Made Poster For The First Time Ever...

Love and Death

So... I Made a poster because this person that commented on my blog post said...

"Well, don't be a lazy and go ask someone from a poster shop. There are more than a thousand out there and unless you're a really popular author (and I mean more than 2000 unique subscribers), no one will make a poster for you. So go and request and don't just sit around. "

Well thank you for...

1. calling me lazy

2. calling me a loser like author. thanks for putting me down .

3. stating no one would make a poster for me. i made it myself ohtay.

4. called me lazy again.

Well so I went and made one. And why the is she calling me lazy, shes got so many fics which means...

1. she don't ever go outside

2. her have never seen the sunlight (credits to kingsley for talking about miley cyrus's . did i even spell her name right?)

3. she obv not in school no more

And if she/he see's this im oh so very sorry that im not sorry. All i wanted was some help to get me a poster but lawd this went all rude up in ma face.

And ppl. I ain't trying to hurt her feeling ok. Im just venting out what i think and what i want to say.Bash on me all you want. Call me fat, rude, anything i've heard it all. 

Thank you that is all~


Sorry it looks crappy.

But pls hate me if you please, just don't hate the story.

Well I at writing so... w/e you have a freedom of opinion do what u want

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Chapter 3: I got a tense then I saw my U.B --> Seobie n L. and I was like 'MOm, want to saw my hubby?' Then my mom just shrugged it off.
Chapter 11: omomomo what a nice story
Chapter 2: I like poster.....nice story from 1 ch
Funny how there is a statement saying don't be rude to one another and there is still hate on this story. I'm not interested why, but I do think it's really low to hate on someones writing.

Anyway I'm gonna read the story now as I think it will be a good story :) I'll give my opinion when I'm finished
EXOticwolfydragon #5
Chapter 11: Nice :) haha cool story
chanyeolcape #6
Chapter 6: Omg the ending of this chapter is such a cliff hanger ;_;
Chapter 2: hmm... i dont know if anyone wants to make people a poster for free... I mean when im lazy to go to graphic shops, I actually post a blog post like you did except I pay the person karma points ^^
toukyo #8
Chapter 2: So hi, first off grimchuckler normally does that, she's just 11 so don't go hating on people. Just ignore her, haters gonna hate right?
And second, actually....a better way to rephrase your blog post is asking for good graphic shops rather than asking someone to make a poster for you, normally that works for very famous authors only. Then you can request from one of the shop, easy actually (:
Nice poster by the way.
K bye
-skye ♡