Challenge Excepted

Going Co-Ed

“So” Luna said pausing the recording as she looked to the other members. “It can work” bom nodded looking to Krystal who did the same “I think it will be a good show for us” Krystal added. “Ok practice” Dara said loudly the others cheered rushing to their instruments all except Krystal who shook her head smiling at her friends.


            Amber dodged a hand as she trips them from behind. She dodged a grab and flipped another to the ground. She turned hitting another three time in the chest before pushing him away. She turned facing the last one and position herself for a tense battle.

            Tao did the same as he looked to the short girl a loud scream came as she kicked high he blocked it with his arm and did it to the other side as she kicked once more. She gritted her teeth moving back as she looked to him, smirking she moved swinging her fist he ducked it and she kneed him in the face causing him to fall back.

            Tao looked up shocked as she smirked “foul” the couch called “what!!” she yelled at her. “Amber I told you before the face is a no go” the couch said amber groaned “yes but” “no buts” he interrupted “whatever” she growled said sitting on the mat. Tao got up with the help of his eyes thanking him but flicking to the tomboy who seemed to enter her own world.

            He sighed sitting down as well. ‘Why is she so hard to get close to’ he pondered as he watched her scowling in the corner.


            “Amber” jinri called for the girl but amber just stormed passed “what’s with her” minji asked meeting the taller friend “I don’t know” she said watching her leave. “Um” they looked spotting a down Tao “I think it was my fought” he said. “Probably” minji nodded “yeah she did voice her distaste for you” jinri added. “Wow way to make him feel alright” eunji voiced standing by luhan and minseok who was by minji.

            “What it’s true” jinri said minji nodded before looking and seeing his hurt expression “we mean” minji said panicked as she looked to jinri who seemed to do the same once spotting him. “She’s a tough girl and when some is better than her she will go to no ends to win” jinri finished “mhm like me I beat her in a race freshmen year and she flipped me then tried to race again” minji said making a face as she realize how messed up it truly was.

            “Yeah she threw a ball at my back and asked for another go” jinri said doing the same expression. “Sounds like a keeper” baekhyun said “actually now that I think about it she dislocated my arm” minji said rubbing her arm. “You I couldn’t play for a whole season because of her” jinri said as the two got off track. “However” eunji said intruding “amber eonni will come around just give her time” she added smiling sweetly.

            “Or let her win” Jong in said shrugging “no!” jinri and minji yelled at the same time scaring the group “she will really do you in” jinri said minji nodded as if from experience. “Ok then what should he do” sehun asked “well she is a girl try being nice or be a guy and give heart to heart” jinri said conflicted. “Sorry but that chick is hard to read” minji sighed. Eunji had to agree with that one.

            “Oh also sehun said he can beat you in basketball” jinri said to minji “ha he must be stupid” minji scuffed. “I am” he said as if question it “you are” she declared moving near him he looked down as they had a stare down “so how about a match princess” sehun asked the shorter girl. “Let’s go ice king” she shot back.

            The group all but luhan watch amused with the two they seemed to have a connection and that bothered luhan. Eunji looked noting this and felt kind of bad for him. However this gave her hope she could try to I don’t know flirt with him possibly.



            “Why did we come” Krystal asked sitting on the bleachers in the park “because I need support” minji said removing her sweater. Jinri smiled doing the same as amber fixed her shoes. It was minji, amber, jinri and Victoria against baekhyun, Jong in sehun and Kris.

            “I didn’t know Mrs. Vice president played” baekhyun said obviously flirting. “Yup she was second best next to me when she did play” jinri bragged “how about playing” Victoria said hitting the girls arm. Jinri pouted rubbing her arm as minji smiled walking over. Jinri walked over with amber “ok so who is first” Kris asked. “Minji-ah, Jong in-ah rock paper scissors it” Victoria said ball resting on her hip as her arm held it in place.

            “Ok” the two began the hand game with minji coming out on top “ok well start” Victoria said bouncing the ball. She passed it to Kris and he bounced it back dribbling she moved pass them twirling around Jong in who was lost she chest passed it to amber who bounced in between baekhyuns legs and passed it to jinri who did a layup. The girls on the stands cheered as the four high fived “ok maybe easy isn’t the way to go” Kris said the three basketball players give a no kidding look.

            “Your ball” jinri said smiling as she passed it to Jong in who smirked “focus” baekhyun whispered going to block amber. Jong in smiled moving to the line, He passed it into sehun who was being guarded by a smirking minji “come on pretty boy” she challenged sehun grinned moving shaking her. Minji was shocked but then smiled chasing after him. Sehun passed it to Kris who was being blocked by Victoria.

            Victoria smirked challenging him Kris smiled his-self as he spotted the challenge. He faked going on way to passing it to baekhyun who jumped catching it he fell to his feet and moved passed amber and went minji who went to the hoop as he did was shocked once he spun around her passing it to Jong in who went for a layup. He dropped down looking to jinri with a smirk.


            The boys cheered as jongdae made a face at bom who scuffed rolling her eyes. Chanyeol was clapping like a seal cause Dara to look at him with a slightly scared look. Chanyeol notice this and apologized she smiled shaking her head and looking back to the court. Chaerin who sat behind Dara and chanyeol looked at them with a certain glint in her eyes. Krystal looked to the black hair girl brow raised as she studied the reason.

            This time her own eyes moved to Tao who was talking with yixing about the game. She felt the same feeling wash over when she notices the source. Amber hit baekhyun in the arm as he like jongdae did bom.

            A sigh left Krystal’s lips as she leaned on her hand. “So who do think will win” bom asked minseok who sat in between her and jongdae “I don’t know” he said honestly lost “they’re both good” he said looking to the girl who nodded. “Of course it will be our team” jongdae said proudly. Bom hissed at him as if she was a cat. The stands cheered and the group looked to minji who hand stole the ball shot it in the hop with a Swiss.

            Minji high fived amber moving by sehun she booty bump him a laugh escaping the both of them as she moved to the other three girls. Luhan sat bitterly on the stands by joonmyeon “they seem close” he told the younger like a proud father. Luhan shrugged as he watches sehun playfully blocking her. “Yah quit flirting” bom yelled from her spot the people on the stands laughed and looked to the girl. Luhan was happy for it seeing the two blushed and went to playing the game seriously.


            The score was tied and this was the last go. The game was intense as Kris dribbled the ball looking at a serious Victoria. Minji looked to amber, who smirked and looked to jinri who looked to Victoria. Kris looked to Jong in who nodded. Going towards Jong in, Kris moved passed jinri he was wrapped up into getting the ball to him he didn’t notice minji steal it. The girls cheered as minji moved toward the quickly to the hoop, amber and Victoria kept the boys back. She passed it to jinri who stopped at the three point line and shot the ball.

They watched as the ball went in with ease. The girls broke out in cheers as the girls hugged each other. They broke the hug arms around each other’s waist as they looked to the boys doing a teasing dance. “Finally we can get corn” bom yelled causing them to laugh “oh can we get cupcakes” Luna asked adding to the laughter. Eunji looked up at the girl and smiled. “Yup and guess who is buying” jinri asked cheering. “It’s only right” Kris said simply.

“So why don’t you play ball” sehun asked minji as they walked together to get their things. “Track has a strong freedom than basketball” minji voiced “well maybe next time we can race” Jong in asked as he walked by sehun and jinri stood by minji. “Please no” she said causing them to laugh.

“Mini helps me down” bom said like an old woman as she reached out for the male. Minseok blushed but held out his hand. She took his arm linking hers with his “now about that corn” bom said as her and a blush bun walked down. “Were going bom” chaerin sighed stretching her limbs “corn?” yixing asked wondering why that of all things. “She loves it” Dara said smiling at him yixing nodded his head as he helped her down.

Chanyeol pouted seeing he missed the chance. Looking to his right he notice chaerin struggling sigh at how childish she looked he reached out his hand. She looked at the large hand that was waiting for her to take it. Looking she spotted the owner she looked away to keep from blushing as she took it.

Krystal was assisted by surprisingly Tao she thanked him ignoring the thing in her chest pounding. Looking up at him she smiled to herself.

“Let’s go go go~” bom and Luna cheered arms linked as the others laughed at the two.

 “So” Luna said pausing the recording as she looked to the other members. “It can work” bom nodded looking to Krystal who did the same “I think it will be a good show for us” Krystal added. “Ok practice” Dara said loudly the others cheered rushing to their instruments all except Krystal who shook her head smiling at her friends.


            Amber dodged a hand as she trips them from behind. She dodged a grab and flipped another to the ground. She turned hitting another three time in the chest before pushing him away. She turned facing the last one and position herself for a tense battle.

            Tao did the same as he looked to the short girl a loud scream came as she kicked high he blocked it with his arm and did it to the other side as she kicked once more. She gritted her teeth moving back as she looked to him, smirking she moved swinging her fist he ducked it and she kneed him in the face causing him to fall back.

            Tao looked up shocked as she smirked “foul” the couch called “what!!” she yelled at her. “Amber I told you before the face is a no go” the couch said amber groaned “yes but” “no buts” he interrupted “whatever” she growled said sitting on the mat. Tao got up with the help of his eyes thanking him but flicking to the tomboy who seemed to enter her own world.

            He sighed sitting down as well. ‘Why is she so hard to get close to’ he pondered as he watched her scowling in the corner.


            “Amber” jinri called for the girl but amber just stormed passed “what’s with her” minji asked meeting the taller friend “I don’t know” she said watching her leave. “Um” they looked spotting a down Tao “I think it was my fought” he said. “Probably” minji nodded “yeah she did voice her distaste for you” jinri added. “Wow way to make him feel alright” eunji voiced standing by luhan and minseok who was by minji.

            “What it’s true” jinri said minji nodded before looking and seeing his hurt expression “we mean” minji said panicked as she looked to jinri who seemed to do the same once spotting him. “She’s a tough girl and when some is better than her she will go to no ends to win” jinri finished “mhm like me I beat her in a race freshmen year and she flipped me then tried to race again” minji said making a face as she realize how messed up it truly was.

            “Yeah she threw a ball at my back and asked for another go” jinri said doing the same expression. “Sounds like a keeper” baekhyun said “actually now that I think about it she dislocated my arm” minji said rubbing her arm. “You I couldn’t play for a whole season because of her” jinri said as the two got off track. “However” eunji said intruding “amber eonni will come around just give her time” she added smiling sweetly.

            “Or let her win” Jong in said shrugging “no!” jinri and minji yelled at the same time scaring the group “she will really do you in” jinri said minji nodded as if from experience. “Ok then what should he do” sehun asked “well she is a girl try being nice or be a guy and give heart to heart” jinri said conflicted. “Sorry but that chick is hard to read” minji sighed. Eunji had to agree with that one.

            “Oh also sehun said he can beat you in basketball” jinri said to minji “ha he must be stupid” minji scuffed. “I am” he said as if question it “you are” she declared moving near him he looked down as they had a stare down “so how about a match princess” sehun asked the shorter girl. “Let’s go ice king” she shot back.

            The group all but luhan watch amused with the two they seemed to have a connection and that bothered luhan. Eunji looked noting this and felt kind of bad for him. However this gave her hope she could try to I don’t know flirt with him possibly.



            “Why did we come” Krystal asked sitting on the bleachers in the park “because I need support” minji said removing her sweater. Jinri smiled doing the same as amber fixed her shoes. It was minji, amber, jinri and Victoria against baekhyun, Jong in sehun and Kris.

            “I didn’t know Mrs. Vice president played” baekhyun said obviously flirting. “Yup she was second best next to me when she did play” jinri bragged “how about playing” Victoria said hitting the girls arm. Jinri pouted rubbing her arm as minji smiled walking over. Jinri walked over with amber “ok so who is first” Kris asked. “Minji-ah, Jong in-ah rock paper scissors it” Victoria said ball resting on her hip as her arm held it in place.

            “Ok” the two began the hand game with minji coming out on top “ok well start” Victoria said bouncing the ball. She passed it to Kris and he bounced it back dribbling she moved pass them twirling around Jong in who was lost she chest passed it to amber who bounced in between baekhyuns legs and passed it to jinri who did a layup. The girls on the stands cheered as the four high fived “ok maybe easy isn’t the way to go” Kris said the three basketball players give a no kidding look.

            “Your ball” jinri said smiling as she passed it to Jong in who smirked “focus” baekhyun whispered going to block amber. Jong in smiled moving to the line, He passed it into sehun who was being guarded by a smirking minji “come on pretty boy” she challenged sehun grinned moving shaking her. Minji was shocked but then smiled chasing after him. Sehun passed it to Kris who was being blocked by Victoria.

            Victoria smirked challenging him Kris smiled his-self as he spotted the challenge. He faked going on way to passing it to baekhyun who jumped catching it he fell to his feet and moved passed amber and went minji who went to the hoop as he did was shocked once he spun around her passing it to Jong in who went for a layup. He dropped down looking to jinri with a smirk.


            The boys cheered as jongdae made a face at bom who scuffed rolling her eyes. Chanyeol was clapping like a seal cause Dara to look at him with a slightly scared look. Chanyeol notice this and apologized she smiled shaking her head and looking back to the court. Chaerin who sat behind Dara and chanyeol looked at them with a certain glint in her eyes. Krystal looked to the black hair girl brow raised as she studied the reason.

            This time her own eyes moved to Tao who was talking with yixing about the game. She felt the same feeling wash over when she notices the source. Amber hit baekhyun in the arm as he like jongdae did bom.

            A sigh left Krystal’s lips as she leaned on her hand. “So who do think will win” bom asked minseok who sat in between her and jongdae “I don’t know” he said honestly lost “they’re both good” he said looking to the girl who nodded. “Of course it will be our team” jongdae said proudly. Bom hissed at him as if she was a cat. The stands cheered and the group looked to minji who hand stole the ball shot it in the hop with a Swiss.

            Minji high fived amber moving by sehun she booty bump him a laugh escaping the both of them as she moved to the other three girls. Luhan sat bitterly on the stands by joonmyeon “they seem close” he told the younger like a proud father. Luhan shrugged as he watches sehun playfully blocking her. “Yah quit flirting” bom yelled from her spot the people on the stands laughed and looked to the girl. Luhan was happy for it seeing the two blushed and went to playing the game seriously.


            The score was tied and this was the last go. The game was intense as Kris dribbled the ball looking at a serious Victoria. Minji looked to amber, who smirked and looked to jinri who looked to Victoria. Kris looked to Jong in who nodded. Going towards Jong in, Kris moved passed jinri he was wrapped up into getting the ball to him he didn’t notice minji steal it. The girls cheered as minji moved toward the quickly to the hoop, amber and Victoria kept the boys back. She passed it to jinri who stopped at the three point line and shot the ball.

They watched as the ball went in with ease. The girls broke out in cheers as the girls hugged each other. They broke the hug arms around each other’s waist as they looked to the boys doing a teasing dance. “Finally we can get corn” bom yelled causing them to laugh “oh can we get cupcakes” Luna asked adding to the laughter. Eunji looked up at the girl and smiled. “Yup and guess who is buying” jinri asked cheering. “It’s only right” Kris said simply.

“So why don’t you play ball” sehun asked minji as they walked together to get their things. “Track has a strong freedom than basketball” minji voiced “well maybe next time we can race” Jong in asked as he walked by sehun and jinri stood by minji. “Please no” she said causing them to laugh.

“Mini helps me down” bom said like an old woman as she reached out for the male. Minseok blushed but held out his hand. She took his arm linking hers with his “now about that corn” bom said as her and a blush bun walked down. “Were going bom” chaerin sighed stretching her limbs “corn?” yixing asked wondering why that of all things. “She loves it” Dara said smiling at him yixing nodded his head as he helped her down.

Chanyeol pouted seeing he missed the chance. Looking to his right he notice chaerin struggling sigh at how childish she looked he reached out his hand. She looked at the large hand that was waiting for her to take it. Looking she spotted the owner she looked away to keep from blushing as she took it.

Krystal was assisted by surprisingly Tao she thanked him ignoring the thing in her chest pounding. Looking up at him she smiled to herself.

“Let’s go go go~” bom and Luna cheered arms linked as the others laughed at the two.


sorry it took so long to update it's just my classes have gotten real but i will try to be more fluent in the future so wish me luck ^.^

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going to the library tomorrow going to update ^-^


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Biszkopcik123 #1
Chapter 13: update soon please I can't wait for next chapter! Please do more Beakrin preatty please! btw it's really a good story keep it update! ~(^.^~)
Chapter 1: Another 2NEXO! Can't wait!
ShaiRa1009 #3
mm0923 #4
Chapter 11: i love the moment with lay and dara more update soon pls thanks
Who is paired with who so far ?
Chapter 9: Aww the story is nice,I really like all the character and wish CL will end up with someone good :3
Please make lay or xiumin to be end up wit CL please? ><
2NE1Blackjack000 #8
I LOVE THIS !!!!!! <3
Chapter 8: Waaaaah kristoria
ZeeNix #10
Chapter 8: aaah.. kristoria... >__<
i love it... kyaaaa