Chapter 4- Cancelled Plans and Disasters

Love and Death

“I can’t do this anymore guys.” Lay said..

“HYUNG! But we have to avenge mother and father’s death!” Tao whined.

“I know… but Suho.”

“Fine hyung. Do whatever you want.” Tao sighed.

Tao and Lay were on the way to go talk to Black Pearl about the cancelled plan. After the conversation they went out to go and eat.

“Hyung.” Tao called munching on his food.


“Don’t drop that thun thun thun~ AYE~” Tao’s phone cut Lay off.

“Yes?” Tao spoke.

“Hyung! You need to hurry Kris and Suho are in the hospital!” Sehun spoke frantically on the phone.

Tao ended the call and rushed out of the restaurant with Lay after putting $50 on the table. The got into the car and drove, left, right, and finally they made it to the E.R. When Tao and Lay went in, they saw the Hunhan couple sitting in the waiting room. Sehun was crying and Luhan was comforting him.

“Where are they?” Tao spoke.

“They’re getting the surgeries done.” Luhan said.

Tao and Lay nodded and sat next to them. One hour passed...Two hours passed… Then five. It was now 1 in the morning.

The doctor came out of the surgical apartment and walked out to the waiting room, “Guardians of Suho and Kris?”

Tao, Lay, Sehun, and Luhan stood up. The doctor walked up to them and smiled.

“They’re fine. No arteries were damaged. We took the bullets out. Suho has 4 broken ribs and a broken neck. Kris has 3 broken ribs and a broken leg. They should be let out in about a month.” The doctor informed them.

They all bowed to the doctor and shook his hand. The doctor brought them to the room Kris and Suho were sharing. Lay ran over to his boyfriend and held his hand. Tao pulled a chair over to Kris’s bed and just sat down watching him. The Hunhan went in and then left around 2:00a.m.

“Hyung. Stop crying.” Tao said annoyed.

“But my baby.” Lay cried.

“Hyung. Shut the up.” Tao said irritated.

“My poor baby.”

Tao just rolled his eyes.


Still busyish but I'll try to write asap for ya'll <3

Sorry it's short. 


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Chapter 3: I got a tense then I saw my U.B --> Seobie n L. and I was like 'MOm, want to saw my hubby?' Then my mom just shrugged it off.
Chapter 11: omomomo what a nice story
Chapter 2: I like poster.....nice story from 1 ch
Funny how there is a statement saying don't be rude to one another and there is still hate on this story. I'm not interested why, but I do think it's really low to hate on someones writing.

Anyway I'm gonna read the story now as I think it will be a good story :) I'll give my opinion when I'm finished
EXOticwolfydragon #5
Chapter 11: Nice :) haha cool story
chanyeolcape #6
Chapter 6: Omg the ending of this chapter is such a cliff hanger ;_;
Chapter 2: hmm... i dont know if anyone wants to make people a poster for free... I mean when im lazy to go to graphic shops, I actually post a blog post like you did except I pay the person karma points ^^
toukyo #8
Chapter 2: So hi, first off grimchuckler normally does that, she's just 11 so don't go hating on people. Just ignore her, haters gonna hate right?
And second, actually....a better way to rephrase your blog post is asking for good graphic shops rather than asking someone to make a poster for you, normally that works for very famous authors only. Then you can request from one of the shop, easy actually (:
Nice poster by the way.
K bye
-skye ♡