Chapter 7

My Puppy :3


Chapter 7

sorry for the delayy - kekek, that took me a while eh ~ tsk ~ hope you guys stick around - still - love ya'll


“ oh – uhm - ..I “


“ yeah – I gotta go – fill up my tub with bath water “


They haven’t even felt each other’s noses when Yoona and her pessimistic emotional walls came in between their supposed kiss; and here is how it happened;


“ your eyes.. , staring at it deeply gives you purity….., innocence at its most natural form “


Starting from that line from Yuri, she had already pasted her intimate gaze at Yoona and her lips, while Yoona was having a thought traffic frenzy, she had already imagined what will happen when they kiss, that they would have made out after and …what comes after making out…, which is a place she is very afraid to go through, especially with Yuri.


First reason she doesn’t want to go through with that; she never have done it before with anyone, let alone a ….woman, second, what HAPPENS after? Will they go back to being temporary housemates? Or more than that? Which is she isn’t sure she is ready yet to recognize/admit, if there’s a result that could make their present relationship be overcome, then there’s always the dejected result, which is they could hurt their relationship at present, and worse not be comfortable with each other anymore, and it could even lead to not seeing each other anymore which is a catastrophe for Yoona that she doesn’t want to experience.


Returning to the present, to which Yoona had almost in ‘robotic mannered moved down the roof and went straight to her room, she left a puzzled Yuri.


“ …I never should have done that…. “



= = = =


Next morning, Yoona woke up earlier than her regular waking hour; she didn’t want to catch Yuri awake especially with their heavily awkward and tense atmosphere cause by last night’s spontaneous act.


She quickly folded her blanket and prepped herself for work; taking a shower and whatnot, after doing so, she silently paced out of the house.


Yoona heaved a relieved sigh upon entering her car, first phase of not going through any interaction with Yuri passed.


Unfortunately as the clock strike 12 in her workplace, everybody started pulling out there lunchboxes, as if there wasn’t a cafeteria inside the campus – but It was more convenient carrying your own lunch to work instead; less cost, less movement.




And that’s when Yoona’s tummy felt jealous and alarmed of the several nose poking aromas that roamed around the faculty room.


“ yyyuuummm! “


“ wooow, what’s your’s Taetae? “


“ good ol mom’s cooking; some kimbap and kimchee “


Taeyon even made a mini squeal while picking up her chopsticks.


“ told you she’s a kid, living with her parents and still being packed for lunch – “ teased Sooyoung, who was preoccupied peeking at everyone’s lunch, even though she was holding her set of meals.


“ hhhhhhhhkkkssssssss!!! “ literally hissed, Taeyon.


Yoona only pouted at the sweet gesture of someone dear making and packing lunch for her.


Within a minute more of being subtly tortured with all the food around her, especially that she is a shikshin, she couldn’t’ stand it anymore and, she had already stood up opting to buy food in the crowded cafeteria.


Finally moving out of the shikshin torture chamber, Yoona inhaled the fresh un tainted air outside.


“ – hey.. “




Yoona fell out of her serenity as she was greeted by one of her puppies; she was carrying a paper bag and an adorable awkward pout.


Tweet tweet tweet tweet


Bird’s tweeting went very fast and loud inside Yoona’s thoughts, suddenly unnoticeable sounds became visible for her, an apparent move she did when she still doesn’t know how to face the awkward atmosphere with her and Yuri.    


“ I brought you your lunch “ Yuri approached her carefully and extended the paper bag to her.


She was trying her best at lagging with Yuri’s approach, but alas, her shikshin self-kicked in, as the aroma of sweet and sour sauced beef and carrots lingered around her senses.


Her cute nose poked around, which made Yuri chuckle obviously; covering her face with though.


“ wae…? “


“’re nose …”


Yoona was trying hard to suppress her adoring reply, but in one swift move, Yuri had already gently and playfully pinched her nose.


“ nyaaaaaaaa…. – waeee? “ complained Yoona, holding her nose.


Yuri immediately stopped and hid her face; guilty face, and when Yoona glanced at her, she was quickly reminded of Mario’s ‘sorry face’.


“ I …uhh. I’m sorry I didn’t meant it – I’m not mad at all or something.. I uhhh “


She was panicking, she couldn’t stand that type of expression, It’s one of her weaknesses with Mario, but oddly, now with Yuri.


“ I uh – thanks for the lunch – really, I don’t know how to thank you “ she took the paper bag from Yuri and reluctantly patted her back then head.


Finally with her stroppy apology, Yuri raised her head and carefully smirked; still watching out if ever her Master Yoong was angry.


But Yoona had only given her a tantalizing smile, to which made her pause in reality.


How could anyone be this refreshingly beautiful?


But then a couple of undecipherable shouting was heard from the faculty room, which was obviously Taeyon and Sooyoung’s voice, which made Yoona jump from her stunning grin, then pulling Yuri with her, away from the world’s obliteration.


= = = =


“ where are we going? “ asked Yuri, still being pulled almost frantically by Yoona.


“ to the bomb shelter – “


“ what?? “


“ just kidding, somewhere far from destruction “


Yuri was still puzzled but decided not to ask for more clarification, as it was outwardly pointless.


Finally arriving at the said area; Yoona huffed for her used breath for a moment then patted on the grass beside her, gesturing Yuri to sit down.


Yuri nodded while looking around the sophisticated garden; it had a tiny fountain and a couple of surrounding benches which had evidences of students boredom in them; graffiti.


“ what is this place? “ asked curious YulPup


“ it’s a garden hang out, specifically used by my student organization here “


“ ohhh, what’s its name? Your org “ she finally looked at the person beside her, who was also preoccupied opening the food containers she gave her.


“ secret – “ Yoona said teasingly then offered a piece of meat right unto Yuri’s mouth.


To which she obliged to eat.


“ it’s a secret organization then “ replied the innocent Pup.


Yoona almost spewed out her food, when Yuri panicked and soothed her by patting her back gently.


“ I’m okay…. – of course not…, it’s just… I don’t feel like explaining the whole purpose of my organization “


Yuri finally nodded, but was more of a passing nod, just to let the topic go.


“ say how did you find my workplace? “


Good thing Yoona could still deliver her lines properly from all the continuous shoving of food into her alligator mouth, which made her kind of irresistibly bothersome and adorable at the same time to Yuri.


“ there were many clues on your bulletin board “ replied Yuri in a preoccupied tone, with her uncomfortable stare at Yoona’s continuously munching mouth.


“ ..noee – kiddingggg.. “


Yoona was about to shove another ball of rice into her busily grinding mouth when Yuri held her feeding hand away then making her put the chopsticks back to the container.


All Yoona could do was give a very surprised stare at Yuri; with those innocent doe eyes flashed wide at Yuri, Yuri replied with her Puppy eyes, blinking them at Yoona’s deer sights.


“ here carefully and slowly munch all the food in your mouth first before you serve yourself another chopstick full of food “ Yuri was like speaking to a toddler with how slow and careful she talks, and what’s worse she held both Yoona’s bulged cheeks then massaged them, inducing her to chomp slower.


This time around the deer lost to the pup, leaving her slowly nodding in agreement and then munching regularly.


“ alright – now you can grab another chopstick full of food “ continued Yuri, after Yoona had finally emptied her full chops.


They looked more like an elementary school kid, being taught by her patient teacher to eat; seeing them from afar that is.


With the odd cycle of Yuri helping Yoona munch, by placing both her hands on Yoona’s cheeks and massaging them, then after she takes the container of food again, then waits for her elementary school kid(choding) to finish chewing, till swallowed and that’s where she points, to the container with her eyes, gestures Yoona to go and take another mouthful of food.


Munch – munch – munch


Every munch was corresponded with a watchful but adorably gentle puppy stare, Yoona could only imagine Yuri having a tail and wagging them, seeing the same behavior again with Mario.


After eating, Yoona scratched her nape, watching Yuri clean and pack her food containers.


“ should I be the one cleaning that? “

“ mwo? – nuh uh “


Yuri finished packing then, abruptly helped Yoona scratch her head, it was weird indeed.


“ ..I uh.. “


“ tee hee it tickles “ she tried to squirm away but it felt so relaxing too.


Unfortunately Yuri insisted, “ – mo, you might have flees or ticks “


“ I’m not a dog “


“ but you have one “ Yuri was surprisingly positioned at her back and intensely looking through her hair.


What? How did she get there? And what is she a monkey now?


If she was a monkey, she was the most adorable lice probing primate Yoona have ever laid eyes on, as Yoona was subtly smirking while thinking of such fluffiness.


But she couldn’t take it anymore it was too soothing, making her slowly fall asleep; her eyelids getting heavy and her head naturally falling.


And in less than a minute; “ – mo… “


Yoona fell asleep; luckily Yuri’s fast senses caught her falling head.


“ – mo …. “


“ – mo … mo……. “ goes her bedazzled sanity; Yoona is indeed effortlessly pretty; those naturally pinkish lips that go well with her blessed skin tone, and not to forget about her eyes, even when it’s locked, you’ll definitely know what it possesses.


She gently laid Yoona unto her lap, then properly stretching her whole length unto the grass.


How peaceful, thought Yuri, feeling the breeze as it gently touches her skin and combs her hair.


She’s more like a cat than a deer, sleeping after eating…..




The feeling was gradually becoming mutual, with Yoona sleeping comfortably on Yuri’s lap, and Yuri admiring the compliance of Yoona’s security on her.


She reluctantly Yoona’s hair; afraid she might wake up initially, she poked Yoona’s nose first, then chuckling at it, after securing her unconsciousness, she slowly swam her fingers unto Yoona’s hair; feeling each soft strand bundles.


In the moment of Yuri’s preoccupation, she suddenly felt like singing – just like how musicals go…, ugh, no – definitely not. But she sang and hum at the same time, because her heart felt like doing so


~Kiss me Breathe me
Touch me say you Love me

~Sunlight comes through my window as I sleep, you smile in my dreams
I heard you laugh and looked for you again (I open this world for you)


She glanced at Yoona for a bit, but ended up staring, she looked so peaceful, and that there was something that she was emitting, which was very warm and overwhelming for Yuri, although she couldn’t tell what it was yet.

~I love you, come and fill my sky for a moment. I can hear the sweet love song
Waiting for you now, I'll say I love you in your arms   


Whenever she was with Yoona, she felt accepted, embraced, comforted, and now she doesn’t know how to return such amiability, or favor?, but no, Yoona is too honest and transparent with her, especially in taking her in.


~Kiss me Breathe me Touch me say you Love me
Whenever you see me you laugh
I turn my head, that heart is all I see, you don't have to speak (I see you in the wind)


Maybe Yuri shouldn’t have analyzed too much on her feelings and over all comfort at the moment, she was just too scared of what they’re relationship had become, or what it was becoming, and suddenly something dawned to her.


“ ….I ….can’t… “


“ I…can’t…go further …I shouldn’t ……. “


“ ..not..while I’m still waiting for her to comeback…. “





@YoonYul – SNSD = ey there…, thanks for taking the time to comment here ~ it gives me so much energy to go on! Kekekek ~ hwaiting indeed….., I’m not speaking sarcastically kekekke, but it will happen..,YoonYul that is ~


@byuntaepanda = why does your name crack me up…, kekek hahah, sorry bout that, hope it didn’t offend you, I love byutae too, and..panda’s..cause they’re black and white..and squeeshy and huggable ~ kekkeke, and thanks for making a comment here and spazzing as well, it means soo much to me *bows. Keke thanks again, and you’re more awesome….awesomer….? yeah, awesome kekeke!


@samdoor = ey there again! nyahahhaha! I love the way you said, that pupyul is kissing her master..kekkekekke – and sorry for the ..let down? Of not making this chap rated..m..kekekke, I’m kinda..scared to make one yet…hahahha! Although I’ve read a few (m’s) hahahhaha! And I checked your profile……hahahhahahahahha! Uhmmm, who knew…you love reading …rated YoonYul kekekkek hahahhahahah! I dunno why I’m suddenly laughing cause of that. .hahahhahahah! sorry author’s extra crazy right now cause of uuuuhh…, ..*thinks….she’s in love? Hahahhahahahah! Never again! hahahhaha! No…I just lack sleep ~


@ice – dancer – *knock knock, it’s me, you’re busy unnie..kekkeke, and very adoring unnie..kekekke*pats your head. Hahahha! Taeyon and her useless and flavorless pick-up lines hahahha! Bout the bickering duo, yeah, I do love watching them bicker in real life too ~ kekek, and that’s where I take it from ~kekke, by any chance do you know that film too?: lady and the tramp, and that particular pasta scene kekke.

I’ll help you with your continuous spazzing kekeke*gets a glass of cold water and – splashes..I mean…gives it to you kekkekek, nyahhahahahha! Just kiddinnnngggg~

But seriously, everytime I read your comment, I always naturally imagine what you really doo…hahahhaha! Like the one with the screaming on the pillow thing…hahahhaha!

No prob ~ cute dongsaeng ~


@ususe_iil = snap……rats…! Hahhahahha! Sorry bout that.., thanks a whole lot actually, cause that was what I was looking for the whole time, when I was writing that particular chapter, but I was too sleepy to remember…, damn hahahaa! But here, I continued on this chap, on why she did that?? Kekkke, sorry bout that, I hate it when it becomes blurry and shiz ~ kekke, it’s alright everybody gets lazy ~ ehe.


@NeyryAki = nyahahhaha! Thanks for your comment it’s soo short but astounding! Hahahhaha! Love it! thanks for commenting and reading!


@Apple – shii = yeelllooo! Hahahha! I forgot where I got that phrase/question(it talks?) but yeah, kekke crazy Soo ~and yups YoonYul should get married really soon ~ hahhahah! I’m talking for realz hahahhah, I’ll be glad to invite myself hahhahahha!

Hahahaha! Yurisistable indeed, even in her dorky mode kekeke ~

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Done ~ Chap 6 is up! now to kill the cat that pissed inside my room ~


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theredangelnot #1
Chapter 16: hi my favorite author-nim~ I'll bother you again~ keke
no problem I'll try to be more talkative and post comments on all your fics keke~
don't worry the wait is worth it~
ahh finally the fight is over i miss the fluffy moments of Master Yoong and Pupppy Yul~
their moments are so asdfghgf Yoongmantic ;A;
okie dokie~ I'll wait for you there :3
oh this pic reminds me of this fic Master Yoong and mario~ lol
ynyltroiper #2
Chapter 16: yuupeee...finally an update..n this chapter is great as usual...thanks for the update..n pleasee..update soon kekekeke...^^
Trackstar #3
Chapter 16: Yuri say yes to yoona's proposal? What kind of proposal actually is it?
KM_3451 #4
Yeay yuri say yes kekeke.. So cute tho yoong appease yuri by proposing kekeke
megaflare9 #5
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! LAUGHING BANSHEE AND MOODY B1TCH!!! LOVE YAH! I saw u typing this a while ago BTW lol.
Chapter 15: Hello author-nim~ ^^
Do you know who i am? Make a guess, make a guess~ kekeke
clue: "le-not-so-byun-type" hahaha

More taeri moments juseyo lol byuntaeng doesn't know how to give up huh ;))
Yoona you're not straight, you don't have to hide it to your mother.
Your gf is a one hot dawgy.(sup dawg) :p JFC. poor puppy yul <//3

btw thanks for the update~