffee.

“You’re here.” Kris smiles.

“Oh !” Tao exclaimed with a surprised expression on his face, “When did you wake up?”

“A minute ago…”

“Oh… Well, want a sip?” Tao sits down and offers his cup of coffee.

“No it’s fine.”

“So what happened back there?”

“I don’t know all I remember is punching this one guy on the ground and look over at Suho for a quick second and them I’m flipped over under the guy I was originally punching. Then I was picked up and shot at and I passed out.”

“Must’ve hurt.” Tao mumbled as he ran his hand down the wrap around Kris’s ribs.

“Yeah…” Kris said and looked at Tao.

Tao looked up at Kris and caught himself staring into Kris’s eyes. Tao and Kris both coughed and looked away. They both turned their heads over to Suho’s bed as they heard movement.

“.” Suho cursed holding onto his ribs.

“Suho.” Lay called as he started waking up.


Lay flung his arms around Suho sobbing, “I thought you were going to die!”

Suho just held Lay and whispered comforting words to him.

“You’re over exaggerating hyung.” Tao rolled his eyes.

Lay just kept sobbing and Suho glared at Tao. Kris decided to press the button to call a nurse. A couple of minutes a nurse came in with a clipboard.

“Yes?” She asked.

“Ahjumma could you possibly get me another room and some painkillers?” Kris asked.

“We actually have one ready for you right now. Someone by the name of  Oh Sehun asked for one.”

“Ok please move me as soon as possible.” Kris said.

“No problem Mr. Wu.” The nurse said and wheeled a wheelchair towards the bed.

Tao helped Kris into the wheelchair and wheeled him out following the nurse to Kris’s new room which was 2 doors away.

“Please just call if you need any help.” The nurse smiled and left.

Kris got into the bed with the help of Tao. The bed had one bed in the middle of the room, a TV, and a couch with a couple of chairs next to it.

“Cozy.” Tao stated.

Kris nodded and the TV.

“Could you call a nurse for me?” Kris asked focused on the TV.

Tao nodded and pressed the button that was similar to the one Kris pressed before. A couple of minutes later a different nurse that had 2 buttons ed showing her non existent cleavage and way too much make up.

“Do you need anything?” She asked.

“Yeah. I need pain killers. “Kris said and looked at her.

“Right away sir.” She winked and left the room.

Tao glared at her as she walked passed her and still glared at her when she came back with the painkillers. He didn’t stop glaring until she was finally gone.

“Why were you glaring?” Kris asked swallowing the pain killer.


“Why. Were. You. Glaring?” Kris asked again.

“I wasn’t glaring…”

“Mhm… Sure you weren’t.”

Silence drove on after that short conversation and Kris couldn’t help but wonder if Tao liked him.



“Do you possibly like me?”


Hello lovelies~~

I haven't updated in a while now have I? But y'all probably didn't notice. Oh well.

Anyway, hope this chapter can possibly make up for it. 

My friend that helped me make the plot for this story wrote the first 4 sentences (like the backbone) and I edited. Please love it. Or else.

Please comment and subscribe~~

I have no idea when I'll update again so be patient.

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Chapter 3: I got a tense then I saw my U.B --> Seobie n L. and I was like 'MOm, want to saw my hubby?' Then my mom just shrugged it off.
Chapter 11: omomomo what a nice story
Chapter 2: I like poster.....nice story from 1 ch
Funny how there is a statement saying don't be rude to one another and there is still hate on this story. I'm not interested why, but I do think it's really low to hate on someones writing.

Anyway I'm gonna read the story now as I think it will be a good story :) I'll give my opinion when I'm finished
EXOticwolfydragon #5
Chapter 11: Nice :) haha cool story
chanyeolcape #6
Chapter 6: Omg the ending of this chapter is such a cliff hanger ;_;
Chapter 2: hmm... i dont know if anyone wants to make people a poster for free... I mean when im lazy to go to graphic shops, I actually post a blog post like you did except I pay the person karma points ^^
toukyo #8
Chapter 2: So hi, first off grimchuckler normally does that, she's just 11 so don't go hating on people. Just ignore her, haters gonna hate right?
And second, actually....a better way to rephrase your blog post is asking for good graphic shops rather than asking someone to make a poster for you, normally that works for very famous authors only. Then you can request from one of the shop, easy actually (:
Nice poster by the way.
K bye
-skye ♡